04-30-2015, 01:48 PM
Before I begin, I understand that all Catalyst is personal. In this thread I ask us to lay out some of our Catalyst, and if possible what we think their causes may be, as well as our current troubles with any Catalyst. I ask that you do directly type into your post a consenting to providing others to view your catalyst and aid you with it. I do not wish to interfere with any one's Free Will.
Catalyst is that life occurrence that offers to you the Opportunity to Provide Love. They come in many different shapes and sizes with an infinite array of manifestations. Catalyst is the provider of polarization.
Catalyst could be something as simple as responding to a rude driver with kindness, despite knowing they cannot hear you, the desire not to spread negativity incites me to try and remain patient and gently remind myself I drive dumb now and then too. Or it can be something as long-running as a coworker who continually creates more work for you on the shift before your own, for an entire year.
I do provide consent to you all to pitch in on any catalyst I might lay out here. As of right now I operate on a Chakra thought basis. I try to organize my experiences to their appropriate Rays, and I have noticed a lowering in catalyst for Yellow Ray occurrences, or dealing with others socially, basically. In terms of Orange Ray and Red Ray the catalyst continues.
However in my work environment, a sort of stagnating has occurred in my desire to reach out to my customers and understand them. I find that the usual situations where I can provide compassion and empathy are now filled with anxiety and uncertainty in what to do. Customer's who come in already upset seem to tip me off balance emotionally, whereas I once let their emotions flow through me, not into me.
Another aspect could be of a Red Ray and Green Ray occurrence, where I can connect with certain customers who give off certain personalities and immediately delve into some level of depth with them, but others I can't seem to even get a hint of an idea out of. There also seems to be a psychological red ray aspect in that I have always connected to females what I am not over-exaggerating as what feels to be 5 times easier while males have always felt strained with at first.
I find working with the public is a high Yellow Ray occurrence, even for a Graveyard shift I still average about 200 customers on slow nights, which puts me in the presence of enough people to throw my entire system into disarray if I'm having a bad emotional or mental day. It becomes a Red Ray issue when I don't want to deal with it anymore, and it's Orange Ray in that I can choose how to handle it, and it's Yellow Ray when another person is involved, and Green Ray when I utilize Orange Ray with Yellow Ray to extend Love to another. Or just Orange and Green if towards myself. Red is always incited when issues in matters of wanting to experience something or not occur.
I miss the days of being in an open heart, of approaching catalyst more and more effortlessly, while being able to meditate and make contact with the Moment that is Love. I highly miss those days and am wondering if a few current issues could be aided by from others.
Would anyone be willing to share some catalyst for us all to provide input on? Or at least some input for me?
Catalyst is that life occurrence that offers to you the Opportunity to Provide Love. They come in many different shapes and sizes with an infinite array of manifestations. Catalyst is the provider of polarization.
Catalyst could be something as simple as responding to a rude driver with kindness, despite knowing they cannot hear you, the desire not to spread negativity incites me to try and remain patient and gently remind myself I drive dumb now and then too. Or it can be something as long-running as a coworker who continually creates more work for you on the shift before your own, for an entire year.
I do provide consent to you all to pitch in on any catalyst I might lay out here. As of right now I operate on a Chakra thought basis. I try to organize my experiences to their appropriate Rays, and I have noticed a lowering in catalyst for Yellow Ray occurrences, or dealing with others socially, basically. In terms of Orange Ray and Red Ray the catalyst continues.
However in my work environment, a sort of stagnating has occurred in my desire to reach out to my customers and understand them. I find that the usual situations where I can provide compassion and empathy are now filled with anxiety and uncertainty in what to do. Customer's who come in already upset seem to tip me off balance emotionally, whereas I once let their emotions flow through me, not into me.
Another aspect could be of a Red Ray and Green Ray occurrence, where I can connect with certain customers who give off certain personalities and immediately delve into some level of depth with them, but others I can't seem to even get a hint of an idea out of. There also seems to be a psychological red ray aspect in that I have always connected to females what I am not over-exaggerating as what feels to be 5 times easier while males have always felt strained with at first.
I find working with the public is a high Yellow Ray occurrence, even for a Graveyard shift I still average about 200 customers on slow nights, which puts me in the presence of enough people to throw my entire system into disarray if I'm having a bad emotional or mental day. It becomes a Red Ray issue when I don't want to deal with it anymore, and it's Orange Ray in that I can choose how to handle it, and it's Yellow Ray when another person is involved, and Green Ray when I utilize Orange Ray with Yellow Ray to extend Love to another. Or just Orange and Green if towards myself. Red is always incited when issues in matters of wanting to experience something or not occur.
I miss the days of being in an open heart, of approaching catalyst more and more effortlessly, while being able to meditate and make contact with the Moment that is Love. I highly miss those days and am wondering if a few current issues could be aided by from others.
Would anyone be willing to share some catalyst for us all to provide input on? Or at least some input for me?