04-02-2015, 11:27 AM
This is very sad to hear but I am glad as well that she is no longer in pain. My heart goes out to you Jim.
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04-02-2015, 11:27 AM
This is very sad to hear but I am glad as well that she is no longer in pain. My heart goes out to you Jim.
04-02-2015, 11:52 AM
Goodbye dear teacher. You will be greatly missed here on earth, although I have a feeling that you're not far away. And thank you Jim for all your efforts, my heart goes out to you.
04-02-2015, 11:53 AM
I hope in Carla's expanded awareness she can be aware of all of us. And our love for her.
04-02-2015, 12:07 PM
You know how Q'uo always says stuff like "We can see the light you have all created with your gathering for us and it is beautiful in its splendor", I have a feeling Carla's observing a similar light show but of even more epic proportions.
04-02-2015, 12:11 PM
I long for Carla's expanded state. But I am happy being here.
I think it's so awesome that Carla's suffering ended on April Fool's Day! She will no doubt cross my mind every April Fool's Day.
"The first day of April, some do say, is set apart for All Fool's Day. But why people call it so Nor I, nor they themselves do know. But on this day are people sent on purpose for pure merriment." Poor Robin’s Almanac (1760)
04-02-2015, 02:43 PM
Thank you Carla for all that you did, you truly were a soul with a big heart. May your journey be blessed, we will miss you.
04-02-2015, 02:51 PM
Carla is a beautiful soul, with an amazing dedication to loving and helping others which enabled her to accomplish so very much despite chronic pain. She lived her truth, humbly and open-heartedly, and the light carried by her words, whether channeled or her own, shone far and wide across the globe - and will continue to do so, providing a welcome beacon for all those souls yearning for a better, kinder, more harmonious and loving Earth.
I can't imagine that she is feeling anything other than a sense of satisfaction with the use she made of the limited time she had with us on this planet. Thank you, Carla - thank you, Jim - and much love and peace to both of you. You've changed my life in a profound way.
04-02-2015, 03:48 PM
I mourn with you all. This emotion makes it hard for me to type anything really. Gary, Austin...Oh Jim! You magnificent jewel!
In honour of Carla... "In You, O Woman full of Grace, The angelic choirs and the human race, All creation rejoices!"
04-02-2015, 05:12 PM
Just dropping to offer my most sincere condolences to the family and friends of Carla. She, without the shadow of a doubt, is well and supported, most likely looking at us with eyes of compassion and love from her expanded perspective. Experiencing the loss of someone you love is tough though, and I wish only the best to Carla's entourage. Much love - <3
04-02-2015, 06:47 PM
Her communication of the literal Law of One has altered my life significantly; If only I heard her speak more on the subject of unity, oneness directly.
Her very communications leave me without attachment towards life and death as concepts. I don't believe she went anywhere except to oneness as it is literally right now. In oneness, I perceive her and commune with her inherent presence as the creator in this moment. In faith, I know she is well as all. Also thanks for creating the network that got me married. Peace, condolences to those who are mourning.
04-02-2015, 06:48 PM
I mourn in my own way, though not through tears.
04-02-2015, 07:14 PM
In such time We have to drawn the Strength from Wisdom that was a Gift to Us All:
Quote:51.6 Farewell Dear Mrs. Carla. It was an Honor.
04-03-2015, 02:14 AM
thanks for all the service.
It's appreciated. Namaste.
04-03-2015, 03:20 AM
The integrity of RA~Don~Carla~Jim~All at L/L Research
is of a rare level of purity, clarity, and spiritual safety; that other than my (profound) Initiation experience into Usui Reiki, is unsurpassed by anything else I've ever experienced throughout decades and decades of constant search for Kindred and understanding. ^j^ My experience as a non-human inside a human mind/body/spirit complex, can be very fun at times, but unfortunately, it is also often terrifyingly lonely, and emotionally and physically painful. The Ra Material helps keep "Wanderers" alive (quite literally). The gratitude I have for Carla's loving service is beyond words. Other than the language of Love..... of Light. ^j^
04-03-2015, 11:01 AM
My deepest condolences to Jim, Gary, Austin, and the rest of the L/L Family. Carla was an intensely special entity and I feel very honored to have encountered her while she was on Earth. Her life demonstrated the possibility of living honestly, openly, and with a heart that does not shrink from the shadows. I will continue to aspire to the example she set in her life.
Thank you, Carla, for all the love you showed me.
04-03-2015, 04:12 PM
In January of 2014, I was inexplicably led to the Ra Material (as I am sure was the case for most). When I first started reading, I was so dumb-founded by the message that I felt it necessary to do my due diligence and research the messenger[s]. Thoroughly impressed with the group of three, I continued reading. I couldn't stop. Day and night. It wasn't until I finished all 5 books that I found out how Don left us. I was heart-broken and I remember thinking how weird it was to feel so much sadness for a stranger whom I never met that passed decades before I knew of his existence.
Today that same sadness and feeling returns. I think, at least for me, the sadness of Don's passing was heightened by the fact it meant the end of the Ra contact. Again, I can't help but feel the same amplified sadness today for the loss of the Q'uo contact. I feel a bit like a soldier that just lost their General. The General that had the radio back to headquarters and now I am lost in the jungle. It is hard to be sad over something I know in my heart was a joyous occasion for Carla. I will try to celebrate her transition more than mourn but I feel sad that we have lost yet another great teacher. Will we have the desire, understanding and ability to pick up where these great souls have left off? I know I feel more inspired today to do my part, whatever that may be. Thank you Carla for all that you are. The work you, Jim and Don have accomplished has affected far more than just this single incarnation.
04-03-2015, 06:15 PM
Blessings dear Carla on your journey 'home'. I can almost feel the warmth and peace that envelopes you now. You taught me how to be a mystical Christian and explore other schools of thought too - I feel blessed to have discovered your beautiful Life's work.
Beloved Jim, I have no words to help with your loss. May all the angels be with you as your heart mourns the passing of your Sweetie. One resource I've found more helpful than any other as I go through my own grief is here: http://www.refugeingrief.com/about/ Namaste dear Jim, always.
04-04-2015, 03:51 AM
I, likewise, felt pangs and a jolt when a colleague left a VM yesterday with the news. It's a mite destabilizing when such a positive role model departs her obvious role. I thought, though, how Carla must be enjoying the experience of the latter portion of Holy Week with access to a much better seat to observe the worship and reverence.
Personally, I've been listening repeatedly to the Bach St. Matthew Passion with much joy, and when I tune in to Carla now I feel such a comforting, light presence. I expect her bias towards loving service--in tandem with her deep understanding of our condition here--will lead her on to many beautiful experiences of supporting loving endeavors on our struggling planet. Thank you so very much, all.
04-04-2015, 07:18 AM
Thank you from the deep of my heart Carla. You, Don and Jim have changed my life in ways that cannot be expressed into words, and across pathways that are still waiting to unfold. I wish you a serene transition to the other side with the certainty that you word has brought a tidal wave of light and love to this world.
Ra said that when a beloved one passes away, it is a chance for us to open the heart. So I'll follow your words once again and do precisely that. Namaste!
04-04-2015, 10:44 AM
One Again
[To Carla In Love/Light Memory]
[sup]© [/sup]Good Friday, April 3, 2015
By lovecast
[sup]No part of this work may be shared or reproduced in any form without express permission of the author,[/sup]
[sup]unless it is with the express purpose of imparting divine love to others, and not for personal nor material gain of any kind.[/sup]
Our journey's end draws near;
We approach its' “dead-end”, free of fear.
The Light brightens in the West;
With ascending step, we breach its' elusive crest.
Shimmering luster, beams through yond' door;
Revealing The One we have witnessed countless times before.
Vision clear comes to us now, as perseverance grants reward;
Labors rendered, rest now sings in one-heart accord.
Sister – Servant, Mother – Mentor, Faith-heart – Friend;
Speaker of Truth, Arrow of Light, Loving to the end.
What tribute we may offer now, render we all in heart-felt gratitude;
And now, as always, loves' distortion to the “N[sup]th[/sup]” degree in magnitude.
Oh Great ONE, one indulgence grant us, is our plea;
Let one lonely tear fall, in hope to set one more captive free.
Thus, in “merry” parting, already missed, as if too soon;
Yet we too soon shall follow, be it Full … or New Moon.
So still be our “Light” held high, to us guide;
As yet Wanderer-pilgrim we for a season here/now abide.
04-04-2015, 11:09 AM
Dear Friends:
Thank you one and all for your wonderful words of love and support for Carla and for those at L/L Research. Your words touch our hearts and bring healing energies. Blessings on your journeys. Love & Light, Jim jimcarla.jpg (Size: 177.49 KB / Downloads: 42) Dear Jim (and Carla), my deepest condolences on Carla´s passage to the larger life. I will remember her, sitting with Jim in the sunlit living room at their house, getting ready to start another Sunday meditation. I salute your effort to live life from the open heart. You have inspired many. Love@light, romi
04-06-2015, 10:17 AM
Fare Well, Carla....Thanks for all the shared wisdom over the years.
Most heartfelt condolences to Jim, Gary and everyone else up there. Richard
04-06-2015, 11:02 AM
When I journey home it will be amazing to meet her.
04-08-2015, 01:44 PM
You will be missed, my sister, as your breathing presence was succor for my Soul. A touchstone for the turning point on my wandering path forward into new love and increased understanding- Over a horizon that went out to a point of no turning back.
I remember the day I cut out the 2x2 inch advert in the monthly channeling magazine to 'hear an ancient astronaut speak'. This Ra Material book was like no other! Then on to the mail group sharing together as we lived and live as we have learned to increase our service to other selves. My heart and soul rejoices that you are free from earthy human pain and your graduation into the golden life of the eternal will satisfy your longing to be the realized Christ and join the throngs of those unknown to me that have gone on before. ENJOY! As I step aside for others I would like to share to Jim and all the Brothers and Sisters who who are in pain now and anytime; this poem that has meant so much to me in times of heart rending hurt and separation on the path to new foolish discoveries. It is a poem by James Dillet Freeman entitled I AM THERE The author reads it here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgyHVf8n9JA Love/Light with you in Spirit Joe Myers
04-09-2015, 01:31 AM
A message from one in love to the beauty expressed in life by the entity named Carla, my true friend in spirit, as well as Jim and Don and so many I don't know the name of. All of which I'm in awe of knowing through their work with Ra. Thank you, each and all of us, for helping guide my choices and finding words for my care for the creation, love of consciousness, and the will and desire to be of service on Earth. Forever in-spirit as I learn to be what I can guided by the purity of heart in which Ra and Wanderers such as Carla and Jim are but One.
Thank you for all you allow me to see and choose, my friends. For the Love of awareness and the Light of consciousness, my humble timeless appreciation.
04-14-2015, 12:41 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-14-2015, 12:44 AM by Peregrinus.)
Dear Jim,
We knew this was coming, yet still I was unprepared. On the 1st, my birthday, I was on the first of a ten day Vipassana meditation course, and had no electronic or otherwise contact with the outside world, so I just found out about Carla's passing into larger life today, and though I understand there is and should be little to be sad about, I know she has now walked the steps of life so far into that brilliant light, yet I am so so sad. I have to tell you Jim, a short six years ago I felt such great love for your Carla and still do, she was so kind to me, even having her playful pet name for me when we would discuss things on the weekly online chat, before that means of communication ended. In our few emails over the past few years, I tried to bother her less and less, as I knew her time was better spent enjoying it with you and everyone else there that were so compassionate and loving towards her. I prayed for her to become well daily, but alas, our time in this physical vehicle, like all things, must come to an end. I've never been one to cry, I think I have done so perhaps half a dozen ties in my adult life, but the tears flow freely as I write this. Tonight I bid her farewell, and said to her that if she were so inclined, I would be honoured if she were my gatekeeper, and indeed her powerful energy penetrated my heart and went up my back. Even after her physical vehicle has become unviable, she still offers service freely and with great love, truly she continues to inspire me. Her service, as has yours, changed my life Jim, for the better. When I awakened just over six years ago, the Ra Materials was one of the first materials I became aware of, and I read it diligently, one session per night. Since then, I have reread it twice, as well as reading more than a thousand of your other channeled Q'uo materials sessions, and have become wiser in the more than 1500 posts I have contributed to in discussion on the Bring4th forum. Because of the materials your group has offered, I was able to wade through the vast sea of other materials available on the internet and can almost instantly recognize that which is not of the highest calibre of light, because the materials you offer is, in my estimation, unmatched. Jim, you have my condolences, I know that the human heart weighs heavy when a loved one passes, regardless of what our head tells us, and I wish Carla well on her journey, as well as you on yours. Each year on my birthday I shall now have reason to both celebrate and mourn, I can only trust in time to diminish the pain which we now feel. Love and Light to you brother, and to everyone there at L/L Research, my thoughts are with you. Bryn Peregrinus
04-15-2015, 05:49 PM
I know i should not mourn, but i cant help it! I love you so much, and i know you can feel it from there!
Fare thee well Carla! You did a great job Love, love and more love |