04-07-2015, 06:48 PM
(04-07-2015, 05:22 PM)AngelofDeath Wrote: You will find, however, that while there may not be agreement on the particular point of actual ingestion, it is pretty unanimous that torture, cruelty, factory farming and the like are not positive. We do unite in compassion on that point, even if different people take it to different extents.
Also, technically, if you really include everyone on the forum, people here are just as staunch about defending vegetarianism.
It's not unanimous here that cruelty, torture, factory farming and the like are not positive. There have been several posts recently that suppose these things are positive because animals signed up for it, and the humans who eat them are just honoring their incarnational choices.
As far as defending vegetarianism, that's not strictly accurate. I would just like humans to grow out of animal abuse (but of course humans have free will and I am not here to change anyone, rather, I am here to talk about it openly in a discussion). This seemed like a good place to discuss the subject, as it was already being canvassed when I first came here. It's true that a plant-based diet (vegetarian) would be a means to that end (discontinuing the abuses of animals being raised for food), and in my opinion a big step forward toward a more compassionate existence.
If I could, I'd rather skip ahead to drinking light nectar. In the meantime, I am grateful to the gift plants offer of light-based foods (photosynthesis).