01-28-2015, 08:26 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-28-2015, 08:26 PM by Ethernysana.)
Forget about future dates and future prophecies. The harvest is now. However, my information is limited so I require all your help to piece this puzzle together.
I am a hypnotherapist dealing with the theta state of the mind/subconscious/higher self/angels and can confirm that sessions lately generally have a focus on the whole/all/everything rather than the individual himself/herself. I am also an energy healer ever since penetrating intelligent infinity.
I was trained under the late Delores Cannon. However, she passed away on October 19, 2014.
For those who do not know her, you may read about her here @ http://www.dolorescannon.com/
or watch a few videos to be brought up to speed:
Now, I am not supposed to share stories about specific sessions due to the personal nature of them. Secondly, only dedicated practitioners have access to the QHHT forums. There is a lot of juicy information in there which also resonates with the Law of One. I will pull out information from there as long as I am careful not to pull out personal stories.
Ever since the death of Delores Cannon and Masaru Emoto(October 17, 2014), lots of practitioners have witnessed these 2 great figures showing up in their dreams and communicating with them. Is it mere coincidence that these 2 people died within days of each other?
Masaru Emoto was a famous researcher in the consciousness of water.
These are good videos:
Now why do I think that the harvest is now? There are a few practitioners of QHHT who shared their messages that they communicated with Delores in the higher states of consciousness. They saw Delores in a younger body and Delores further taught them things which will help us in holding our vibrations. One communication was:
----I had another dream communication last night from Dolores for all of us with information about healing we can use..
----Dolores you are back! I am so happy to see you!
Yes I am back.
(Laughing) Its a lot of fun being multidimensional.
You are multidimensional too you know, but its easier to understand and play with from where I am now. I am absolutely visiting many of my students and communicating. You just don't know how much fun I am having!
------, I know you have always been especially interested in the physical healing of the body. There is so much I can tell you now about how all of that works.
Tonight I am going to describe something called "version states." You keep within your energy field a variety of easily accessible set points or version states. To keep things simple in explaining this, let's just say some of these states are more healthy than others.
Your body automatically selects a version state depending on the emotion you are feeling. Your body is literally and actually in a different and healthier state when you are happy verses when you are sad or angry. You know this already, but what I am trying to explain to you is that each one of them is a completely different physical body and you rotate through a great many of them during the course of a day.
You have several "favorite" version states you "dial into" during a normal day. You have one when you wake up. And, you have a different one when you wake up on a day you are going to do something fun or on a day of vacation verses waking up on a day you might dread. You have one when you are walking in a park, one where you are petting a dog, one where you are giving or receiving a hug. If you could just see how powerful hugs are everyone would be hugging each other all the time!
If you are a person who is easily or often angry or sad, then your "favorite" body versions reflect that too and those versions are not very nice to your physical body! If you constantly deal with negative people and let them "get to you" you might have a body version for that situation. Most people can't hold a positive body version around negative people. Some can, but most cannot, which is another reason its good to stay away from them if you can. Its just good for your health!
Most people have a body version that exists just for their doctor! Its so interesting how this works. They can literally be in one body when they are in the parking lot of a doctor's office and be in a different body when they open the door to go in for an appointment. You are constantly switching and choosing your body based upon your situation and especially based upon your emotions. I will have so much more to say about this. Especially about how doctors and hospitals affect the body.
This is why it is so important to do things that you love to do. This is why and how JOY heals the body. You are in a different body when you are happy and it is the healthiest body version you can choose.
I know you have lots of questions and I have much more to share but that it is it for now. Its easier for us both to give small pieces of information at a time. I'll be back and this communication will get even easier over time.
Tell everyone I am fine. I am having a ball. I would even say I am having the time of my "life!"
Okay, that's all for now.
Now back to what I have to say about the harvest. If Delores Cannon died, wouldn't it be natural that either she reincarnated or went back to source/her own dimension? But that wasn't the case, she claims that she has become multidimensional. I believed that the 4D/5D earth is already prepared for the beings who are harvestable. I also highly suspect that this new knowledge of version states and how our emotions/mentality affect our physical body is when Delores Cannon merged with other beings such as Masaru Emoto. It is highly likely that these 2 beings had a great mission on Earth and they both completed it in separate locations. When that mission was completed, they were merged back into one being.
I am unsure if I was able to communicate my message proficiently or not(I am horrible at explaining things) but I will use point forms to back up my reasoning that the harvest is now and happening rapidly:
-I highly believe that the gateway or doors to 4D/5D earth were opened in 2011-2012(I do not doubt Ra)
-If one is at an harvestable stage now and die a natural death, their bodies will be transported to 4D/5D Earth at ease
-If one has the green-ray energy center activated and die a natural death, they may choose to reincarnate into any family hence:
At some point in third density, the green-ray energy center becomes activated and at that point incarnation
ceases to be automatic.
Questioner: When incarnation ceases to be automatic I am assuming that
the entity can decide when he needs to incarnate for the benefit of his own
learning. Does he also select his parents?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
QUESTION: At this time what percentage of the entities incarnating are making their own choices?
RA: About 54%.
-If one does not have the green-ray energy center or higher rays activated and die a natural death, they may be automatically reincarnated into the cycle and witness the cataclysmic 3D Earth or be transported into another 3D planet for further growth
-My question is this, why did Delores Cannon(green ray/blue ray) and Masaru Emoto(most likely green ray/blue ray hence service-to-others and excellent communication) choose to stay in a higher dimension as opposed to reincarnating back into a 3D Earth? From their higher perspective, they possibly see that their service-to-others is much more efficient in 4D/5D and through dreams and channeling currently. They may also see that reincarnation may be pointless due to the fact that the shift of 3D Earth to 4D/5D Earth may be in fact days/months/years from now. If they truly desired service-to-others, they will reside in the higher dimensions and channel love/information through the younger generation(us). If you think about this carefully, what service can a 3year old baby do? Or lets say that the shift happens in 2030, what service can an egotistical/bratty 15 year old(green/blue ray) do? I am sure that Delores and Masaru Emoto considered all these possible outcomes and decided to stay in the higher dimensions because they know that the shift is very soon.
-The new souls and wanderers that are pouring into our current Earth are our future leaders, their rays are beyond our spectrum; they are at least the rainbow/white rays(these are our true leaders and not those people we call governments) For example, you will see more of these beings soon http://www.crystalgridmaker.com/
-The rainbow/white rays will help with the natural transition of 3D Earth to 4D Earth as they have been through this cycle before(this is their service to us)
-This ties into what Delores taught:
The First Wave: Now in their late 40s to early 60s , these volunteers are disturbed by the violence, anger and hate that they experience on Earth. They have had the hardest time adjusting to life as humans, and many of them try to commit suicide.
The Second Wave: Now in their late 20s and 30s, these volunteers are more comfortable in bodies and are said to be beacons or channels of energy who can affect others just by being near them. Their mission of just sharing their energy with others means they don’t have to do anything but just be.
The Third Wave: The new children, many of whom are now teenagers, have all the knowledge needed to exist on the planet after the dimensional shift and transformation takes place. Their DNA is more advanced, and the greatest challenge they face is being misunderstood by humans as having a condition (ADHD) that needs to be medicated.
-If you are truly a wanderer, know that the harvest depends on the individual holding their high vibrations and frequency of love(this is the only requirement)
-Now I know that the physical 3D Earth is going through birth pains ever since the galactic alignment and the veils(magnetosphere perhaps?) are weakening and there will be more earthquakes/floods/weather extremes and anyone with a brain knows that at this rate, the physical 3D Earth will not last. I ask of all of you, do not fear and continue to hold your vibration of love. When your friends and families leave their physical bodies through death, you will be the one to guide them to the 4D Earth given that they are harvestable. Until then, keep your vibrations as high as you can and the shift shall happen seamlessly without any catastrophes I hope.
-I read other threads and prophecies talking about whether if the harvest is 2017 or 2020, I believe that the harvest can happen tomorrow or next week if all wanderers/beings united and focused their energies for Earth. For if one is illuminated, isn't all illuminated? When one is illuminated, Earth is also illuminated and her ascending process will be sped up greatly. Spend time with yourself often. Meditate. Contemplate. Connect. We are all one
I am a hypnotherapist dealing with the theta state of the mind/subconscious/higher self/angels and can confirm that sessions lately generally have a focus on the whole/all/everything rather than the individual himself/herself. I am also an energy healer ever since penetrating intelligent infinity.
I was trained under the late Delores Cannon. However, she passed away on October 19, 2014.
For those who do not know her, you may read about her here @ http://www.dolorescannon.com/
or watch a few videos to be brought up to speed:
Now, I am not supposed to share stories about specific sessions due to the personal nature of them. Secondly, only dedicated practitioners have access to the QHHT forums. There is a lot of juicy information in there which also resonates with the Law of One. I will pull out information from there as long as I am careful not to pull out personal stories.
Ever since the death of Delores Cannon and Masaru Emoto(October 17, 2014), lots of practitioners have witnessed these 2 great figures showing up in their dreams and communicating with them. Is it mere coincidence that these 2 people died within days of each other?
Masaru Emoto was a famous researcher in the consciousness of water.
These are good videos:
Now why do I think that the harvest is now? There are a few practitioners of QHHT who shared their messages that they communicated with Delores in the higher states of consciousness. They saw Delores in a younger body and Delores further taught them things which will help us in holding our vibrations. One communication was:
----I had another dream communication last night from Dolores for all of us with information about healing we can use..
----Dolores you are back! I am so happy to see you!
Yes I am back.
(Laughing) Its a lot of fun being multidimensional.
You are multidimensional too you know, but its easier to understand and play with from where I am now. I am absolutely visiting many of my students and communicating. You just don't know how much fun I am having!
------, I know you have always been especially interested in the physical healing of the body. There is so much I can tell you now about how all of that works.
Tonight I am going to describe something called "version states." You keep within your energy field a variety of easily accessible set points or version states. To keep things simple in explaining this, let's just say some of these states are more healthy than others.
Your body automatically selects a version state depending on the emotion you are feeling. Your body is literally and actually in a different and healthier state when you are happy verses when you are sad or angry. You know this already, but what I am trying to explain to you is that each one of them is a completely different physical body and you rotate through a great many of them during the course of a day.
You have several "favorite" version states you "dial into" during a normal day. You have one when you wake up. And, you have a different one when you wake up on a day you are going to do something fun or on a day of vacation verses waking up on a day you might dread. You have one when you are walking in a park, one where you are petting a dog, one where you are giving or receiving a hug. If you could just see how powerful hugs are everyone would be hugging each other all the time!
If you are a person who is easily or often angry or sad, then your "favorite" body versions reflect that too and those versions are not very nice to your physical body! If you constantly deal with negative people and let them "get to you" you might have a body version for that situation. Most people can't hold a positive body version around negative people. Some can, but most cannot, which is another reason its good to stay away from them if you can. Its just good for your health!
Most people have a body version that exists just for their doctor! Its so interesting how this works. They can literally be in one body when they are in the parking lot of a doctor's office and be in a different body when they open the door to go in for an appointment. You are constantly switching and choosing your body based upon your situation and especially based upon your emotions. I will have so much more to say about this. Especially about how doctors and hospitals affect the body.
This is why it is so important to do things that you love to do. This is why and how JOY heals the body. You are in a different body when you are happy and it is the healthiest body version you can choose.
I know you have lots of questions and I have much more to share but that it is it for now. Its easier for us both to give small pieces of information at a time. I'll be back and this communication will get even easier over time.
Tell everyone I am fine. I am having a ball. I would even say I am having the time of my "life!"
Okay, that's all for now.
Now back to what I have to say about the harvest. If Delores Cannon died, wouldn't it be natural that either she reincarnated or went back to source/her own dimension? But that wasn't the case, she claims that she has become multidimensional. I believed that the 4D/5D earth is already prepared for the beings who are harvestable. I also highly suspect that this new knowledge of version states and how our emotions/mentality affect our physical body is when Delores Cannon merged with other beings such as Masaru Emoto. It is highly likely that these 2 beings had a great mission on Earth and they both completed it in separate locations. When that mission was completed, they were merged back into one being.
I am unsure if I was able to communicate my message proficiently or not(I am horrible at explaining things) but I will use point forms to back up my reasoning that the harvest is now and happening rapidly:
-I highly believe that the gateway or doors to 4D/5D earth were opened in 2011-2012(I do not doubt Ra)
-If one is at an harvestable stage now and die a natural death, their bodies will be transported to 4D/5D Earth at ease
-If one has the green-ray energy center activated and die a natural death, they may choose to reincarnate into any family hence:
At some point in third density, the green-ray energy center becomes activated and at that point incarnation
ceases to be automatic.
Questioner: When incarnation ceases to be automatic I am assuming that
the entity can decide when he needs to incarnate for the benefit of his own
learning. Does he also select his parents?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
QUESTION: At this time what percentage of the entities incarnating are making their own choices?
RA: About 54%.
-If one does not have the green-ray energy center or higher rays activated and die a natural death, they may be automatically reincarnated into the cycle and witness the cataclysmic 3D Earth or be transported into another 3D planet for further growth
-My question is this, why did Delores Cannon(green ray/blue ray) and Masaru Emoto(most likely green ray/blue ray hence service-to-others and excellent communication) choose to stay in a higher dimension as opposed to reincarnating back into a 3D Earth? From their higher perspective, they possibly see that their service-to-others is much more efficient in 4D/5D and through dreams and channeling currently. They may also see that reincarnation may be pointless due to the fact that the shift of 3D Earth to 4D/5D Earth may be in fact days/months/years from now. If they truly desired service-to-others, they will reside in the higher dimensions and channel love/information through the younger generation(us). If you think about this carefully, what service can a 3year old baby do? Or lets say that the shift happens in 2030, what service can an egotistical/bratty 15 year old(green/blue ray) do? I am sure that Delores and Masaru Emoto considered all these possible outcomes and decided to stay in the higher dimensions because they know that the shift is very soon.
-The new souls and wanderers that are pouring into our current Earth are our future leaders, their rays are beyond our spectrum; they are at least the rainbow/white rays(these are our true leaders and not those people we call governments) For example, you will see more of these beings soon http://www.crystalgridmaker.com/
-The rainbow/white rays will help with the natural transition of 3D Earth to 4D Earth as they have been through this cycle before(this is their service to us)
-This ties into what Delores taught:
The First Wave: Now in their late 40s to early 60s , these volunteers are disturbed by the violence, anger and hate that they experience on Earth. They have had the hardest time adjusting to life as humans, and many of them try to commit suicide.
The Second Wave: Now in their late 20s and 30s, these volunteers are more comfortable in bodies and are said to be beacons or channels of energy who can affect others just by being near them. Their mission of just sharing their energy with others means they don’t have to do anything but just be.
The Third Wave: The new children, many of whom are now teenagers, have all the knowledge needed to exist on the planet after the dimensional shift and transformation takes place. Their DNA is more advanced, and the greatest challenge they face is being misunderstood by humans as having a condition (ADHD) that needs to be medicated.
-If you are truly a wanderer, know that the harvest depends on the individual holding their high vibrations and frequency of love(this is the only requirement)
-Now I know that the physical 3D Earth is going through birth pains ever since the galactic alignment and the veils(magnetosphere perhaps?) are weakening and there will be more earthquakes/floods/weather extremes and anyone with a brain knows that at this rate, the physical 3D Earth will not last. I ask of all of you, do not fear and continue to hold your vibration of love. When your friends and families leave their physical bodies through death, you will be the one to guide them to the 4D Earth given that they are harvestable. Until then, keep your vibrations as high as you can and the shift shall happen seamlessly without any catastrophes I hope.
-I read other threads and prophecies talking about whether if the harvest is 2017 or 2020, I believe that the harvest can happen tomorrow or next week if all wanderers/beings united and focused their energies for Earth. For if one is illuminated, isn't all illuminated? When one is illuminated, Earth is also illuminated and her ascending process will be sped up greatly. Spend time with yourself often. Meditate. Contemplate. Connect. We are all one