01-09-2016, 06:37 PM
it has been observed in many places that there is a love-wisdom balance that can be worked on. That is the green ray and the blue ray. I think a similiar interplay can be seen the orange and yellow ray centres. Here, it is less about respective balance, and more about a co-operative working.
I'll post a few Ra quotes, that maybe show these interconnections between orange and yellow.
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Green ray (sexual) energy transfers being de-activated by thoughts of 'domination' - which Ra references as 'possession' type thoughts.
This is mostly yellow-ray, but can overlap into orange.
Rejection of yellow ray interactions, and choosing forms of 'isolation' (orange ray selfhood). This is not STS, strictly speaking, as STS has a great desire to manipulate and engage with society to get their desired outcome.
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The orange-ray as expressing power on a personal level (one-to-one, small groups), and yellow-ray as being expressed power on a wide social level (government, propaganda, media, someone of influence, a position of authority).
Power is normally regarded as being a negative thing; and definitely the most prominent examples of 'power' being deployed are individuals who have abused power in positions of authority. And yet, positive figures can also use power. Think of FDR - a Wanderer. Think of Lincoln - who had a walkin complete his task. Think of Einstein and Schweitzer - both public figures who have left a legacy of positivity. There was also General Patton. Yellow ray can be empowered, and wielded in a positive sense.
on Albert Schweitzer: "This entity’s yellow ray was bright and crystallized by the efforts needed to procure the funds to promulgate its efforts."
on General Patton: "The one of whom you speak, known as George, was one in whom the programming of previous incarnations had created a pattern or inertia which was irresistible in its incarnation in your time/space. This entity was of a strong yellow-ray activation with frequent green-ray openings and occasional blue-ray openings. However, it did not find itself able to break the mold of previous traumatic experiences of a bellicose nature."
(not sure where that bellicosity plays into it. Is that part of the yellow ray activation he had?)
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Yellow Ray is one of the 'primary rays'. Orange is a movement towards it. That is not to disregard Orange as having it's own place and importance; but there is a linkage between these two energy centres. Yin-yang. Orange (2) (yin) (feminine), Yellow (3) (yang) (masculine-oriented).
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anyway, just a few thoughts. If I've missed any relevant quotes, just add them to the thread
I'll post a few Ra quotes, that maybe show these interconnections between orange and yellow.
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Green ray (sexual) energy transfers being de-activated by thoughts of 'domination' - which Ra references as 'possession' type thoughts.
This is mostly yellow-ray, but can overlap into orange.
Quote:the green-ray activation is always vulnerable to the yellow or orange ray of possession, this being largely yellow ray but often coming into orange ray.
Fear of possession, desire for possession, fear of being possessed, desire to be possessed: these are the distortions which will cause the deactivation of green-ray energy transfer.
Rejection of yellow ray interactions, and choosing forms of 'isolation' (orange ray selfhood). This is not STS, strictly speaking, as STS has a great desire to manipulate and engage with society to get their desired outcome.
Quote:as the negatively polarized entity is working very intensively with the deepest manifestations of yellow-ray group energies, especially the manipulations of other-self for service to self. Those reverting to orange ray, and we may add these are many upon your plane at this time, are those who feel the vibrations of true color green and, therefore, respond by rejecting governmental and societal activities as such and seek once more the self.
However, not having developed the yellow ray properly so that it balances the personal vibratory rates of the entity, the entity then is faced with the task of further activation and balancing of the self in relation to the self, thus the orange-ray manifestations at this space/time nexus.
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The orange-ray as expressing power on a personal level (one-to-one, small groups), and yellow-ray as being expressed power on a wide social level (government, propaganda, media, someone of influence, a position of authority).
Quote:The orange ray is that influence or vibratory pattern wherein the mind/body/spirit expresses its power on an individual basis. Thus power over individuals may be seen to be orange ray. This ray has been quite intense among your peoples on an individual basis. You may see in this ray the treating of other-selves as non-entities, slaves, or chattel, thus giving other-selves no status whatever.
The yellow ray is a focal and very powerful ray and concerns the entity in relation to, shall we say, groups, societies, or large numbers of mind/body/spirit complexes. This orange — we correct ourselves — this yellow-ray vibration is at the heart of bellicose actions in which one group of entities feel the necessity and right of dominating other groups of entities and bending their wills to the wills of the masters.
Power is normally regarded as being a negative thing; and definitely the most prominent examples of 'power' being deployed are individuals who have abused power in positions of authority. And yet, positive figures can also use power. Think of FDR - a Wanderer. Think of Lincoln - who had a walkin complete his task. Think of Einstein and Schweitzer - both public figures who have left a legacy of positivity. There was also General Patton. Yellow ray can be empowered, and wielded in a positive sense.
on Albert Schweitzer: "This entity’s yellow ray was bright and crystallized by the efforts needed to procure the funds to promulgate its efforts."
on General Patton: "The one of whom you speak, known as George, was one in whom the programming of previous incarnations had created a pattern or inertia which was irresistible in its incarnation in your time/space. This entity was of a strong yellow-ray activation with frequent green-ray openings and occasional blue-ray openings. However, it did not find itself able to break the mold of previous traumatic experiences of a bellicose nature."
(not sure where that bellicosity plays into it. Is that part of the yellow ray activation he had?)
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Yellow Ray is one of the 'primary rays'. Orange is a movement towards it. That is not to disregard Orange as having it's own place and importance; but there is a linkage between these two energy centres. Yin-yang. Orange (2) (yin) (feminine), Yellow (3) (yang) (masculine-oriented).
Ra Wrote:orange ray the movement towards yellow ray which is the ray of self-awareness and interaction.
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anyway, just a few thoughts. If I've missed any relevant quotes, just add them to the thread