04-20-2015, 07:58 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-19-2019, 11:05 PM by earth_spirit.)
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04-20-2015, 07:58 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-19-2019, 11:05 PM by earth_spirit.)
04-21-2015, 09:09 PM
Hi earth_spirit,
I would like to offer some insight based on my own experience. I am not an expert, though I have had mystical experiences like you are describing. First of all, it is not sinning or anything to be ashamed of. It is a mystical experience. I believe you are describing signs of kundalini awakening. Kundalini is well documented in yogic traditions. It is not widely accepted in mainstream religions like Islam, and Christianity, though mystical sects would have teachings about it. In mystical Christianity the teaching would likely speak of the Holy Spirit rather than "kundalini". Sufi mystics, like Rumi the poet, understand ecstatic states like you have described. I do not know what the teaching is in Sufism, I am familiar with yoga and Christianity. It is unfortunate that this phenomenon is so poorly understood in our various cultures, because , as you know, when it happened to you, you did not know who to ask or where to turn for information and understanding. Here is what Ra says when Don Elkins asked about kundalini: Quote:49.6 Questioner: What process would be the recommended process for correctly awakening, as they say, the kundalini and of what value would that be? I think that Ra's answer to the question is a little convoluted and hard to understand. I bolded what I felt was most important to understand in this quote. As Ra says, it is greatly misunderstood on our planet overall. What I understand from Ra's answer is this. First, as spiritual seekers, we are "raising" our kundalini in our seeking. This is done by clearing the energy centers. There are 7 main centers corresponding to the colors of the rainbow, according to Ra. As the energy centers clear (through self-acceptance and awareness of catalyst) the energy (kundalini) rises. Ra speaks of a dipole in the energy flow, as in north and south pole. It is the meeting of these two that causes the ecstatic and orgasmic experiences you speak of. Quote: Does anyone know the meaning of these kinds of feelings? I wonder why they happen, and what they signify. I think it signifies an awakening of your body's energy system/ light-body/ Spirit. I think it happens because the Holy Spirit or your Soul or your Higher Self (whatever term you feel comfortable with to describe your Greater Being) is connecting with you in your current incarnation.
04-22-2015, 12:20 AM
This Ra quote may be an aid to you on your journey to understand this phenomenon:
Quote:49.2 Questioner: Thank you. I have a question here from Jim first. He says: “For the past nine years I have [had] what I call frontal lobes experiences in the pre-consciousness state of sleep just before I wake up in the morning. They are a combination of pleasure and pressure which begins in the frontal lobes and spreads in pulses through the whole brain and feels like an orgasm in my brain. I have had over 200 of these experiences and often they are accompanied by visions and voices which seldom make much sense to me. What is the source of these frontal lobes experiences?” Most people, when they go to sleep, naturally open their energy centers and absorb cosmic prana into their physical and subtle bodies as they sleep (it is like an unconscious return flow to Source, releasing resistance temporarily allowing the kundalini to flow and revitalize your cells in space/time and time/space). It is a similar pranic configuration that Ra described occurring in double teardrops in the queen's chamber of the pyramid, however, it is not such a perfect configuration that the perfect, regenerative, age reversing sleep is attained as in a perfectly attuned large pyramid (perhaps in extremely rare cases however). If you become conscious of this, it can be quite pleasurable, but it is uncommon to be conscious of it, because normally consciousness of it tends to stop it from happening correctly due to the natural distortions of the conscious egoic personality. There is also another circumstance, associated with becoming conscious in the inbetween state of sleeping/waking, where a lower astral being that feeds on the energies of lust or sexual energy will attempt to generate these sensations in you, to feed or nourish themselves on that energy. People have named these lower astral beings incubi and succubi, respectively. It is similar to the lower astral entities that will attack you in sleep paralysis, to elicit fear to absorb and nourish themselves ethereally on that particular energy stream. These are just a few possibilities. I'm sure there are infinitely more.
04-22-2015, 07:48 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-19-2019, 11:05 PM by earth_spirit.)
04-22-2015, 11:44 AM
u went a year w/o masturbation??
04-22-2015, 11:48 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-19-2019, 11:05 PM by earth_spirit.)
04-22-2015, 11:55 AM
maybe u built up tantric energies & these orgasms happen as a result.
04-22-2015, 09:37 PM
I've had an orgasm of the heart before.
04-23-2015, 03:18 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-23-2015, 04:12 AM by APeacefulWarrior.)
I invite such experiences. Obviously, this is a complicated subject so I can really only speak for myself, but I find them to be a way for my higher-density forms (especially my paired 4th) to love and share in each other through ecstatic energy exchange, with this body as the common meeting point through which those energies can flow.
Remember, Ra and Quo have both said that entities remain sexually interested/active through at least 6th Density, although their definition of "good sex" and the mediums involved change as their energy levels rise. If you can keep a portion of your ego distracted/distanced enough from the physical sensations, you might find this to be a potent and effective way of getting into contact with the higher forces sharing in your body. You love them, they love you, and the result is ecstatic bliss. But, of course, YMMV and it'll be on you to decide whether you're sharing yourself with entities you want to be sharing with. In such an energy exchange, a certain level of change/recombination/osmosis would be pretty much inevitable.
04-23-2015, 12:03 PM
(04-22-2015, 07:48 AM)earth_spirit Wrote: A few hours ago, I had an intense experience yet again. It's almost like posting this topic has triggered it. However, I got neither orgasms nor pleasure this time. I have been learning as I go. The intense ecstatic experiences are catalyst to work through. You can see that your thoughts and response to the energy direct the experience. That is very much part of the learning, that you are in control, and your awareness of the catalyst and self-acceptance, is a very big part of the process, in fact is the process. Quote:About the lower astral beings, that was the first thing I suspected. I don't understand why they would want to nourish themselves on our energy. Can't they generate their own energy themselves? Understand that your thoughts and thought- forms are there because of your religious conditioning. This is catalyst to work through. The Shadow is there for us to love and accept if we are on the path of love. I think this also means that we have a choice to walk in the light. There is nothing sinful or dark about our sexual nature, sexual ecstasy, or our body's ability to experience pleasure. It is a matter of energy and neurotransmitters that flood our brain and blood when these experiences happen. Neurotransmitters like oxytocin, endorphins, bliss molecules. These chemicals make us feel good, and we are creatures that thrive when feeling good. If you use this experience to heal your body, grow in self- acceptance and awareness , I think it it very positive. But if it drives you to , for example, become obsessed with pornography, or lust for a married woman, then these things will hold you back on a path of service- to- others. These are distractions and will slow your process to reaching your highest potential.
04-23-2015, 05:50 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-23-2015, 05:51 PM by outerheaven.)
The first time I attempted meditation I experienced an orgasm (though on an energetic level, not bodily). I thought it was a good thing at the time and thought it must mean I was a natural at meditating or something. Ha ha.
Once I became a bit more practiced it dawned on me that this was probably some kind of crazy blockage and/or redirection of energy along more familiar routes. Still, it was a neat experience and helped grow my interest.
04-24-2015, 07:50 PM
(04-22-2015, 07:48 AM)earth_spirit Wrote: About the lower astral beings, that was the first thing I suspected. I don't understand why they would want to nourish themselves on our energy. Can't they generate their own energy themselves? Well, it is not like they will die if they don't do it. It is just that this is their nature. It is somehow satisfying, to their consciousness, to do this. They are service to self thoughtforms, so their consciousness is enhanced by service to self actions. It strengthens their thoughtform, and raises their consciousness, by increasing their polarity. This makes them stronger. This is their manner of evolution.
04-25-2015, 10:19 AM
At the levels above us, I believe that "sex" is largely about energy exchange. Memetics, for example, could be seen as a sort of intellectual sexual reproduction. Someone makes a meme that goes viral, and suddenly their creation imprints itself on the psyches of millions of people. Some people will probably end up carrying a few of those images in their heads for the rest of their lives.
Information, after all, is just another form of energy. I think that's something like how sex works for higher-density forms. They spread themselves by mingling their energies with other entities. And it would be like that for STO and STS. For STO, it would be a means of re-unification and striving towards greater Oneness, by bonding more directly with those who are loved. For an STS, it might be something more akin to a "cuckoo's egg" scenario - looking to corrupt and overcome weaker entities by sneaking bits of themselves into the target's psyche. This is somewhat speculative, but I think it tracks with what Ra has said about higher-D sexuality, especially when he said 6Ds see sex in terms of osmosis.
04-25-2015, 10:29 AM
I wonder how anthros see sex. Even 3D ones.
04-25-2015, 10:37 AM
04-25-2015, 10:44 AM
(04-25-2015, 10:37 AM)Minyatur Wrote:(04-25-2015, 10:29 AM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: I wonder how anthros see sex. Even 3D ones. Anthros as I see them are half man half animal. But the ones I am interested in are canine or lupine or fox. Humans are so common they've lost their specialness for the most part. But there are certain artists I admire. But am not attracted to. I can't believe I'm one with all the artists I admire. Though, yes I can.
04-25-2015, 12:07 PM
My girlfriend once mused that perhaps human form is a level of consciousness (3D?) and that we are essentially monkeys that have achieved human form, i.e. 3D consciousness, on this sphere.
In the movie Avatar, it appears that the cats have achieved the human form. I'm reminded of the Ra quote where Ra mentions that our simian-background ensured that we would be drawn more towards 'intellectual' capacities, based on the larger brain size, and using tools etc thanks to the opposable thumb. It's interesting to think about, to merge these two ideas, how different species' inherent traits would lead to advanced/specialized skills given 3D consciousness.
04-27-2015, 09:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-19-2019, 11:06 PM by earth_spirit.)
04-28-2015, 11:09 AM
(04-27-2015, 09:54 PM)earth_spirit Wrote: @Shemaya And we are headed back to the Garden. ![]() That is a really good question earth_spirit, and probably treatises could be written about it. I personally prefer fewer words, so I will give you a couple of my ideas about it. One reason is social control. Regulating sexuality is a way to have control over society. The Abrahamic religions may have initially started based on real connections/ and encounters with God/ Source, however, in time they were co- opted for political and social control. One way to keep people disempowered and disconnected from God, is to keep them feeling shame and guilt. What better way to keep people feeling guilty then to create the ideology that a natural, normal ( and beautiful, wonderful, powerfully creative) body function is sinful, dirty, depraved? This creates a lot of confusion for people, and disempowers. These thought- forms disconnect people from their body and source of creative power. That being said, it is service - to - others to act responsibly with regard to our bodies. Another reason is lack of understanding and knowledge. Back then, the scientific understanding and knowledge of the human body was undeveloped. Now we know at the micro- cosmic level what is happening in sexual experiences, human sexuality and reproduction. We know how to prevent pregnancy and consciously pro- create. So many laws around sexuality came about to regulate reproduction, family systems, and women. The Patriarchy of these religions is a whole other thread, so I won't get into that! We know that the central nervous system, the endocrine system, are responsive to pleasurable and emotional experiences. Human bodies respond positively to healthy connection, attachment and intimacy. We respond positively, and we long for these experiences. Humans long for unconditional love, and feelings of bliss and love and contentment. Our sexual natures give us experiences like that, within our body, and remind us of our true nature as loving spiritual beings within a connected family of Spiritual Beings. |