12-20-2015, 09:23 AM
Crowley represents an interesting case study in the Ra Material. If we take it on faith that what is being described has some fidelity to the deeper truth, then there are a few things to observe regards this individual.
First of all, Crowley is a notorious figure in occult circles. He is commonly regarded as being black, evil, perverted, and 'wicked'.
And yet, despite his public reputation, Ra identifies him as positive.
![[Image: rnYsFlQ.jpg]](http://i.imgur.com/rnYsFlQ.jpg)
Here is Don's very pertinent and incisive question:
18.11 Questioner: Did this entity, then, even though he intellectually understood the Law of One, misuse it and therefore have to go through this healing process?
Then the answer offers many interesting points to consider (at least interesting to me).
Here's the link to the full reply: http://www.lawofone.info/results.php?s=18#11
I'll break down the answer into sections:
Crowley became overstimulated with the true nature of things (obsessed?)
He understood the Balancing Process, and tried to apply it. And yet, it seems that it led to a separation from other selves, rather than an integration (the true goal of balancing). It seems the undue emphasis on the Balancing was the issue, not the balancing itself.
He was positive (according to Ra). Hard to accept for the gentler folk that maybe have only heard the stories and rumors.
And finally, Crowley's main issue was that he couldn't share (in a useful way) with other-selves. The actual issue seems to be that the actual step before sharing - the comprehension of self - was not constructed in a manner which integrated the self (blue-ray comprehension). Before something can be communicated, it has to be articulated and framed and phrased in a way that the self itself understands.
This led to much spiritual pain.
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I think as seekers, we should keep Don's opening question in mind. Is our understanding too intellectual, and not sufficiently integrated into our physical practice. Do we end up understanding ourselves better as a result of this seeking, which then helps us to understand others better.
How much pain do we have? How much alienation do we suffer from?
Are we truly becoming more integrated in other words.
First of all, Crowley is a notorious figure in occult circles. He is commonly regarded as being black, evil, perverted, and 'wicked'.
And yet, despite his public reputation, Ra identifies him as positive.
![[Image: rnYsFlQ.jpg]](http://i.imgur.com/rnYsFlQ.jpg)
Here is Don's very pertinent and incisive question:
18.11 Questioner: Did this entity, then, even though he intellectually understood the Law of One, misuse it and therefore have to go through this healing process?
Then the answer offers many interesting points to consider (at least interesting to me).
Here's the link to the full reply: http://www.lawofone.info/results.php?s=18#11
I'll break down the answer into sections:
Crowley became overstimulated with the true nature of things (obsessed?)
Quote:Ra: I am Ra. This entity became, may we use the vibration sound complex, overstimulated with the true nature of things. This over-stimulation resulted in behavior that was beyond the conscious control of the entity.
He understood the Balancing Process, and tried to apply it. And yet, it seems that it led to a separation from other selves, rather than an integration (the true goal of balancing). It seems the undue emphasis on the Balancing was the issue, not the balancing itself.
Quote:The entity thus, in many attempts to go through the process of balancing, as we have described the various energy centers beginning with the red ray and moving upwards, became somewhat overly impressed or caught up in this process and became alienated from other-selves.
He was positive (according to Ra). Hard to accept for the gentler folk that maybe have only heard the stories and rumors.
Quote:This entity was positive.
And finally, Crowley's main issue was that he couldn't share (in a useful way) with other-selves. The actual issue seems to be that the actual step before sharing - the comprehension of self - was not constructed in a manner which integrated the self (blue-ray comprehension). Before something can be communicated, it has to be articulated and framed and phrased in a way that the self itself understands.
This led to much spiritual pain.
Quote:However, its journey was difficult due to the inability to use, synthesize, and harmonize the understandings of the desires of self so that it might have shared, in full compassion, with other-selves. This entity thus became very unhealthy, as you may call it, in a spiritual complex manner, and it is necessary for those with this type of distortion towards inner pain to be nurtured in the inner planes until such an entity is capable of viewing the experiences again with the lack of distortion towards pain.
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I think as seekers, we should keep Don's opening question in mind. Is our understanding too intellectual, and not sufficiently integrated into our physical practice. Do we end up understanding ourselves better as a result of this seeking, which then helps us to understand others better.
How much pain do we have? How much alienation do we suffer from?
Are we truly becoming more integrated in other words.