Ra Wrote:64.9 Questioner: In a previous session you mentioned the gateway of magic for the adept occurring in eighteen-day cycles. Could you expand on that information please?
Ra: I am Ra. The mind/body/spirit complex is born under a series of influences, both lunar, planetary, cosmic, and in some cases, karmic. The moment of the birthing into this illusion begins the cycles we have mentioned.
The spiritual or adept’s cycle is an eighteen-day cycle and operates with the qualities of the sine wave. Thus there are a few excellent days on the positive side of the curve, that being the first nine days of the cycle—precisely the fourth, the fifth, and the sixth—when workings are most appropriately undertaken, given that the entity is still without total conscious control of its mind/body/spirit distortion/reality.
The most interesting portion of this information, like that of each cycle, is the noting of the critical point wherein passing from the ninth to the tenth and from the eighteenth to the first days the adept will experience some difficulty especially when there is a transition occurring in another cycle at the same time. At the nadir of each cycle the adept will be at its least powerful but will not be open to difficulties in nearly the degree that it experiences at critical times.
Greetings Fellow Seekers,
I've missed engaging with many of you. I've been traveling extensively, from the US to Europe, and now possibly China, and have been blessed with too many wonderful happenings to count as a result. To that end, I am seeking a general inquiry as relates to my above activities and wonder if we as seekers have been directed towards hints of more powerful tools that might also aid us towards our more transient goals as much as our loftier and spiritual ones. I have retreated privately into the LOO material for quite some time during my B4th sabbatical, as well as occasionally lurking on for interesting tidbits. Upon doing so I recently came across the above quote and wonder if this may be read in more ways than one, or if indeed all ways in fact might apply as ONE. Your assistance and contributed thought processes of 'banging heads together' with me to create the all too familiar "hollow clunks" first heard before a "Ka-Ching!" is registered will be most welcomed and received. I am on a mission.
Case in point, "The Gateway of Magic" as referenced in the above quote and throughout the LOO is certainly more largely understood to be that of, shall we say, the inner workings towards facilitating growth. Do we however as seekers imagine the above quote to be relegated strictly to the inner arena for purposes of increasing polarity as relates only to the spiritual path, or might "The Gateway of Magic" also be understood to facilitate manifestations towards what we seek in the physical realm as well? I have long espoused that our physical lives are in fact no less imbued with the very self same magical properties in the here-and-now of little ol' 3d as much as in any 6d-8d or the next 21,000 Octaves after that. In other words, life is good! No need wishing you were somewhere else (as more magical) when in fact this (magic) is where you chose to be. Much like assuming the deeper end of the pool might be so much more peaceful and enjoyable than is the shallow end we're in might be presumptuous at best, and this before having learned to float much less swim, we may as well revel in our proficiency training here first, as Gods in the making. There are no shortcuts or skipping of steps. I've written entire treatises to this subject in the past as to what might be perceive as the wish by self -perceived wanderers who seemingly scream for the desire to get the hellll outtttta here before his contract and journey for which he begged for is completed. It seems unseemly, and less than noble at best to wish not to be here when so much nobility to be here has in fact been granted us. Where is the wanderer wisdom in this? Feeling different and alien is one thing, but wishing not to be here, or that the end can't come soon enough is quite another matter, and perhaps the antithesis of 6d wanderer wisdom. But I digress.
To my point as a lesson, assume one were desirous of a more favorable outcome in business, romance, health, etc, might one also interpret the above quote to apply to more favorable outcomes as regards same were one to be cognizant of the eighteen day diurnal cycle stated? For example as in my case, might one interpret that the negotiating and/or signing of contracts would be least suited for favorable outcomes during the first nine days, and far worse on the 4th, 5th, and 6th day? To the converse, might one assume that the 2nd nine days 13-18 (with 13,14,15, as most excellent) may be best to request if possible? Given there are 6 sets of three in eighteen: 1,2,3, and 4,5,6, and 7,8,9 on the positive up curve, with 10,11,12, and 13,14,15, and 16,17,18 on the negative down curve. The first three days (1,2,3) and last three days (16,17,18) of both as nadirs are weakest work, with the middle three 4,5,6 days presumably as the strongest for internal work, whereas the converse may be true for earthly work as strongest on 1,2,3 and 16,17,18.
Last sentence of the quote: "At the nadir of each cycle the adept will be at its least powerful but will not be open to difficulties (best for earthly work) in nearly the degree that it experiences at critical times."
This might be open to more than one interpretation.
1. At the nadirs, when we as adepts are at our least powerful, we are also subject to least difficulties. As such, it seems it may also be our best time to engage in earthly activities on 1 and 18, as it may be best for signing contracts or undergoing surgeries
(same thing

2. Nadirs and Zeniths as relates to the Ra quote may have converse relationships: i.e. internal "Magical" work - increasing polarity at Zeniths, versus external "Magical Work" - Nadirs for Earthly work (such as contracts, surgeries, marriages, important dates, et al.)
I am further curious to those of you versed in Astrology if the 18 day cycle is present in astrological terms, or if as I suspect this is uniquely Ra Material?
Curious if my inferences and logic of converse relationships might apply.