09-20-2015, 03:20 PM
I think effiency is a tricky term. Effiency of what? If it is the working for others, in my view non-incarnated work would've been much more efficient. One could be fully aware of every suffering he desires and offer to tend to those who accept the service.
Being incarnated is a focus on self that works self. Then, effiency could be seen in the working of personal evolution but evolution comes through lessons and lessons cannot be forced. The times these lessons are learned are like fixed points of one's fate, we all explore a pathway through every lessons within the exploration of all infinite pathways.
From my personal experience there are many ways that one can use to accelerate his lower-self's growth and become more efficient. But to me they always felt like they came at the price of sacrificing in this time a moment that a lesson could have been learnt, as the easy way was taken in rediscovering self in a most likely attempt to break one's programmation. As such, work on others become more efficient at the price of work on self, while a greater work on self could possibly provide the ability to then offer at a later time greater work on others.
As such in my view, effiency can only be brought up so that one can contemplate the concept for himself. Effiency then is personal of what is explored by self and only works as a tool for self to judge self. Behind every of our actions, whether efficient or not, there is infinite undistorted love.
Being incarnated is a focus on self that works self. Then, effiency could be seen in the working of personal evolution but evolution comes through lessons and lessons cannot be forced. The times these lessons are learned are like fixed points of one's fate, we all explore a pathway through every lessons within the exploration of all infinite pathways.
From my personal experience there are many ways that one can use to accelerate his lower-self's growth and become more efficient. But to me they always felt like they came at the price of sacrificing in this time a moment that a lesson could have been learnt, as the easy way was taken in rediscovering self in a most likely attempt to break one's programmation. As such, work on others become more efficient at the price of work on self, while a greater work on self could possibly provide the ability to then offer at a later time greater work on others.
As such in my view, effiency can only be brought up so that one can contemplate the concept for himself. Effiency then is personal of what is explored by self and only works as a tool for self to judge self. Behind every of our actions, whether efficient or not, there is infinite undistorted love.