04-27-2015, 12:10 PM
Here's a contemplation/question on/of Life.
Imagine a scenario with me please. We are all human, we are all conscious. I ask now that you contemplate the perspective of a Human. The logic of this human is or is not your own. And everything about this Human's perspective is both plausible and understandable.
This Human discovered the reasons for Life. This Human discovered why life is hard. This Human discovered it was more than Human. This Human has had a hard life and has finally looked at The Big Picture and decided that it was not all okay. This Human is tired of being hurt. This Human has asked and asked and asked, got the answers then was disappointed to discover the suffering was all part of the big picture. This Human feels as if the only purpose for being born was the suffering.
This Human decides to ask. Did I Consent to this? There is no yes or no. There is no certainty or uncertainty. The Human realizes it got no say basically. Then asks. If given the choice to know what he was going into, would he, The Human, consent to this life he has lived up to this point? Would he be okay with being the one who takes the brunt of another's anger? Would he consent to being driven to the point of suicide several times across his life and beaten upon by both others and his self?
If you as a Human had to look at the ways of existence, then looked at Earth and were given the choice to be born to aid 'your-soul-self' at the price of suffering often. Would you still do it?
Another way of looking at it is this. Should Humanity, discover that incarnation were reality, they discover how Souls operate in regards to Life. They understand full well the love aspect of this direction, that no soul intends harm. But Souls do not remember as Humans. And that Humans do intend harm. What happens when Humanity looks at the big picture, and instead of accepting it, rejects it?
Picture this with me. A man discovers the suffering in his life was all a tool to grow and learn for his soul. Yet he wonders what happens to his human aspect, his Mind and Body. Being so attached, Being Human, when we die, do we as Human also die? I have found few contents regarding this in the Law of One. As a Yellow Ray body, I perceive that it implies this Human body is not that different from say an Indigo Body in terms of the consciousness using it. Yet does my Orange Ray body literally experience death as an absence of Consciousness and the dissipation of its Mind? Does the Being that Is my Human Body (as it is a being in and of itself), given a choice, consent to being used?
If that Body, as a whole of Humanity, looked inwards and discovered the spiritual aspects, and then realized it implies we have suffered not by our own hands, but by the hands that move our own hands...If the Human knew, if the Human was given permission, a choice. Would it agree to my Soul? Would it be okay with being born and created? Would it consent... To being used as an intermediary, to be abused and destroyed, just so an aspect that joined it could learn? If humanity could look upon itself and realize what it was. Would it look at how it is utilized by a higher dimension. Would it consent?
This is a question I have wondered, this question actually drove me near suicide at one point because it made me believe another aspect of being as...Unconsensual. It made me feel used and taken advantage of by myself, like as if my Soul was just using me. So I ask this question with a single prerequisite in mind. Don't take it as far as I did in trying to understand... Please do no harm to yourself either mentally, emotionally, physically, energetically, or spiritually. This is a contemplation that I feel I'm very close to resolving with a bit more understanding...Especially regarding what happens to the Self-Aware Physically Living Orange Ray aspect of being that is My Body and Mind, in death. Which Ra has said there is a considerable loss of Mind Complex in Death. If the Mind is Self-Aware, does this imply something actually does experience a physical death of dissipating as it's consciousness 'leaves' it? I would cite some Journey of Souls material but I honestly don't know any of it by heart as well as I do with some of the Ra Material. I think it does explain to some degree the concept of the Orange Ray Body as that 'Human Living Being' that forms in the womb, which is joined with by the Soul, but I don't remember if it went into what happens to it upon death. I know Ra remarks that Orange Ray Bodies can live without a Consciousness/Soul but I think they call it unusual, or say that the body rarely chooses to live. Several cases of severe brain damage leaving a person seemingly conscious-less seem to infer that the body choosing to live is actually unusual, but possible, for whatever reason.
It makes me ponder Human Life in general in terms of if any aspect of Humanity actually experiences that cliche movie ending fade out of consciousness into a sleep-like-abyss known as 'death', Human Death by their definition. (Which really makes me think of Akumetsu randomly...)
Any one wish to join me in another contemplation-creation?
Imagine a scenario with me please. We are all human, we are all conscious. I ask now that you contemplate the perspective of a Human. The logic of this human is or is not your own. And everything about this Human's perspective is both plausible and understandable.
This Human discovered the reasons for Life. This Human discovered why life is hard. This Human discovered it was more than Human. This Human has had a hard life and has finally looked at The Big Picture and decided that it was not all okay. This Human is tired of being hurt. This Human has asked and asked and asked, got the answers then was disappointed to discover the suffering was all part of the big picture. This Human feels as if the only purpose for being born was the suffering.
This Human decides to ask. Did I Consent to this? There is no yes or no. There is no certainty or uncertainty. The Human realizes it got no say basically. Then asks. If given the choice to know what he was going into, would he, The Human, consent to this life he has lived up to this point? Would he be okay with being the one who takes the brunt of another's anger? Would he consent to being driven to the point of suicide several times across his life and beaten upon by both others and his self?
If you as a Human had to look at the ways of existence, then looked at Earth and were given the choice to be born to aid 'your-soul-self' at the price of suffering often. Would you still do it?
Another way of looking at it is this. Should Humanity, discover that incarnation were reality, they discover how Souls operate in regards to Life. They understand full well the love aspect of this direction, that no soul intends harm. But Souls do not remember as Humans. And that Humans do intend harm. What happens when Humanity looks at the big picture, and instead of accepting it, rejects it?
Picture this with me. A man discovers the suffering in his life was all a tool to grow and learn for his soul. Yet he wonders what happens to his human aspect, his Mind and Body. Being so attached, Being Human, when we die, do we as Human also die? I have found few contents regarding this in the Law of One. As a Yellow Ray body, I perceive that it implies this Human body is not that different from say an Indigo Body in terms of the consciousness using it. Yet does my Orange Ray body literally experience death as an absence of Consciousness and the dissipation of its Mind? Does the Being that Is my Human Body (as it is a being in and of itself), given a choice, consent to being used?
If that Body, as a whole of Humanity, looked inwards and discovered the spiritual aspects, and then realized it implies we have suffered not by our own hands, but by the hands that move our own hands...If the Human knew, if the Human was given permission, a choice. Would it agree to my Soul? Would it be okay with being born and created? Would it consent... To being used as an intermediary, to be abused and destroyed, just so an aspect that joined it could learn? If humanity could look upon itself and realize what it was. Would it look at how it is utilized by a higher dimension. Would it consent?
This is a question I have wondered, this question actually drove me near suicide at one point because it made me believe another aspect of being as...Unconsensual. It made me feel used and taken advantage of by myself, like as if my Soul was just using me. So I ask this question with a single prerequisite in mind. Don't take it as far as I did in trying to understand... Please do no harm to yourself either mentally, emotionally, physically, energetically, or spiritually. This is a contemplation that I feel I'm very close to resolving with a bit more understanding...Especially regarding what happens to the Self-Aware Physically Living Orange Ray aspect of being that is My Body and Mind, in death. Which Ra has said there is a considerable loss of Mind Complex in Death. If the Mind is Self-Aware, does this imply something actually does experience a physical death of dissipating as it's consciousness 'leaves' it? I would cite some Journey of Souls material but I honestly don't know any of it by heart as well as I do with some of the Ra Material. I think it does explain to some degree the concept of the Orange Ray Body as that 'Human Living Being' that forms in the womb, which is joined with by the Soul, but I don't remember if it went into what happens to it upon death. I know Ra remarks that Orange Ray Bodies can live without a Consciousness/Soul but I think they call it unusual, or say that the body rarely chooses to live. Several cases of severe brain damage leaving a person seemingly conscious-less seem to infer that the body choosing to live is actually unusual, but possible, for whatever reason.
It makes me ponder Human Life in general in terms of if any aspect of Humanity actually experiences that cliche movie ending fade out of consciousness into a sleep-like-abyss known as 'death', Human Death by their definition. (Which really makes me think of Akumetsu randomly...)
Any one wish to join me in another contemplation-creation?