07-16-2010, 09:03 PM
Hello DIvine Ones!
This is my first ever post, having been coming here since March. My increasing sense of stillness and oneness has felt deepened from reading on the forum (often on a daily basis), and I thank you all for all the times I've smiled, and the tears have come from the incredible ressonance I feel with SO many here!
First of all, a little background. My earliest memories were waking up as a baby in my cot. When I'd re-enter the physical dimension, I'd scream and cry inconsolably, because I'd feel utterly devastated to be back in a baby body, locked into horrifyingly low-density. My fantasy is that my real parents would come and take me back to my real home- just as Delores Cannon puts it.
Growing up, I was particulary gentle, sensitive, absorbed by nature, would go into blissfull trances (one time triggered by shining tinsel), have out of body experiences which I assumed were what everyone experienced etc. From the age of 12 I read philosophy, psychology, and read all I could on spirituality. I zipped through religion pretty fast because I realised it didn't ressonate with my heart. Left home, moved to Glastonbury at 17 and got deeply into meditation, having fun, learning about natural medicines, and working through my stuff (nothing that ever felt 'too' painful- not much karma). I went to India for 6 months age 18, and went back a couple more times for long periods to meditate, and get qualified in Colourpuncture therapy.
I always had amazing things happen. I've received so much help from my soul family, whenever I needed it. I trusted it always, took it for granted in a playful, but grateful way. I've remembered contacts/communions with my soul family in clearest detail, and have seen plenty of ufos, and even had a big crop circle appear right where me and my then gfriends tent was pitched. We slept in a crop circle for 3 days!!! It seemed completely natural for me to be having such, I suppose extraordinary experiences.
I've used astrology for 17 years now. It was given to me directly a few days after I asked consciousness to teach me it. It arrived telepathically over about the course of a year. I got a holographic education! It came to me in symbols, feelings, thoughts, colours and sometimes sounds. This is what happened at night instead of sleep. I was in a conscious learning state while I'd get lesson 33 or whatever!! It was so perfect, I was so attuned that I often freaked people out big time when I would tell them their DOBs. One time, I knew someones DOB and also their full name!! I just used to know stuff without even trying. I did bother to do the astrol dip, just for the letters, a couple of years later.
Then on 31/01/2001, it all stopped! It had all gone. All the energy rushes in my upper chakras, the feeling of love, closeness and protection from Higher Self/soul family- nothing at all. It was so painful. I felt like an existential orphan, dropped out of the sky to somewhere cold and grey (ok, I live in England!). I felt like I was living someone elses life. No matter what, no matter how much I cried and asked for some of it to return, it didn't. I really was on my own, aged 28 (and no, it wasn't my saturn return, that was a year later and it was only one short blast, rather than slow passes over natal saturn.)
So with a great deal of difficulty, set backs, glitches and what felt at the time to be a lot of frustruating bollox, I moved to London, and got a degree in midwifery. I'd had my lovely beautiful baby boy in 1999 (who's DoB I'd found years before in the ephemeris), and he'd totally inspired me around being pregnant, giving birth, transformation, and co-creation with consciousness!! My lovely boy helped me to be in my heart all through the tough times- our love bubble was a protected space of course!
I worked v hard, stubbornly got 1st class honours, and came out un-brainwashed, unscathed, just really focussed on my work as a private midwife so my gorgeous women could have their very own deep encounters/experiences with birth but in a far less medicalised way. Yes, my connection was coming back stronger and stronger.
A few years on, I'm now at a point where I'm having conscious multidimensional communion, holographic/telepathic downloads, energetic reworkings, dna activation etc on a frequent basis. Sometimes its a huge experience, really full-on, where I'm receiving Truth on so far subjects incl. belief systems, karma, where the illuminati fit in, who I am, where I come from (not in a physical sense, cus it ain't physical), what I'm here to help with etc. I am aware of all sorts of different beings on the astral, and have even had what I found to be a powerful teaching on prejudice/discrimination, by way of a reptillian. I got it all immediately, he was just different that's all. Consciousness is diverse etc.
I'm all typed out, but now that I'm officially here, I will officially return with much love to share!
This is my first ever post, having been coming here since March. My increasing sense of stillness and oneness has felt deepened from reading on the forum (often on a daily basis), and I thank you all for all the times I've smiled, and the tears have come from the incredible ressonance I feel with SO many here!
First of all, a little background. My earliest memories were waking up as a baby in my cot. When I'd re-enter the physical dimension, I'd scream and cry inconsolably, because I'd feel utterly devastated to be back in a baby body, locked into horrifyingly low-density. My fantasy is that my real parents would come and take me back to my real home- just as Delores Cannon puts it.
Growing up, I was particulary gentle, sensitive, absorbed by nature, would go into blissfull trances (one time triggered by shining tinsel), have out of body experiences which I assumed were what everyone experienced etc. From the age of 12 I read philosophy, psychology, and read all I could on spirituality. I zipped through religion pretty fast because I realised it didn't ressonate with my heart. Left home, moved to Glastonbury at 17 and got deeply into meditation, having fun, learning about natural medicines, and working through my stuff (nothing that ever felt 'too' painful- not much karma). I went to India for 6 months age 18, and went back a couple more times for long periods to meditate, and get qualified in Colourpuncture therapy.
I always had amazing things happen. I've received so much help from my soul family, whenever I needed it. I trusted it always, took it for granted in a playful, but grateful way. I've remembered contacts/communions with my soul family in clearest detail, and have seen plenty of ufos, and even had a big crop circle appear right where me and my then gfriends tent was pitched. We slept in a crop circle for 3 days!!! It seemed completely natural for me to be having such, I suppose extraordinary experiences.
I've used astrology for 17 years now. It was given to me directly a few days after I asked consciousness to teach me it. It arrived telepathically over about the course of a year. I got a holographic education! It came to me in symbols, feelings, thoughts, colours and sometimes sounds. This is what happened at night instead of sleep. I was in a conscious learning state while I'd get lesson 33 or whatever!! It was so perfect, I was so attuned that I often freaked people out big time when I would tell them their DOBs. One time, I knew someones DOB and also their full name!! I just used to know stuff without even trying. I did bother to do the astrol dip, just for the letters, a couple of years later.
Then on 31/01/2001, it all stopped! It had all gone. All the energy rushes in my upper chakras, the feeling of love, closeness and protection from Higher Self/soul family- nothing at all. It was so painful. I felt like an existential orphan, dropped out of the sky to somewhere cold and grey (ok, I live in England!). I felt like I was living someone elses life. No matter what, no matter how much I cried and asked for some of it to return, it didn't. I really was on my own, aged 28 (and no, it wasn't my saturn return, that was a year later and it was only one short blast, rather than slow passes over natal saturn.)
So with a great deal of difficulty, set backs, glitches and what felt at the time to be a lot of frustruating bollox, I moved to London, and got a degree in midwifery. I'd had my lovely beautiful baby boy in 1999 (who's DoB I'd found years before in the ephemeris), and he'd totally inspired me around being pregnant, giving birth, transformation, and co-creation with consciousness!! My lovely boy helped me to be in my heart all through the tough times- our love bubble was a protected space of course!
I worked v hard, stubbornly got 1st class honours, and came out un-brainwashed, unscathed, just really focussed on my work as a private midwife so my gorgeous women could have their very own deep encounters/experiences with birth but in a far less medicalised way. Yes, my connection was coming back stronger and stronger.
A few years on, I'm now at a point where I'm having conscious multidimensional communion, holographic/telepathic downloads, energetic reworkings, dna activation etc on a frequent basis. Sometimes its a huge experience, really full-on, where I'm receiving Truth on so far subjects incl. belief systems, karma, where the illuminati fit in, who I am, where I come from (not in a physical sense, cus it ain't physical), what I'm here to help with etc. I am aware of all sorts of different beings on the astral, and have even had what I found to be a powerful teaching on prejudice/discrimination, by way of a reptillian. I got it all immediately, he was just different that's all. Consciousness is diverse etc.
I'm all typed out, but now that I'm officially here, I will officially return with much love to share!