(05-19-2015, 07:36 PM)anagogy Wrote: I agree for the most part, but disagree that calling in the higher self part, makes the information more valid. Either way, the info is being warped through the 3rd density ego that is sitting in the hypnotherapists chair, relating/translating the information.
Absolutely. The information is being filtered/distorted to greater or lesser extent, and this "tainting" of the information depends significantly upon how "clear" and spiritually developed/balanced the subject/channel is. Having done this myself more than quite a few times, it is my personal experience that calling in the entity's "higher self" or "oversoul" yields more valuable information.
Quote:But there is a big difference in the veiled 3rd density personality, and the nonveiled 3rd density personality and the information that they have access to in this type of hypnotherapy situation.
Certainly. Yet 3rd-density awareness is 3rd-density awareness, whether embodied (and veiled) or not.
Quote:And as far as deep trance states, Dolores stated in several of her books the importance of getting the subjects into the deepest state possible to afford access to the soul memories and personality.
I guess it's a matter of semantics (as usual!). What do we consider "deep trance" anyway? Now, recall how in several of her sessions, the subject "regresses" into a child-like state and begins to speak and behave like an infant. Not only that, but you will often hear phrases like "I don't know" or "I'm not allowed to know that" and others to that effect, expressing ignorance (i.e. lack of knowledge) regarding various points of inquiry. Again: 3rd-density awareness.
That is what I was referring to. There is a significant contrast between dealing with that portion of the mind/memory complex (which is essentially the non-physical portion of the 3rd-density entity) and the entity's so-called "higher self" or "oversoul." The tone of voice and expression change dramatically, and it becomes more critical/objective (that is, gains more of a "big picture" perspective).
It's not just Dolores Cannon, though, so don't take it as an assault on her! To offer a less well-known example, take the regressions of "alien abductee" Betty Andreasson (particularly from the book The Andreasson Affair: Phase Two, by Raymond Fowler), she too is many times "regressed" to essentially relive the experience as the consciousness was at the time of the experience. Same goes for many of Michael Newton's and Brian Weiss' subjects. Even "in-between lives," several subjects will show their true colors, so to speak, once the outer/physical personality is penetrated, and will act and speak like 12-year olds, revealing a relatively immature/undeveloped 3rd-density consciousness.
As a practicing psychologist/therapist, I have been able to witness this first-hand from the comfort of my own room. Which is why I say: calling in the entity's "higher self" yields more valuable information, since (if done right) one is essentially linking the spiritually immature 3rd-density consciousness to its 6th-density resource/navigation system, so to speak.
Quote:I personally see nothing wrong with so called lower planes. The physical world is the lowest plane of all from my perspective
Yet we have 5th-density space/time, which is quite physical, albeit a much, much lighter physical illusion. Not to mention there's also 6th-density physical (space/time) light.
I understand the simplistic rendition. However, this leads people to adopt various erroneous beliefs, such as:
(a) the human condition is the only plane of illusion; only humans are trapped in an illusion;
(b) the physical plane ends with the human condition; which, once transcended, leads to pure non-physical life;
© human beings did not evolve from an earlier animal/plant derivative;
(d) physicality is an illusion; non-physicality is real;
(e) etc.
All of the above are based on half-truths and mis-truths.
Quote:Your observation about good hearted nature not equaling accuracy can be applied to all sources, even Carla. There were plenty of errors related through Carla's words (many of which were caught in the sessions), so even when a sixth density being of light is communicating, we all have to carefully think about these concepts, and use our own personal discernment capabilities to ascertain the truth of any communicated piece of knowledge. The assumed veracity of the source does not ever excuse us from personal truth discernment. I never automatically accept any concept unless it agrees with me on a very deep fundamental level of intuition and logic.
Absolutely. Anagogy, I apologize to you and everyone if at any time I came out as aggressive/antagonistic in any of my posts. I do not mean to instigate discord here. None of this is very important to graduate to 4th density anyway. I am just very fastidious about the accuracy of information in communication (inasmuch as it may be possible under our veiled, 3rd-density circumstances), and I simply see too much confusion and misinformation everywhere I look (i.g. books, YouTube videos, truth-seeking forums, fringe websites and online articles, etc).
I should have included some hearts in my posts!