06-17-2015, 03:08 AM
How is it that you guys are having these experiences? Am I doing something wrong? I know the old don't get attached to experiences but one every now and again would be nice ha.
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06-17-2015, 03:08 AM
How is it that you guys are having these experiences? Am I doing something wrong? I know the old don't get attached to experiences but one every now and again would be nice ha.
06-17-2015, 03:22 AM
(06-17-2015, 03:08 AM)Folk-love Wrote: How is it that you guys are having these experiences? Am I doing something wrong? I know the old don't get attached to experiences but one every now and again would be nice ha. How long do you meditate for? I tend to meditate for about an hour. If you meditate for that long, something is bound to happen. For example, when I was meditating today, for the first half hour or so, nothing was going on. But I would say that after a little over an hour of meditating is when I almost had an out of body experience. If that happened, it would be my first. The key is to get in the right state of mind for a long time. I also think that the key is to do it regularly. But you seem to be doing that already, so I would suggest to meditate for a long stretch at a time. And if you're going to meditate for that long, I would suggest having some support for your back. That's why I always meditate lying down. It sounds unconventional and "not right," but it's the only way I feel comfortable meditating.
06-17-2015, 06:32 AM
(06-17-2015, 03:22 AM)Lighthead Wrote:(06-17-2015, 03:08 AM)Folk-love Wrote: How is it that you guys are having these experiences? Am I doing something wrong? I know the old don't get attached to experiences but one every now and again would be nice ha. I do meditate regularly although not for longer than 30 minutes at the most. Maybe bumping it up to an hour or more every now and again may be of benefit.
06-17-2015, 02:21 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-17-2015, 02:23 PM by BlatzAdict.
Edit Reason: to add more awesome.
Folk-Love, what if i said all of these signals of a higher nature that may be coming from the self are always coming at you, the only reason why you don't notice them is because we are trained not to notice because we constantly pay so much more attention to what we do see or hear, or think.
the nature of it is to quiet the mind and ask a question and see if you are inspired to do anything. i set the intention, ok my guides are going to help answer this question i have, or my guides will lead me to a new discovery or a new insight today. something like this that is an open ended question that allows for some wiggle room, and just see where you take you in that moment. one time i woke up and my very first thought was to go look up grounding, i did and i was like omg wow how come no one knows about this?!?! and then that whole time i was realizing i wasn't ready to know this much less appreciate it any second sooner. Sounds weird i know, but divine timing is very real. also i recommend dick sutphen's ultra depth past life regression, if you look it is free on Spotify. I would also recommend this book http://www.robertpeterson.org/obebook.html which was what i read right before I was able to get outside of my body for the first time.
06-17-2015, 02:24 PM
06-17-2015, 02:29 PM
I meditate every which way. Sitting, standing, walking, laying, on one foot, on my head, you name it.
06-17-2015, 02:40 PM
(06-17-2015, 02:24 PM)tamaryn Wrote:(06-17-2015, 01:41 PM)Tan.rar Wrote: Effects are overrated imo. I'm just trying to say that I don't really get anything out of it if I don't meditate for that long. That's why I completely don't get people who meditate for five minutes. I'm like... what? What do you achieve in five minutes? I guess it's better than nothing, but still. I also guess that if you have kids it's a little harder to find enough time to meditate. But you can meditate when they're asleep. There's a solution for everything!
When I meditate on a blank state, the only thought I get is mostly that I'm meditating, once I get past that I fall into an unconscious timelessness in less than 5 minutes for the whole thing. Then I remerge after some time.
My dream life is also like this, I fall asleep in a minute if I want to and it's 99% of the time a timeless hole that seem like an instant. I'm not good at drawing in energies because I've got too many distortions to work upon and that my energy field is in a very solid state. But I've recently started to get somewhere with that.
06-17-2015, 02:57 PM
Even if I just close my eyes for a moment I instantly feel a shift in my state.
06-17-2015, 03:20 PM
Tip of the day, don't go meditating outside sitting on the grass with a dog. It'll be fun but there'll be no meditation.
06-17-2015, 03:41 PM
Depends how present you are.
(06-17-2015, 03:41 PM)Tan.rar Wrote: Depends how present you are. I'm not so good that I can keep a trance when there's a friend lifting my arms endlessly, trying to roll on my legs and putting his nose in my face. It was fun though, but to a dog being on the ground is like having a flashing pannel saying disturb me. ![]()
06-17-2015, 04:42 PM
(06-17-2015, 04:37 PM)Minyatur Wrote:(06-17-2015, 03:41 PM)Tan.rar Wrote: Depends how present you are. I sometimes feel that we have to appreciate our varying states of mind for what they are, no matter how different. For example, anxiety may be tons different than a calm, meditative state, but there's still something unique about it that the Creator no doubt thought was important enough to inject into 3D awareness. (06-17-2015, 04:42 PM)Lighthead Wrote:(06-17-2015, 04:37 PM)Minyatur Wrote:(06-17-2015, 03:41 PM)Tan.rar Wrote: Depends how present you are. I do agree fully, although anxiety is the worst exemple in my case. I've been much more trying to relativise other's anxiety to diminish it than experiencing it myself. I'm the god of carelessness, although I'm trying to adapt to a world with non-carefree people that take everything seriously as to not hurt anyone unawarely anymore... I've been someone shut down emotionally for close to all this incarnation (with the exception of one person that could generate very strong emotions in the extremes in me). Two weeks ago by doing psychedelic trips, I've explored feeling very depressed and a sincere wish to die or rather to stop being, as if my soul was a cancer within me. During the whole trip with a friend I felt like that and afterward I would just lie in bed and explore the emotion for hours straight without trying to change it. Of course this is a particular case, I feel this happened because I've wondered how a singer I love felt as he was heavily alcoholic and depressive. I felt like I've experienced a window to that state. I was grateful for the experience and I think it could be related to meditation or rather contemplation of that state of mind. During the experience which was a part of my on-going awakening process, I've thought whole heartly this was the real state of my soul, when I accepted it as part of myself it faded away and I've instead explored much more joyful emotions and other also less joyful. These trips made me realise I had no idea about the intensity that emotions can have and also their beauty. Lately I've been doing quite a lot of exploration and contemplation of many kind of emotions through the use of drugs, and now I'm trying to re-create the process while sober. My unveiled self seems like a flux of amplified emotions beyond my wildest imagination, and god... did I it beaitufil through a window unto it. I could burst into tears having my heart broken from sympathy for another' sorrow and an instant later I would think the previous emotion was the most beautiful thing I've ever felt. This is kind of where I want to go with meditation, to open myself to any kind of emotion and to make them a part of myself fully. It makes me realise that I was a very empty man, it makes me realise how dull my life was.
06-17-2015, 05:03 PM
I gotta go somewhere and then I'll read your post and, possibly, comment.
06-17-2015, 05:15 PM
06-17-2015, 07:05 PM
(06-17-2015, 05:01 PM)Minyatur Wrote:(06-17-2015, 04:42 PM)Lighthead Wrote:(06-17-2015, 04:37 PM)Minyatur Wrote:(06-17-2015, 03:41 PM)Tan.rar Wrote: Depends how present you are. I do agree that anxiety is like the worst-case scenario. I was just throwing that one out there to show that any state of mind can be viewed objectively and doesn't necessarily have to be "horrible." I see what you're saying about your psychedelic trips. They pretty much gave you a window into something really deep about the human experience. I think that you can achieve those states with meditation, but even if you do, you have to be careful of not becoming too attached to those types of experiences. Even if it is a blissed out experience, you have to remember to always try to go one step beyond that state of mind. The worst-case scenario is that you can end up on some type of blissed out world (I'm not sure if that's even possible; Ra didn't make mention of that) where you're not achieving anything spiritual. That's possible within the framework of Buddhist cosmology, but like I mentioned in the parenthetical comment, I'm not sure if that's possible within the octave framework that Ra elucidated. But the bottom line is that you have to meditate and learn to work spiritually with your catalyst. I for one have tried to fool myself into thinking that I can contemplate my way out of meditation, but I wasn't even setting aside time to contemplate about anything. So if I'm going to set aside time to contemplate, why not just go all the way and set aside time to meditate? It costs the same amount of money, but holds more value in the long run. Or at the very least, it helps you to more effectively go forward with your self-realization. I think that contemplation is good at helping you assimilate something spiritual that you're reading, for example. So now you know what's possible, the next step is just to meditate.
And then comes what one wants to do with the result of meditation. As in why is one meditating?
In my case it is to better myself and my interaction with the world around me. Through exploring emotions, I wish to understand others. Through accessing Intelligent Infinity, I wish to heal others, etc.
06-17-2015, 07:25 PM
(06-17-2015, 07:13 PM)Minyatur Wrote: And then comes what one wants to do with the result of meditation. As in why is one meditating? Exactly. I also think it's interesting to consider that the mental state of 4D and 5D, compared to ours, is like us, but in a meditative state. But I'm pretty sure that a 5D entity, for example, has something comparable to meditation when it is interested in accessing deeper information. That's just something that I've been considering while I've been meditating, lately.
I've felt an awareness beyond my own which was like infinite mirrors inter-mirroring themselves from infinite perspectives but as a whole.
It scared me as I felt I was loosing what I am in it. The actual thing is very hard to put into words, felt like connecting to the Logos within which we exist.
06-17-2015, 07:50 PM
(06-17-2015, 07:43 PM)Minyatur Wrote: I've felt an awareness beyond my own which was like infinite mirrors inter-mirroring themselves from infinite perspectives but as a whole. Psychedelics can be weird. My most amazing experience on a psychedelic was viewing myself as a piece on a cosmic game board. It felt extremely abstract. It felt like it was taking place on another level. It happened when I was a teenager. I think that that may have been the Confederation telling me that I had some sort of mission as a human being here. Maybe that's why you always use the term, mirrors... ![]()
06-17-2015, 07:54 PM
The most intense psychedelic experience I had was feeling like I was levitating while lying down, and everything around me was yellow. I was trying not to freak out, and voices were telling me not to give way to astonishment.
The experience is somewhat recent, it was the trip the day prior to the last trip I did. I've reached that state of mind by contemplating that Everything is Me and that I am Everything before going into a meditative state upstraight but immobile. I stopped because I couldn't handle it. Didn't feel like my human ego getting in the way but rather my unveiled ego not wanting to loose itself in the whole.
That was one of my two highest state of mind I achieved. The other was the day after with a bigger trip, and it was simply being very close to my 6D self being incarnated here. That is the state of mind I want to return to without using just a window unto it. I've seen my true nature, and it is much more beautiful than anything I could've hoped to be. Edit : It was "not" just my true nature, it was also being very synched to the nature of Creation which also was what I found beautiful. I didn't think I was beautiful at the time, I thought WE are beautiful, that the Creator is beautiful. In truth, no one shall leave this Octave of existence with regrets of having gone through it.
06-17-2015, 08:02 PM
(06-17-2015, 07:55 PM)Minyatur Wrote: The experience is somewhat recent, it was the trip the day prior to the last trip I did. I've reached that state of mind by contemplating that Everything is Me and that I am Everything before going into a meditative state upstraight but immobile. I stopped because I couldn't handle it. Didn't feel like my human ego getting in the way but rather my unveiled ego not wanting to loose itself in the whole. That's good that you were able to block it. You probably would have gone insane. I think that I went insane from doing LSD. That's why I have schizophrenia. But I think that the type of LSD I did was something that went deep inside my subconscious. It went so deep that it even made my conscious mind think that it was low-grade acid. But soon after that was when I started having my first psychotic break. I wish I could have asked the dealer what kind of acid that was. I'm not even sure if he knew. (06-17-2015, 08:02 PM)Lighthead Wrote:(06-17-2015, 07:55 PM)Minyatur Wrote: The experience is somewhat recent, it was the trip the day prior to the last trip I did. I've reached that state of mind by contemplating that Everything is Me and that I am Everything before going into a meditative state upstraight but immobile. I stopped because I couldn't handle it. Didn't feel like my human ego getting in the way but rather my unveiled ego not wanting to loose itself in the whole. Plenum did a post about why one should care about these "training aids" because of the traumas they can create. I've consulted my guides before doing my two last trips and I've been told I didn't have to worry for myself but should instead worry more about those I tend to incite in using this mean. I've built very little karmic accumulation within this lifetime, I've only had one person in my whole life that did bring me catalysts and I've had made peace with it. The rest of my life was mostly about not being bored.
06-17-2015, 08:17 PM
(06-17-2015, 08:05 PM)Minyatur Wrote: I've built very little karmic accumulation within this lifetime, I've only had one person in my whole life that did bring me catalysts and I've had made peace with it. The rest of my life was mostly about not being bored. If I ever meet you in person I'm going to count how many times you look at your watch while I'm talking to you. ![]() There's some really weird synchronicity going on right now. The track I'm listening to right now on Last.fm is Junkies Bad Trip by London Funk Allstars. That is so beyond bizarre. I think that we're going to see more of that as we get more fully into 4D. (06-17-2015, 08:17 PM)Lighthead Wrote:(06-17-2015, 08:05 PM)Minyatur Wrote: I've built very little karmic accumulation within this lifetime, I've only had one person in my whole life that did bring me catalysts and I've had made peace with it. The rest of my life was mostly about not being bored. I never look at the time, I've got a poor notion of it and usually work with alarms to make sure I do what I need to do. While talking with someone I'm someone who won't shut his trap (gemini ascendant leo) ![]() |