Moderator Note: This thread was split from Olio > Wisdom in evaluating sources outside of L/L Research
If I may add something here, respectfully,
This is your own, VERY unique perspective. It is based on YOUR premise that Wanderers do not need to polarize STO and work on 3D lessons while incarnated here. This is not supported by the Ra material or a view widely shared on the forum, and so is probably the source of the confusion.
Every time you say something like "It's a question of Wisdom", one has to translate that into "No need to think about green ray work, you're wasting your time being loving, Wanderers are here to work on 6D+ lessons, and forget that whole radiating love, polarizing positive, being a beacon for other-Selves business."
Despite the fact that I personally disagree with this view, you have every right to your own opinion.
My take is that either L/L sources or outside sources with POSITIVE messages, even if they are only green ray, and perhaps ESPECIALLY if they are, are very beneficial for 3D humans struggling to polarize and graduate for the first time as well for as higher-D Wanderers who are RE-learning/RE-experiencing the 3D Choice and lessons of Love. The difficulty lies in determining what material is truly positive. Just like much of our traditional spiritual material, channeled sources often tends to be mixed polarity. Luckily, Ra gave us some great guidelines on determining which is which to combine with our own inner discernment.
Besides, I don't think that any of us is truly in a position to discern for others what is "wisdom" and what is "folly". The moment we proclaim our own wisdom is the same one in which we truly admit our ignorance.
and Vice versa, if you know what I mean.
I think you hit the nail on the head here, Ali, that is precisely the crux of the problem as I see it. I too enjoyed the Bashar discussion while it was still up, but I think it really does violate the forum rules and to make an exception for one source opens the door wide open to others. I suspect it will inevitably lead to the moderators having to make a judgement call on the infinite number of sources available to discuss. I suggest PMs are the appropriate vehicle for such side discussions --- I had a great conversation with Namaste about Bashar well over a month ago.
Just my 2 cents.
Love to all
(08-03-2010, 09:48 AM)unity100 Wrote: there is also the consideration of wisdom. an outside source may be positive, but, it may contain less pure understandings of existence, and thus while giving a positive 4d understanding, it may distort other ray understandings.
it is actually quite simple. there may be a valid, positive channel praising 4d service to the extent of martyrdom. this may be acceptable and valid for 4d understanding, but, it would be folly when looked from the perspective of early 5d and higher. 4d understanding is more distorted than 5d, and 5d is more distorted than 6d, and so it goes.
If I may add something here, respectfully,
This is your own, VERY unique perspective. It is based on YOUR premise that Wanderers do not need to polarize STO and work on 3D lessons while incarnated here. This is not supported by the Ra material or a view widely shared on the forum, and so is probably the source of the confusion.
Every time you say something like "It's a question of Wisdom", one has to translate that into "No need to think about green ray work, you're wasting your time being loving, Wanderers are here to work on 6D+ lessons, and forget that whole radiating love, polarizing positive, being a beacon for other-Selves business."
Despite the fact that I personally disagree with this view, you have every right to your own opinion.
My take is that either L/L sources or outside sources with POSITIVE messages, even if they are only green ray, and perhaps ESPECIALLY if they are, are very beneficial for 3D humans struggling to polarize and graduate for the first time as well for as higher-D Wanderers who are RE-learning/RE-experiencing the 3D Choice and lessons of Love. The difficulty lies in determining what material is truly positive. Just like much of our traditional spiritual material, channeled sources often tends to be mixed polarity. Luckily, Ra gave us some great guidelines on determining which is which to combine with our own inner discernment.
Besides, I don't think that any of us is truly in a position to discern for others what is "wisdom" and what is "folly". The moment we proclaim our own wisdom is the same one in which we truly admit our ignorance.
and Vice versa, if you know what I mean.

(08-03-2010, 04:23 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Which for many positive sources is of course not a problem. However in the cases where material is not clearly positive the impossible burden of determining even before discussion whether the material is acceptable or not will land squarely on the shoulders of the moderators. And no matter how good they are, asking them to be clairvoyant might be pushing things.
I think you hit the nail on the head here, Ali, that is precisely the crux of the problem as I see it. I too enjoyed the Bashar discussion while it was still up, but I think it really does violate the forum rules and to make an exception for one source opens the door wide open to others. I suspect it will inevitably lead to the moderators having to make a judgement call on the infinite number of sources available to discuss. I suggest PMs are the appropriate vehicle for such side discussions --- I had a great conversation with Namaste about Bashar well over a month ago.
Just my 2 cents.
Love to all