Hello all!
I have started a similar thread at a larger forum and it has gone over very well. I want to offer the same here to you all for anyone interested.
I have found a new passion in the last couple years and I would like to share it with others as well as offer to anyone that is interested, the positions of the cosmos on your birthday.
Once upon a time Astrology and Astronomy went hand in hand.
A couple thousand years ago...some men found it to be wise (convenient) to 'fix' the zodiac wheel....for the use of astrology.
This caused Astrology and Astronomy to no longer walk together side by side.
Astrology once used the 'observations' of the stars to tell people about their cosmic energy or their 'cosmic print' that they were born with.
There are many blunders of 'fixing' something that is forever changing. If the zodiac wheel always remained the same....we would never have a 'changing of ages'.
Every 72 years, due to the wobble of Earth, the Sun seems to move through the sky, changing slowly its positions within a year.
When I discovered that this was so, that the suns positions change due to Earths wobble over time...I discovered that I was not a Virgo like Astrology had told me all of my life...but the sun was really in Leo on my birth, through true observation of the sky (astronomy). The day I found this out...I walked outside that night to find Leo....and I later looked the positions up again to find that the day I discovered this, Saturn was conjuncting the heart of the Lion, Regulus, the heart of Leo (my real sign). I had to ask myself, is this just happenstance? The things that followed in my life after this are a number of experiences that religion nor science can seem to explain. I also again, had to ask myself, is this happenstance that such great things followed after this discovery.
I use a software called Stellarium to find out the TRUE positions of the cosmos, anyone can download the software themselves but I would like to offer to anyone interested the TRUE positions of the cosmos, on their birth. Or you can look it up for yourself and posts it here to share with all of us.
I do warn though, it may not agree with the sign you were raised thinking you are. It may bring catalysts to you, showing you what you need to work on in your life.
I dont really offer readings...because just like anything in life....we are to look within of what things mean for us. I can make suggestions if asked to do so and I know there are other great lights here that can offer great suggestions of what something may mean...but ultimately, this is YOUR cosmic path.
Just need your birthday....a time is best...but not totally needed. The only real difference a time can make is the moon moves fast, where it is in the morning will be different from where it is in the evening...so even just a general 'morning, afternoon, or evening' is good.
Can also give several dates if you wish to find out children's and other family and friends as well. If you have a date in history that you would like to observe, I can do that as well.
I can also give you the positions of future dates...so dont be shy to just throw some dates out there.
If I can figure out a way to post images here at this forum, I can give you images of what the position of the Sun was as well.
I would like to add, this is not for horoscopes...we are of all the signs. I believe the circle of the Sun's path is like a mechanical gear system, when you observe a sphere at the place of your birth....its like you are realigning your inner clock within you.
I am working on taking what I have learned about how astrology became a fixed object of imaginary images in the sky....the zodiac wheel does not reflect the true night sky we observe. I believe the ancients did not ever intend on fixing the wheel the way man has done. Often, astrology signs will still resonate with a person because I believe the signs astrology gives is your past sign from a past life. You carry into this life those energies....your true sign though, offers most likely what may not come easily in this life, it offers you things to work on, sometimes, the parts of us we dont like to face or work on.
My path has not been the same since I discovered all of this, I feel deeply it is my purpose in this life to being this forward to others.
If anything, try it out for fun....
All my best
Here is a run down of my energy, using what could of been observed in the true sky....not a fixed wheel that never changes.
So here is mine....8-30-75 morning
Sun rises in Leo (my fathers sign)
Pluto, Mercury, and Uranus in Virgo (my old sign/astrological sign).
Jupiter (king of planets)in Pisces (our current age).
Mars (healer) and the Moon (reflective light) in Taurus (my mothers sign).
Saturn (counselor) in Cancer.(Saturn was in my Leo sign when I first discovered all of this and stepped outside to observe Leo).
Venus sits outside the wheel in Sextans (this is a interesting sign).
I grew up thinking by astrology me and my father were Virgos. Virgos fit us very well for the early part of our lives. Virgo would of been our signs if we would of been born 2000 years ago (hence my theory for past/old signs).
My mother is a true Taurus (only 20% of people's signs will match using astrology and astronomy, that is how much the positions have changed in the last 2000 years). She is a Taurus in Astrology and Astronomy. My theory in that is this....some repeat a sign when they still have things to work on from a past life.
You dont have to use my theory of past and old signs or even what any of the spheres mean....you must seek within, this is a personal path that other people cant tell you what it means, I can only offer you suggestions if you wish. I also think there are things in some peoples positions that show they are no longer bonded to the 'cycle' of incarnation...but have came here on their own will.
Something I personal have a connection to is Saturn...I feel Saturn is the counselor. When you can step outside and observe Saturn and meditate on the energies it offers, it can offer you things you need to face, it can offer you ways to face it and comfort while facing those things. I feel I even had a visit from what I call 'elders' when observing Saturn. It was a very awesome experience.
I also dont see Mars as a trouble maker or war. I see Mars as a healer, or showing a need for healing. If its in someones past sign, I feel it shows they are still healing form catalysts they had to face in their past life.
These are just my personal observations through experiences, what things mean for me can likely not be what they mean for another.
Also I do not mean any disrespect to astrology.....Im not here to debate about it. Im only sharing where I have been guided in the last few years in case it is something of interests to others.
I think the modern form of astrology is really out of balance. I dont believe in a person telling another person what something means to them and I dont believe in using the cosmos for predictions. Its a realigning of the self....offering a true perspective of the night sky at peoples births.
Often astrology will say....the Sun is in such and such sign....but we can look up in the sky and see it is NOT in that sign astrology says it is.
I do enjoy debating about it...but we can do that in another thread. Im not here to cause ripples in the water with anyone that follows astrology, but my path has led me down a different way and I feel I need to offer it to others.
You can take a look at the link below and see a chart if you scroll down...
There are 3 sections in the chart...
1) Tropical zodiac positions (this is what is used in modern astrology today)
2) Sidereal zodiac (it does acknowledge the tilt of the Earth, causing the signs to be somewhat different from the Tropical, but it still does not acknowledge that the Sun travels through 13 signs nor does it acknowledge that the constellations are of different amounts of space in the sky.
3) Sun is in constellation (this is pretty close to where the Sun is at in the night sky by true observance, but even it is slowly going to be out of sync over time). It also wont tell you if you were born on a cusp or not...none of these charts show if you were born on a cusp, but I can offer that.
Heavens above is a great site also, it will tell you what sign the Sun, Moon, and all the planets are in day by day. This is what I started with....I would go to astrology sites to see where they said the Sun, Moon, and planets were each day...then I would go to heavens above and see the differences in what astronomy offers.
Example is that astrology say the Sun will move into Virgo on Aug. 23....but anyone can look at heavensabove.com and see it will still be in Leo, and actually the Sun will be conjuncting Regulus, the heart of the Lion, on the 23rd with still a ways to go in Leo before it will enter Virgo.
Earthsky tonight also offers true positions and is a great site to follow daily...spaceweather. com will sometimes talk about what sign a planet or moon is in and is accurate as well. What I am using and the sites I use are science based....not imaginary wheels. I have a wheel I have made and will post it in a min...Im figuring out how to post images. I think you all will like this wheel (even you astrologist!)
![[Image: c2e798f48811.gif]](http://files.abovetopsecret.com/images/member/c2e798f48811.gif)
The above is the wheel I am using.
It has the tropical wheel on the inside, the sidereal wheel in the middle of the tropical and astronomical wheel, and the outside wheel is the astronomical wheel that I use. I can mark a line on it to show why astrology says you are one sign, why sidereal says you are one sign and why astronomy shows you are one sign. Some of the signs may agree and disagree.
Is there a way I can embed the image so I can mark wheels for people and show it here without doing the link???
I have started a similar thread at a larger forum and it has gone over very well. I want to offer the same here to you all for anyone interested.
I have found a new passion in the last couple years and I would like to share it with others as well as offer to anyone that is interested, the positions of the cosmos on your birthday.
Once upon a time Astrology and Astronomy went hand in hand.
A couple thousand years ago...some men found it to be wise (convenient) to 'fix' the zodiac wheel....for the use of astrology.
This caused Astrology and Astronomy to no longer walk together side by side.
Astrology once used the 'observations' of the stars to tell people about their cosmic energy or their 'cosmic print' that they were born with.
There are many blunders of 'fixing' something that is forever changing. If the zodiac wheel always remained the same....we would never have a 'changing of ages'.
Every 72 years, due to the wobble of Earth, the Sun seems to move through the sky, changing slowly its positions within a year.
When I discovered that this was so, that the suns positions change due to Earths wobble over time...I discovered that I was not a Virgo like Astrology had told me all of my life...but the sun was really in Leo on my birth, through true observation of the sky (astronomy). The day I found this out...I walked outside that night to find Leo....and I later looked the positions up again to find that the day I discovered this, Saturn was conjuncting the heart of the Lion, Regulus, the heart of Leo (my real sign). I had to ask myself, is this just happenstance? The things that followed in my life after this are a number of experiences that religion nor science can seem to explain. I also again, had to ask myself, is this happenstance that such great things followed after this discovery.
I use a software called Stellarium to find out the TRUE positions of the cosmos, anyone can download the software themselves but I would like to offer to anyone interested the TRUE positions of the cosmos, on their birth. Or you can look it up for yourself and posts it here to share with all of us.
I do warn though, it may not agree with the sign you were raised thinking you are. It may bring catalysts to you, showing you what you need to work on in your life.
I dont really offer readings...because just like anything in life....we are to look within of what things mean for us. I can make suggestions if asked to do so and I know there are other great lights here that can offer great suggestions of what something may mean...but ultimately, this is YOUR cosmic path.
Just need your birthday....a time is best...but not totally needed. The only real difference a time can make is the moon moves fast, where it is in the morning will be different from where it is in the evening...so even just a general 'morning, afternoon, or evening' is good.
Can also give several dates if you wish to find out children's and other family and friends as well. If you have a date in history that you would like to observe, I can do that as well.
I can also give you the positions of future dates...so dont be shy to just throw some dates out there.
If I can figure out a way to post images here at this forum, I can give you images of what the position of the Sun was as well.
I would like to add, this is not for horoscopes...we are of all the signs. I believe the circle of the Sun's path is like a mechanical gear system, when you observe a sphere at the place of your birth....its like you are realigning your inner clock within you.
I am working on taking what I have learned about how astrology became a fixed object of imaginary images in the sky....the zodiac wheel does not reflect the true night sky we observe. I believe the ancients did not ever intend on fixing the wheel the way man has done. Often, astrology signs will still resonate with a person because I believe the signs astrology gives is your past sign from a past life. You carry into this life those energies....your true sign though, offers most likely what may not come easily in this life, it offers you things to work on, sometimes, the parts of us we dont like to face or work on.
My path has not been the same since I discovered all of this, I feel deeply it is my purpose in this life to being this forward to others.
If anything, try it out for fun....
All my best
Here is a run down of my energy, using what could of been observed in the true sky....not a fixed wheel that never changes.
So here is mine....8-30-75 morning
Sun rises in Leo (my fathers sign)
Pluto, Mercury, and Uranus in Virgo (my old sign/astrological sign).
Jupiter (king of planets)in Pisces (our current age).
Mars (healer) and the Moon (reflective light) in Taurus (my mothers sign).
Saturn (counselor) in Cancer.(Saturn was in my Leo sign when I first discovered all of this and stepped outside to observe Leo).
Venus sits outside the wheel in Sextans (this is a interesting sign).
I grew up thinking by astrology me and my father were Virgos. Virgos fit us very well for the early part of our lives. Virgo would of been our signs if we would of been born 2000 years ago (hence my theory for past/old signs).
My mother is a true Taurus (only 20% of people's signs will match using astrology and astronomy, that is how much the positions have changed in the last 2000 years). She is a Taurus in Astrology and Astronomy. My theory in that is this....some repeat a sign when they still have things to work on from a past life.
You dont have to use my theory of past and old signs or even what any of the spheres mean....you must seek within, this is a personal path that other people cant tell you what it means, I can only offer you suggestions if you wish. I also think there are things in some peoples positions that show they are no longer bonded to the 'cycle' of incarnation...but have came here on their own will.
Something I personal have a connection to is Saturn...I feel Saturn is the counselor. When you can step outside and observe Saturn and meditate on the energies it offers, it can offer you things you need to face, it can offer you ways to face it and comfort while facing those things. I feel I even had a visit from what I call 'elders' when observing Saturn. It was a very awesome experience.
I also dont see Mars as a trouble maker or war. I see Mars as a healer, or showing a need for healing. If its in someones past sign, I feel it shows they are still healing form catalysts they had to face in their past life.
These are just my personal observations through experiences, what things mean for me can likely not be what they mean for another.
Also I do not mean any disrespect to astrology.....Im not here to debate about it. Im only sharing where I have been guided in the last few years in case it is something of interests to others.
I think the modern form of astrology is really out of balance. I dont believe in a person telling another person what something means to them and I dont believe in using the cosmos for predictions. Its a realigning of the self....offering a true perspective of the night sky at peoples births.
Often astrology will say....the Sun is in such and such sign....but we can look up in the sky and see it is NOT in that sign astrology says it is.
I do enjoy debating about it...but we can do that in another thread. Im not here to cause ripples in the water with anyone that follows astrology, but my path has led me down a different way and I feel I need to offer it to others.
You can take a look at the link below and see a chart if you scroll down...
There are 3 sections in the chart...
1) Tropical zodiac positions (this is what is used in modern astrology today)
2) Sidereal zodiac (it does acknowledge the tilt of the Earth, causing the signs to be somewhat different from the Tropical, but it still does not acknowledge that the Sun travels through 13 signs nor does it acknowledge that the constellations are of different amounts of space in the sky.
3) Sun is in constellation (this is pretty close to where the Sun is at in the night sky by true observance, but even it is slowly going to be out of sync over time). It also wont tell you if you were born on a cusp or not...none of these charts show if you were born on a cusp, but I can offer that.
Heavens above is a great site also, it will tell you what sign the Sun, Moon, and all the planets are in day by day. This is what I started with....I would go to astrology sites to see where they said the Sun, Moon, and planets were each day...then I would go to heavens above and see the differences in what astronomy offers.
Example is that astrology say the Sun will move into Virgo on Aug. 23....but anyone can look at heavensabove.com and see it will still be in Leo, and actually the Sun will be conjuncting Regulus, the heart of the Lion, on the 23rd with still a ways to go in Leo before it will enter Virgo.
Earthsky tonight also offers true positions and is a great site to follow daily...spaceweather. com will sometimes talk about what sign a planet or moon is in and is accurate as well. What I am using and the sites I use are science based....not imaginary wheels. I have a wheel I have made and will post it in a min...Im figuring out how to post images. I think you all will like this wheel (even you astrologist!)
![[Image: c2e798f48811.gif]](http://files.abovetopsecret.com/images/member/c2e798f48811.gif)
The above is the wheel I am using.
It has the tropical wheel on the inside, the sidereal wheel in the middle of the tropical and astronomical wheel, and the outside wheel is the astronomical wheel that I use. I can mark a line on it to show why astrology says you are one sign, why sidereal says you are one sign and why astronomy shows you are one sign. Some of the signs may agree and disagree.
Is there a way I can embed the image so I can mark wheels for people and show it here without doing the link???