03-25-2015, 02:23 PM
I still love Loki more than anything.
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03-25-2015, 02:23 PM
I still love Loki more than anything.
03-25-2015, 02:35 PM
You seem to understand but why do I get the feeling you still seem to have harsh feelings towards STS. If STS is their choice then let it be. An STS will be STS as long as it needs to and will switch when it's ready. You can't force that. The problem is more a question of is it a conscious choice or not. And you do a really good job about making it a conscious choice I must say. But nobody said Earth had to polarise STO anyway. STS isnt just acceptable, it's equally as important as STO and I think right now earth must be polarised somewhere between 40-60% either negative or positive. So the fact is those choosing STS need all your love as much as 2D entities do. Didn't Ra said 2D is STS anyway? So loving animals should be equally important as loving those who eat them. And about your statement on a vegan diet being an easy thing for most people, don't you think it seems just a little irrealistic? Just a little? You seem pretty idealistic and irrealism is a tendancy of idealistic people. Maybe the ones around you do have an easier time with being vegan but can you really apply that to the whole world? The fact is planet earth is a slave of corporations and their consciousness isn't raised to that level for the most part. Sure everybody have computer but if 90% of them only use it for facebook and stuff like that, what can you expect? They focus too much on sex, money, cars and how to look cool to bother with food. I think most people are still happy not being the ones who do the killing and if you asked them to do it they wouldn't be able to. That says more about their polarity than what their unconscious choice made out of slavery of ideas do. We as wanderers are really in a good spot to see that another strong caracteristic of human nature is that most of 'em are sheeps. It takes a lot and a lot of information, will, energy and it must be repeated over and over again until someone really wakes up. I think being welcoming to all paths is the key. You may have a better time convincing an STS eating meat not to do it by showing him compassion and love rather than showing him how wrong he is. Just my humble opinion though! Best regards
03-25-2015, 03:52 PM
Oh and I agree ''I like bacon'' isn't an argument but for those who have tasted it is it really something that can be argued? I'd have a hard time convincing myself bacon have a terible taste. In fact it taste very sadly delicious. Who knows maybe human flesh is delicious but we don't try it because it is unethical. But it's taste isn't something that can really be argued it's a matter of personal taste I guess. Like every disorder like cannibalism, pedophila, necrophilia or whatever they are, it's only a matter of one having tried it once and surrendering to it's desires afterwards.
03-25-2015, 06:11 PM
(03-25-2015, 11:45 AM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: My 2D dog is a naughty dog. He is very destructive. I have to keep him inside now, and let him out supervised because he tears up the underpinning on my home and escapes. Do you think he does it on purpose? One of my dogs knows he's not supposed to pee by the cat litter box, but he waits until I have my back turned and does it. That look on his face when he gets caught! He knows he will get put outside but seems delighted to have outsmarted me. Silly boy. He is very cunning.
03-25-2015, 06:21 PM
03-25-2015, 06:22 PM
Because he's a contrast to my mom who frustrates me greatly.
03-25-2015, 06:28 PM
(03-25-2015, 02:08 PM)isis Wrote: I think an animal wanting to escape captivity is natural rather than naughty. The fact that it hasn't always behaved that way I consider immaterial. I don't think it has anything to do with captivity, in the case of loved, well-cared-for dogs like Loki, though that may be true in many cases of animals escaping. Dogs are pack animals and consider their humans, and all members of their household (including the cats!) part of their pack. They just like to get out because they're curious, bored or mischievous. My neighbor's rottie gets out all the time, runs around, stops by to say hi, and then crawls back under the fence. Dogs have the intelligence of a human toddler, and a similar disposition! Having a dog is like having a child who never grows up! Maybe that's why they're so endearing.
03-25-2015, 06:29 PM
As a Bring4ther who is acquainted with empathy I clearly 'feel' the suffering that our 2D "Brothers and Sisters" feel when I am exposed to it.
It was shortly after my drug induced psychotic experience in 2001 while on my way to work, I overtook a truck that was carrying chickens. As I passed the truck I could see lots of feathers escaping from the side. Then as I levelled, I heard the cries from the chickens that were clearly in distress. After recognising my own divinity just a few weeks previous, my sense of empathy had become global. Nothing and no one was out of this new found perception. I became a vegetarian soon afterwards, accompanied by an intuitive sense that it was right for me personally (I saw it as a step towards perfection). I have been kidnapped (aged 3), raped (aged 11) and seriously bullied during my latter school years (I grassed up a school drug dealer). As a result of my personal experiences I see the need to focus my non judgemental attention (sending love/light) towards the bully rather than the bullied. Therefore devoting my time towards helping my 2D brothers and sisters feels like putting the cart before the horse. Meanwhile I am frequently met in my daily life, experiences that trigger my post incarnative distortions (value judgements) So the sum of my experiences, and the degree to which I have processed them, has played a pivotal role in how I perceive reality (aka illusion). At no time that I can remember has a finger pointing attitude ever played a supportive hand. I commend Spaced's thoughtful defence of Minyatur's position because he highlights the broader environment in which our choices are inherently anchored to. That is the socio/political one. It is humans that have the capacity to blow this planet up, not animals. Animals need a planet to live on, therefore my priority lies in alleviating the suffering of humans (two of my work colleagues are on anti depressants and are apparently baffled by the green ray energy currently eminating from our sub logos). Finally, in honour of your highest ideals Monica, I have changed my sig. ![]()
03-25-2015, 06:29 PM
03-25-2015, 06:33 PM
One more thing I would like to add is that we perceive STO in "our own image". Our image, by design, is distorted.
03-25-2015, 06:33 PM
He doesn't tolerate other dogs. He got out and attacked our neighbor's dog (who was also in the front yard), for about 5 seconds. The other dog is always barking at him through the fence.
He's a marshmallow to me though. He doesn't mind me cuddling with him. (03-25-2015, 02:35 PM)matrix_drumr Wrote: You seem to understand but why do I get the feeling you still seem to have harsh feelings towards STS. You have misunderstood, or maybe haven't read enough of my past writing to get where I'm coming from. I will attempt to clarify. (03-25-2015, 02:35 PM)matrix_drumr Wrote: If STS is their choice then let it be. An STS will be STS as long as it needs to and will switch when it's ready. You can't force that. Agreed! But choices resulting in increased polarity for an STS-oriented entity may result in the opposite for an STO-oriented entity. Regarding the issue of participating in the intentional control/domination/torture/slaughter of other-selves, that is generally regarded as common behavior for an STS-oriented entity. Intentions do come into play, meaning that we can't conclusively say exactly how much polarizing, or even in which direction, a choice results in, for any given person. But generally, yes, the 2 paths do have characteristics. The STO path tends to have characteristics of acceptance, love, compassion, peace, etc. which the STS path tends to have characteristics of hatred, control, and violence. I acknowledge that the Logos designed this system with duality, and the STS serves an important function. But choices congruent with the STS path aren't necessarily congruent with the STO path. My comments about making a choice to unnecessarily participate in the control/domination/torture and slaughter of other-selves, whether human or higher 2D, are intended for those who have a bias towards STO. Recognizing the function and even importance of the STS path doesn't mean that we must participate in that path/function. As Q'uo said (paraphrased) Theirs is a bloody path...there are those who prefer it. We are not those. We are of the radiant path. (03-25-2015, 02:35 PM)matrix_drumr Wrote: Didn't Ra said 2D is STS anyway? Not that I recall, unless you are referring to the quote I posted about polarity starting in 2D. But it can be either STS or STO, as I recall. That is the beginning of polarity. Early 2D entities don't have any polarity. (03-25-2015, 02:35 PM)matrix_drumr Wrote: So loving animals should be equally important as loving those who eat them. Absolutely! But it is possible to still love someone while disagreeing. (03-25-2015, 02:35 PM)matrix_drumr Wrote: And about your statement on a vegan diet being an easy thing for most people, don't you think it seems just a little irrealistic? Just a little? No, I don't. It's a simple matter of education. (03-25-2015, 02:35 PM)matrix_drumr Wrote: Maybe the ones around you do have an easier time with being vegan but can you really apply that to the whole world? No. I imagine the Inuits and other indigenous peoples would have a rough time with it. But I'm not really concerned about them, nor are my comments directed towards them. My comments are directed towards those in a so-called 'spiritual' community who claim to be very highly evolved, from 6D even. (03-25-2015, 02:35 PM)matrix_drumr Wrote: The fact is planet earth is a slave of corporations and their consciousness isn't raised to that level for the most part. Sure everybody have computer but if 90% of them only use it for facebook and stuff like that, what can you expect? Interestingly, there are a number of large vegan groups on facebook, and we get new members daily. I've met a number of very beautiful, compassionate people through those groups. They've never heard of the Law of One, some are atheists, some are Christians, etc. There are even some Christian vegan groups who find Bible quotes to back up a peaceful diet. And, several of my facebook friends who were meat-eaters, have contacted me to say that they are transitioning to a vegan diet, because of what I posted on facebook. So facebook can be useful. ![]() (03-25-2015, 02:35 PM)matrix_drumr Wrote: I think most people are still happy not being the ones who do the killing and if you asked them to do it they wouldn't be able to. That says more about their polarity than what their unconscious choice made out of slavery of ideas do. Agreed. For most people, it's unconscious. They've always eaten meat and never questioned it. But presumably, Wanderers are waking up and making conscious choices...or at least they are claiming to. Can you see the incongruency of someone saying: "I know I am 6D because I am awake and learned this in my meditation...I know what star system I'm from...I know what my life mission is...and, by the way, I like bacon!" (03-25-2015, 06:29 PM)Nicholas Wrote: As a Bring4ther who is acquainted with empathy I clearly 'feel' the suffering that our 2D "Brothers and Sisters" feel when I am exposed to it. How beautiful! (03-25-2015, 06:29 PM)Nicholas Wrote: I have been kidnapped (aged 3), raped (aged 11) and seriously bullied during my latter school years (I grassed up a school drug dealer). Oh! Hugs to you! ![]() ![]() ![]() (03-25-2015, 06:29 PM)Nicholas Wrote: As a result of my personal experiences I see the need to focus my non judgemental attention (sending love/light) towards the bully rather than the bullied. Therefore devoting my time towards helping my 2D brothers and sisters feels like putting the cart before the horse. Meanwhile I am frequently met in my daily life, experiences that trigger my post incarnative distortions (value judgements) Is that a jab? If so, I don't receive it. I don't accept any insinuation that I am 'pointing the finger'. I posted a thread called Eating Tomatoes is STS and no one minded...in fact someone said it was absurd! If anyone feels guilt because of something I've said, it is coming from within. My tomatoes thread proved that mere words cannot force someone to feel guilty. None of the tomato-eaters felt guilty and no one accused me of 'finger pointing.' This is a discussion. Would slavery still be legal if the abolitionists hadn't spoken up on behalf of the blacks? (03-25-2015, 06:29 PM)Nicholas Wrote: It is humans that have the capacity to blow this planet up, not animals. Animals need a planet to live on, therefore my priority lies in alleviating the suffering of humans (two of my work colleagues are on anti depressants and are apparently baffled by the green ray energy currently eminating from our sub logos). There are plenty of good causes to choose from. We can't all do everything. But you made your choice in regards to the animals, back when you heard those chickens' cries of distress. I commend you for that! You answered their call and made a conscious choice to quit participating. (03-25-2015, 06:29 PM)Nicholas Wrote: Finally, in honour of your highest ideals Monica, I have changed my sig. Sorry, I don't remember what it was before...?
03-25-2015, 07:59 PM
There being a choice implies in no way that there is a "right" choice, there's only the duality of action.
03-25-2015, 08:19 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2015, 09:06 PM by isis.
Edit Reason: costs
(03-25-2015, 06:28 PM)Monica Wrote:(03-25-2015, 02:08 PM)isis Wrote: I think an animal wanting to escape captivity is natural rather than naughty. The fact that it hasn't always behaved that way I consider immaterial. You don't think Loki's breaking out of captivity has anything to do with wanting to break out of captivity? I wasn't insinuating that Loki wants out so he can run away forever & find a new pack - you know that, right? I think he just wants to be free to come & go as he pleases - which I think is understandable. You agree with Thomas that Loki's breaking out is "naughty" behavior rather than natural/something-to-be-expected behavior? You must be a dog whisperer if you're able to say matter-of-factly that dogs break out just bc they're "curious, bored, or mischievous." Did your dogs tell you that? Not too long ago I brought a cat into my place to live with me that was a stray. I had planned to just let her be an indoors cat & maybe leash-train her, bc I live in apt & not on the 1st floor...but she was (obviously) missing the outdoors so much. I couldn't stand it. I found a friend willing to take her, that lives in a nice neighborhood, & now my sweet Maui gets to come & go as she pleases & she chooses to stay outside all day but occasionally comes in for a snack or water. She roams the neighborhood. All of the neighbors know her. At nightfall she meows to be let inside. When she lived with me was she trying to break out every time the door was opened bc she was just curious, bored, or just being mischievous? I don't think so. I think she just didn't like the captivity...& of course gravely missed the outdoors...but I'm sure that if anyone tried to keep her in a fenced in area *outside* that she would attempt to break out at all costs even if the fence was 20 feet high & the space was 10 acres. Cats & dogs might be as intelligent as toddlers but I think they know when they're being held captive in a certain space & I don't think most care for it too much - no matter how much they love their owners.
03-25-2015, 08:20 PM
03-25-2015, 08:28 PM
(03-25-2015, 08:19 PM)isis Wrote: You don't think Loki's breaking out of captivity has anything to do with wanting to break out of captivity? Ah, that's exactly what I thought you meant. A tiger breaking out of a zoo would likely be to leave forever; whereas, dogs often get out and come right back, then get out again and come back again. Yeah, they want to be free to come and go as they please, sure. Definitely understandable. We are in agreement. (03-25-2015, 08:19 PM)isis Wrote: You agree with Thomas that Loki's breaking out is "naughty" behavior rather than natural/something-to-be-expected behavior? I thought he meant 'naughty' in a playful way. I agree that it's natural behavior. Unfortunately, the world isn't safe enough for us to let our dogs run free as they wish, just as we can't let our children run out into a busy street. (03-25-2015, 08:19 PM)isis Wrote: You must be a dog whisperer if you're able to say matter-of-factly that dogs break out just bc they're "curious, bored, or mischievous." Did your dogs tell you that? Have you ever had a dog, or just cats? Cats and dogs have drastically different personalities. I agree with you about cats. I much prefer to let cats go outside and do their little cat things, like climbing trees. I have always fiercely preferred allowing cats to come and go as they please. Unfortunately, when neighbors let their rottweilers and pit bulls run loose, letting cats out isn't an option.
03-25-2015, 09:01 PM
(03-25-2015, 08:28 PM)Monica Wrote: Have you ever had a dog, or just cats? Cats and dogs have drastically different personalities. I agree with you about cats. I much prefer to let cats go outside and do their little cat things, like climbing trees. I have always fiercely preferred allowing cats to come and go as they please. I've never had a dog &, unfortunately, I won't until I'm in a place where it's safe for me to let it run free. ![]() ![]()
My experience with dogs is that if you give them some freedom they can understand the limits of what they can or cannot do. Usually this way they come to express their desires for what they want. I guess it depends on the dog though.
03-25-2015, 09:57 PM
(03-25-2015, 06:11 PM)Monica Wrote:(03-25-2015, 11:45 AM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: My 2D dog is a naughty dog. He is very destructive. I have to keep him inside now, and let him out supervised because he tears up the underpinning on my home and escapes. Do you think he might be trying to tell you that he wants a doggy bathroom box so he can go indoors too like the cat(s)?
03-25-2015, 10:26 PM
03-25-2015, 11:46 PM
(03-25-2015, 10:26 PM)Monica Wrote:(03-25-2015, 09:57 PM)isis Wrote: Do you think he might be trying to tell you that he wants a doggy bathroom box so he can go indoors too like the cat(s)? I think he wants one of these right where he's been peeing on the floor: ![]()
03-26-2015, 12:27 AM
(03-25-2015, 10:38 AM)Monica Wrote: To knowingly do that, to have callous disregard for their agony, NOT because they have a digestive problem and are struggling with health issues, like you do (you who are an exception), but because they are simply too busy or too lazy to learn how to cook beans and rice, or because they 'like bacon' is just reprehensible, in my opinion. This made me think of certain parts of the Bible that mention the selfishness of answering the 'god of the belly.' People here on Bring 4th may or may not believe in any part of the Bible. But that's not to say that there isn't any wisdom found in it. Check it out: Quote:Philippians 3:19 Quote:Genesis 25:27-34
03-26-2015, 12:43 AM
(03-25-2015, 02:35 PM)matrix_drumr Wrote: It takes a lot and a lot of information, will, energy and it must be repeated over and over again until someone really wakes up. I think that it's actually a very slow process and a persistent attitude of people who desire to make the world over with love that makes the world change. Some people have been saying that what Monica is doing is pointless. But I would say that she has killed negativity at least once over. The actions of many over a long period of time is what slowly, but surely, changes the world. That attitude, and persistence is what is going to make this planet 4D. People here on Bring 4th, of all places, should know that. We can't exactly plead ignorance.
03-26-2015, 01:31 AM
(03-26-2015, 12:27 AM)Lighthead Wrote:(03-25-2015, 10:38 AM)Monica Wrote: To knowingly do that, to have callous disregard for their agony, NOT because they have a digestive problem and are struggling with health issues, like you do (you who are an exception), but because they are simply too busy or too lazy to learn how to cook beans and rice, or because they 'like bacon' is just reprehensible, in my opinion. The bible says that the desires of the flesh are contrary to the spirit. (03-26-2015, 01:31 AM)Minyatur Wrote: The bible says that the desires of the flesh are contrary to the spirit. That's exactly my point. There is some validity to what the spiritual traditions say in this world that we live in. In this world of 'Choice' as Monica and Ra so often say. The source of this world may be 7D, according to your estimation, but we do live in a world that is very much 3D. Not exclusively. I realize that I sound argumentative, but I'm just trying to stress the importance of this experience that we're having down here. You can't move both left and right.
03-26-2015, 09:34 AM
(03-26-2015, 01:44 AM)Lighthead Wrote:(03-26-2015, 01:31 AM)Minyatur Wrote: The bible says that the desires of the flesh are contrary to the spirit. What I meant by this is that existing in a density in my opinion is mainly about awareness. So whatever sub-density you are from, you are acccomplishing your 7D role without awareness of it. Wether it'd be in a 3D mixed polarity manner, 4D love seeking, 5D wisdom seeking or 6D seeking a synthesis of both. Whatever manner one acts through all these densities is right and good and meant to be, 7D is awareness of it and thus why both polarities merge as one as awareness is made of the illusion of this duality. So regarding meat eating, a 4-5-6D STO awareness would unveil most likely an imbalance to it yet 7D awareness would unveil that it had perfect place of Creation.
It is in my opinion very unlikely that this planet polarize not as 4D STO, yet I think how it is delayed has purpose in providing many catalysts to be explored and assimilated in 4D awareness. It is not vain and failing to distill light/love from it is as "bad" as partaking in it, as it tries to portray these experiences as meaningless when they are not.
The pain and sufferings of 2D entities is not meaningless as it is experienced to serve as a catalyst to grow in awareness as Infinity of Itself. Why do some souls resonate with these type of experiences? because that is the consequence of exploring many-ness. There are souls that walk the rainbow path and souls that walk the thorny path, each need other entities to provide their needed catalysts wether it is through STO or STS (03-25-2015, 11:37 AM)Monica Wrote: Someone just sent this to me privately: Please forgive my rant - I'm at my limit and wish I could filter all posts/threads that contain the word "vegan" from here on out. Monica, I don't think it's fair to blame others for the direction of your thread when A) ~70% of the text in the thread is yours and B) it's completely obvious from the OP that you are attempting to get people to follow a script so that you can prove your point. You've been a vegan for a long time so for you it's just "so easy", but as someone who's not yet been a vegan for three years, I can verify that it is difficult to transition even if you have the resources (I was taught to cook when I was young). In fact, dairy still makes it into my diet on occasion. It tastes disgusting for me but when I'm taken out to eat I prefer not to be a pain in the ass and instead just accept what is given. You treat this issue as far too black and white. I can think of an infinite amount of scenarios where eating meat is not STS at all. Infinite. So to blanket create a scenario where you want people to admit that they are behaving in an STS fashion when they eat meat is not appropriate. Once you mentioned that you support a group that pays people to watch videos of animal torture in an effort to get them to rethink their ways. To me, you are having people to willingly traumatize themselves so that they agree with you. I find this repulsive to say the least. It's akin to showing child pornography to people in an attempt to convince them not molest kids - it's exploiting to the victims, for one. Another analogy I feel is very accurate is that of the pro-lifer - coming from what they feel is an OBVIOUS moral high ground (not killing babies!) but being so forceful and repulsive in their attempts to persuade people (emotional manipulation, pictures of aborted fetuses, etc) that to most people their views are so harsh and radical that it becomes difficult to empathize. The gap between the common ground gets too wide to cover. Quote:83.12 Questioner: Then you say that there are no cases where those who are service-to-others oriented are using in any way techniques of enslavement that have grown as a result of the evolution of our social structures? Is this what you mean? Now, I am not accusing you of advocating slavery (it's obvious that you truly consciously advocate the opposite) but if we extrapolate "slavery" to mean "attempting to force others to take a specific course of action based on our desires", I hope you can see what I mean. We all have "sts demons" that we do well if we acknowledge. The fact being that you only have to hit 51% to be harvestable, and anything after that is "extra credit" leaves a bit of gray area for us all to have our future lessons. Anyway, again, I'm sorry for being harsh Monica. I am very burnt out on these vegan threads that seem to just be a passive-aggressive bully fest. I understand you and Diana feel this is a great place for you to express your passion about being vegan, but I definitely think it's totally the WRONG place to brow-beat people about being STS. Ra advocates an atmosphere of acceptance and non-judgement, while students of Ra continue to defend their habit of judging other students of Ra from a perceived moral high ground. No one's perfect. |