05-21-2014, 09:32 AM
I was shocked too, I think this dream means betrayal. My girlfriend is going to California for 6 weeks...dream is giving me a heads up
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05-21-2014, 09:32 AM
I was shocked too, I think this dream means betrayal. My girlfriend is going to California for 6 weeks...dream is giving me a heads up
(05-21-2014, 09:10 AM)Hotsizzle77 Wrote: I was swimming under some kind of dirty water. I was with someone else but I don't remember who. We were looking for a way out and I took a deep breath through my nostrils and breathed under water. Next thing I knew I was in a room with all of these traps. I could see them, if I hit this string a saw would come flying at me. I accidentally hit it and nothing happened. Dirty water sounds like your emotions are clouded and you're not able to see clearly through them. The trap indicates that you feel as though you're confined constricted where you are (Or perhaps by the clouded emotions), but that isn't actually the case. The dark room and the symbol of the dog indicates that you feel your loved ones may drag you down into the dark place you were previously, but again this isn't the case, though shooting the dog may appear as though there's some resentment or anger that isn't being processed in a healthy manner. Depends on what your emotions were during the dream, so ymmv Lol.
05-21-2014, 11:35 AM
Horuseus <3 thank you for your professional interpretation
05-22-2014, 05:02 AM
The actor who plays in mission impossible 3 who overdosed on drugs picked me up. I was in the back seat my cousin was in the front. I was smoking a cigarette the fat guy gave me. I was talking to my girlfriend on the phone. She made the ciggarate burn too much because I forgot about it so it lit on fire the first time so I blew it out.
The second time parts of the little truck lot on fire. The fat guy who was driving continued to drive and everything turned red. I told him to pull over so I could get out. I kept yelling pull over! Get me out! Angel my cousin and him were calm and drove right into a gaurd rail in the highway. The truck got hotter and redder I knew it was goin to blow up and we were going to die. I suddenly surrendered to it and entered a state of total bliss. I mean like meditation within the dream. The explosion became a state of oneness.
05-22-2014, 08:17 PM
05-23-2014, 01:34 PM
the night before last night i was in a big vehicle with obama & others - might've been a charter bus. we started making "only in america" jokes
last night i dreamed the ocean waves started getting way too big & every1 started running from them. (this is a recurring theme of mine - along with the sea level rising) in another part there tons of kittens & some cats trying to get in my house. they were all so beautiful & i was making a big deal about them to people that were there with me. i decided to let them inside for a while & started giving them milk & all kinds of foods. 1 of the cats was neon colors & i got my camera out & started taking pics of it in another part some1 was screaming at me then i started screaming nonsense to where i couldn't hear what they were screaming then i said to some lady i don't know, "they can't get to ya if they can't get to ya" & by that i meant if some1 is "getting to you" meaning starting to bother u - then all u have to do to prevent them from getting to u is block them out somehow if u can...this way is easier than listening to their words & trying not to let the words bother u
05-23-2014, 05:43 PM
(05-22-2014, 08:17 PM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote:yeah i think so lol(05-19-2014, 06:26 PM)isis Wrote: in a part of my dream from this morning some1 told me to never eat a caramel square again haven't touched a caramel square since that dream & i've still got lots left. i take my dreams seriously when it comes to hints about foods that i shouldn't (& should) be consuming...i told was told to start eating sweet potatoes in dreamland not that long ago & now i've started doing that
05-24-2014, 02:49 AM
I had an amazing dream about a close friend of mine who comforted me during the whole dream. When I woke up, I still felt his wonderful vibration inside of me. I love his vibration! But in that dream he was more than "just" his incarnated personality. In this dream he was "truer self" or deeper or more in some way, although I can always feel it anyway when being in his presence. So when I woke up, it felt like it really happened, that we've just been together, and he comforted me. I still have this feeling of him inside of me.
The interpretation of this dream is that I believe that I have been feeling sort of lonely lately due to some difficulties, and my High Priestess just wanted to remind me that I am not alone. We are never alone. Thank you, Your Potentiatorness. That was a very beautiful and needed dream!
05-24-2014, 10:41 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-24-2014, 12:33 PM by AnthroHeart.)
We were riding in a vehicle and on the left side of the highway were a lot of pianos. Some really big grand pianos. But I couldn't visit them because they were a ways away. One of the grand pianos was on the side of a large rocky hill. After this a preacher convinced me of following Jesus. And I gave him a greeting card.
Later at the school we were told to turn out all the lights, and depart the building. At one point I had headphones but no music player. Then I had a notepad and a short pencil, which I would use to take notes. Later we saw it raining brown sugar inside a building that still had its lights on, and elves were sliding down the brown sugar waterfall. When I left the room, I noticed a closet light was on, so I mentioned it to someone, and they turned it off. There was something about missing my last class that I had to take to graduate. I don't remember the subject, but I remember that I was currently in a math class. Earlier my friends were putting on a play. I don't remember the topic, but I remember that one of my friends stood on the shoulders of another to make him really tall. After that I was at a gate of sort with my car, and had to select a color, green, yellow or red on a computer screen. I selected green and was allowed to go. I remember on that planet there was a black hole that I nearly touched. Two nights ago I dreamed I was at a medical marijuana dispensary. But I didn't have an ID. They told me to take one off the wall. then proceeded to fill my cup of water with liquid pot, using a small dipper. I guess it was liquid concentrated pot. there was a lot of pot there and people were buying large quantities. But they didn't seem to charge me for it.
05-27-2014, 06:43 AM
had sweet dreamless sleep last night - so refreshing. woke at exactly 5:00
05-27-2014, 07:32 AM
Met a giant, sweet and funny talking turtle. She said exactly what I needed to hear while my skin was cracking and falling on the floor, so it was a very nice dream.
I need to slow down, slow and steady is rather difficult to comprehend for a workaholic. AAAAOOOOUUUH! Yeah, I need to relax.
05-27-2014, 04:17 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-27-2014, 04:18 PM by Adonai One.)
The dream:
My wife and I had just finished grocery shopping with tons of veggies and other stuff we typically buy. We went to the first counter we encountered but the grocery lady moved us to a special counter because we were paying with a food stamp card, which neither of us have before. This was greatly disconcerting to me. I wanted to pay with a regular coupon but the lady informed us that these were invalid with food stamps. At the end of it, I saw that my wife, despite being on foodstamps, bought a fancy cheese like she does on special occasions. Meaning: While we are living with little means that most would consider impoverished, we tend to have little to no fears or shame regarding it. I guess this was supposed to represent that, lol. It hasn't gotten so bad that we need assistance though. Just a dream representing our faith everything is well I guess.
05-27-2014, 05:54 PM
Or it could mean:
Monstrous Grocery Lady is probably Ankh invading your dreams, being mean in general, and giving you a hard time there, too. She has brought you, mum, a bottle of shameful wine Even in your world you don’t get to slack with her around, adding insult to injury, scooting you to the special corner as special as those short bus kids for public embarrassment and further humiliation And it doesn’t stop there making life a tad bit harder by denying coupons. No soup for you! There shall be no peace with her so long as you jobless But as usual it has no bearing and zero effect, so interpretation is that way, don’t budge, and we back to square one again no matter the realm
05-28-2014, 01:18 AM
(05-27-2014, 05:54 PM)Regulus Wrote: Or it could mean: See my response here.
05-28-2014, 11:14 AM
Some cinnamon rolls that were baking were trying to kill me and Tom Hanks and a bunch of kids, by blowing up our heads after we ate them. They kept chanting "kill Tom Hanks". I was afraid of death, which was unusual.
Had quite the dream last night, though as tends to be the case it can only be recalled partially.
I don't quite recall the precursor in enough detail to make it sound coherent, however the gist of it was that there was some Monster Serpant hybrid/Boss type creature trying to take over the 'world'. On my side through the collective team workings of all the people in my dream prior to this through my leadership (Again, can't recall in detail but I know this was the case) we had amassed our own entity capable of defeating this creature. The creature on their side looked like there were many Serpants coiled into one head. The only creature I can think of to describe it is Exodia from YuGiOh, except the head and neck were 3-4 serpents coiled twisted to form a head. Somehow the scene shifts and this creature is in my bedroom. It was about to attack me when I presented my own 'entity' that I knew would defend me. The other creature, seeing this, unwinded each of it's heads and split into 4 dragons. There was a red, blue, gold and a green (?) dragon and they looked like the Asian variety. Each of them took a turn in attacking my entity. I shut the door so I was outside now and my entity fought in my place. The dragons, one by one, let out a huge flame blast, and yet my entity overcame it with it's own overwhelming attack (Not sure what it looked like but it was similar to the other. I think a golden dragon or phoenix type creature). One by one each of the dragons were destroyed. I don't recall much inbetween that, other than I escaped in a Helicopter (Sounds familiar Lol). I flew the helicopter fast and high and this other company or army that were trying to attack us could not catch us quick enough. Eventually we made it to another shore which was full of snow/ice. It looked like Antarctica (This was the word which came in my head in the dream). As we landed all the indigenous eskimos crawled up from underground where they had been hiding and were in awe at what we were able to achieve. I got the feeling that I landed their to bring this technology or understanding to those people, and they were now filled with hope. Interpretation: There was a heck of alot more to the dream however the dragon and ending scenes were prominent. I'm not going to do a direct interpretation other than paste this tidbit of info that I find relates: Quote:In the fight with the dragon the hero battles the regressive forces of the unconscious which threaten to swallow the individuating ego. The forces, personified in figures like Circe, Kali, medusa, sea serpents, Minotaur, or Gorgon, represent the Terrible side of the Great Mother. The Hero may voluntarily submit to being swallowed by the monster, or to a conscious descent into Hades so as to vanquish the forces of darkness. This mortifying descent into the abyss, the sea, the dark cave, or the underworld in order to be reborn to a new identity expresses the symbolism of the night-sea journey through the uterine belly of the monster. It is a fundamental theme in mythology the world over — that of death and rebirth. All initiatory rituals involve this basic archetypal pattern through which the old order and early infantile attachments must die and a more mature and productive life be born in their place. The 'ascent' in the Helicopter is reminiscent of an earlier dream I wrote about here, and the ability to 'escape', or rather, the 'success' of said struggle. The landing on the Iceberg representing the outer surface conscious mind/Egoic construct, surrounded by the Blue Sea I was flying over being the buffer between the unconscious and the conscious mind. Those 'natives' who awoke were aspects of my outer self which were awakening was a result of the work being done after being in 'slumber'.
05-28-2014, 11:54 AM
You must face the dragon to get to the treasure. Kind of the motto for shadow work. Shadow dreams typically involve a threat that we attempt to run away from, and it's interesting to note how we deal with threatening characters in these dreams bc they reflect back how we are reacting to our shadow aspect. Running away symbolizes our need to turn away from our shadow (deny, ignore, etc.,.), which is symbolic of how we turn away from undesirable or unacknowledged aspect of self, e.g. running away, hiding, etc. In your case H., you 'amassed' your 'own entity capable of defeating this creature'. Well done! Very interesting that another entity fought in your place - do you think you found an aspect of self that has the resources that enable you to work thru challenging catalyst? But this is my interpretation maybe you see it differently.
(05-28-2014, 11:54 AM)reeay Wrote: In your case H., you 'amassed' your 'own entity capable of defeating this creature'. Well done! Very interesting that another entity fought in your place - do you think you found an aspect of self that has the resources that enable you to work thru challenging catalyst? But this is my interpretation maybe you see it differently. Hah, thanks! It's been a rough few years with the inner work I've been doing and I find I am now at a transitional phase moving out of said work as a point of focus, so these dreams representing the 'status' of that work is encouraging. This year has consistently brought the theme of 'walking the talk' for me, applying the principles on a conscious and practical basis rather than simply expanding a knowledgebase which ultimately bears little fruit by itself. Re your Q, not quite sure. I could probably tell you if I recall the precursor correctly, as I do remember interacting with different people (aspects of myself) who were difficult to cooperate with at first, yet managed to get together. What I understand and intuitively grasp was that it symbolically showed the status of said struggle, and this 'entity' was not quite literal, not really an aspect of 'me', but was the culmination of my efforts. So it isn't something I've found I can call on that has the resources, as it's distinctly 'me' (Whatever the heck that is lol - Still working on that one). This 'battle' took place in my bedroom which was interesting I thought. The symbology of the bedroom usually denotes an aspect that is private or close to home. Could also be a place of comfort and solace (Which it is for me), so there's a link I'm not getting. Don't think it matters much.
05-30-2014, 10:58 AM
My dreams have been quite muddled as of late since I haven't been sleeping too well but a cool thing happened this morning. My coworker said she would call me to tell me if I'm working or not. I woke up all of sudden, said to myself "ok she should be calling" and not 30 seconds later, the phone rings to tell me not to come in lol.
05-30-2014, 11:18 AM
Last night was awesome. I owned Disney, and was driving a ship through the waterpark, which took up all of the theme park. It felt great. I also told someone that I had died and came back. That was cool too. The themepark wasn't called Disney World though. It didn't have a name.
Whenever I dream of theme parks, I'm always in some secret area that nobody knows about. Like behind the scenes. Theme parks in dreams are a sense of wonder, because I get access to areas that are special. I also remember requesting someone to make me a double cheeseburger. I was afraid I would miss the bus waiting for him to cook them.
I got about 10 pages worth of dreams last night. One part was really interesting & worth sharing:
I was seeing (close-up) nothing but a pupil (+ eyelid) that looked like a cat's pupil. The eyelid was covering half of the pupil & kept moving very slowly when closing periodically. In the dream I concluded whatever creature I was seeing was only just beginning to awaken. The creature's body seemed to be comprised of nothing but an eye + eyelid.
05-31-2014, 06:09 PM
just had a delightful dream.
I was somehow travelling (by train) I think, as there was some preamble scenes to the dream which I can't quite recall/make out, but I can remember there being some sort of prelude to the part that I could remember. anyway, I was travelling, and somehow I ended up at a location, which was a large studio apartment. it had the unmistakable air of familiarity, I knew I had lived there before. it was about this point that I became semi-lucid, and was able to cogitate and start thinking and processing. I tried remembering the places that I had lived in my current life, and the different suburbs, and I couldn't fit it in. I came to the conclusion in the dream that I must have forgotten it, and that eventually it would come back to me (using that oh-so-excellent dream logic). The apartment was empty, and between renters. I don't know how I ended up there, but I remember thinking that the landlord would probably be around soon to show the place to new tenants, and that I should probably leave soon as I shouldn't be there. The place was semi furnished with hardwood floors, and there was a large cupboard at one end of the room, a small dresser table with a vase of flowers on it. The most beautiful looking sunlight streamed in from a round window at that end of the room. At the other end of the room, I remember where my bed was, and that's where I used to sleep. I just knew it instinctively, the air of recognition was so strong. I had my backpack with me, and took out my Nexus 5 phone (yes, my real world phone lol). I tried taking photos of the place because I wanted to remember this, but the images were either too zoomed in or too zoomed out, I couldn't quite figure out why I couldn't get the right image to save. in the end, I had to leave by the door, because I was certain the landlord was going to come back soon, and that I didn't belong there anymore. (it was not where I lived anymore). Before I did, I had one final look out a second window, and could see the rooftops below, and I absolutely had that familiar feeling again (it was all throughout the dream) that I looked out from that perspective all the time once. And then I left, not sad or longing in any way, but so overjoyed and thrilled for the experience. The Over-riding Emotion: Familiarity. That I had been there before. That I had lived there before. The Analysis: the semi-lucidity thing leads me to believe that this was a bit of the cracking of the Veil, and the conscious mind getting a peak at the fuller version of myself. The apartment is possibly representative (in symbolic form) of a former higher density in which I had passed through, but that is not my current home. I wanted to bring back some of the concrete details with me (by using the Nexus 5 and taking 'concrete' detail), but the conscious mind (the 3d mind) was distorting what was being experienced - either zooming in too much (over focus) or zooming out too much (not enough detail). The Takeaway: just a delightful sense of 'fullness'; or having a greater experience of the self. And the beautiful hardwood floors. What a delight!!
05-31-2014, 10:36 PM
(05-31-2014, 06:09 PM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: it had the unmistakable air of familiarity, I knew I had lived there before. This kind of thing has happened to me more times than I can count. I'll be lucid enough to know with absolute certainty I'm somewhere I've never been before & yet I experience undeniable memories &/or sensations of having been there. I find this phenomenon to be profoundly fascinating. It often makes me think there's definitely such a thing as unconscious, or veiled, memories. However, I can't help but consider the fact I could merely be experiencing false memories rather than some kind of a "cracking of the Veil"...
06-01-2014, 08:58 PM
Last night I was harvesting shark meat, to dehydrate and sell. I was going to make a good living off of that.
There was also talk of a distant star that was emitting deadly particles. I also took a bite out of a nasty sausage.
Only recall fragments from last nights dream. Was quite a few important aspects there that I figured due to the specific symbology though.
The final scene was quite telling. I find I always receive the most pertinent info right before I wake up, likely due to the increased chance of recall. In this scene I was in a beautiful indoor garden tended to by some old lady (Looked something out of telletubbies actually). She had many feline pets and dogs that were quite harmless and 'cute' (Quite small). All of a sudden I'm observing that more and more of these cats and dogs appear and follow 'me' (Though I observing was more a 3rd party). I walk around trying to not pay attention to the animals following however I notice they seem more and more aggressive, with my moving away from them agitating them to this state. Almost as if my fear was causing them to be more aggressive. All of a sudden (Well it was leading upto it) I start running and they start chasing. Me and a friend manage to grab on the bus that was going and we got away. I was also somehow holding a chicken at the bus door as I got away. Interpretation: The garden is my 'inner world' that I've been cultivating. The female/gardner was my wise feminine aspect (Anima), and her 'pets' the feminine aspects of my psyche. The cat/feline specifically relating to feelings and dog the intuition. In the dream the animals attempted to get close, yet I kept pushing them away. They were quite harmless and looked healthy and tame. The fact that there were many meant it had much to offer to me and that it was not scary, though me moving away from it meant that I was avoiding it out of fear. This message was drummed home by running to the bus holding a chicken (Being a chicken). The bus to me means transition, and moving forward to my next step/station in life. tl: dr The dream was basically telling me to stop running away from my feelings and my gut intuition like a chicken in order to move on.
06-05-2014, 03:25 AM
I have one recurring dream, that I need to share. It's about a big boat, like one of those cruising ships, that always sails from point A to point B, and then turns back to point A, like cruising ships do.
This boat is huge and contains everything like bars, restaurants, luxury cabins and very simple cabins, and even one water amusement park (which is huge too). I just recently realized that this "boat" is me, my mind/body/spirit complex, and in those dreams where I am inside that boat having my "adventures" there, are clues of what is going on inside of me. So I need to pay more attention to these dreams now! Anyways, I had this dream now again, and this time it was not so much of what was inside but the trip itself. The boat sailed from point A, my home, to point B, where it turned in order to go back again. But when it had to turn, it by some reasons which I don't remember now, appeared to be on top of one big but narrow waterslide in the harbor, and then it had to slide down from that hill in a very high speed while it was turning. While this was happening, I was scared and thought that we are not going to make it, and that those who are in charge of that boat are crazy for doing this maneuver. I thought that we are going to crash or that boat is going to tip and sink. But it made it! And when that happened I became conscious in that dream remembering that this is not the first time I am dreaming this, and that the boat always makes it. I believe that there is some big significance to this dream, as it might give me clues to what is happening to me now in regards to my severe dizzyness and anxiety attacks related to this dizzyness. The sea is the collective mind of our people. The boat is me sailing through this collective consciousness. Point A is perhaps the state of beingness with which I was born which is connectedness with everyone and everything around me. But then due to traumatic events, I lost this connection, but that this was planned pre-incarnatively perhaps, so we arrived to point B. But now have to go back "home" to that state of beingness with which I was born. Any other ideas of interpretation of this event? What I also don't understand is this high and narrow waterslide, and why the boat needs to slide down from it in that crazy speed? It doesn't tip, but I am still very scared of this maneuver, and wonder, why not turning the boat in a "safer" way. Any ideas?
06-05-2014, 03:35 PM
I had a sad dream that my dog Loki was locked away in a pen that I couldn't get to. We had to play a game which picked random letters and numbers, but I didn't want to play, in order to get him back.
My mom played the game, but ended up rescuing a person, rather than my dog. I could tell the person was visibly upset. I think he was locked inside a church. There was a man and woman overseeing them.
06-05-2014, 03:58 PM
(06-05-2014, 03:25 AM)Ankh Wrote: I have one recurring dream, that I need to share. It's about a big boat, like one of those cruising ships, that always sails from point A to point B, and then turns back to point A, like cruising ships do. I saw that dream somewhat differently Ankh. I'll provide my personal take on it, though as always use your own discernment. Often I find ones intuition and 'gut feeling' about the dream to be most accurate. The Boat represents your 3D life, with all it's entertainments and distractions, symbolised by the various attractions seen. You are navigating through life from 'Home', which could symbolise some prior native density that you chose to move away from temporarily. The Ocean symbolises emotions, though I consider it to be more the 'Mental ocean', and so the turmoil in the Ocean relates to emotional turmoil you may have experienced as you navigated through life (The sea). The ocean here could also relate to your unconscious mind, with you (Conscious mind interested in the 3D attractions) hovering on the surface. The 'Home' here would then symbolise the prior comfort your Ego construct/conscious mind experienced prior to going out on the journey of seeking. I prefer this take, though whatever you feel for you. Now, the main aspect here is challenging conditions of the sea represented by the waterslide and you being scared. That being, which I don't think you're consciously registering, is that even though you may experience stressful events or turmoil/chaos in your life, where you are worried you won't make it, you will always navigate through it safe and sound. It may be necessary, and it could be a response to your Q asking 'Why?', with the takeaway being 'Why not?'. You mentioned that you thought 'that those who are in charge of that boat are crazy for doing this maneuver', which is quite telling. This to me means there are forces (Higher Self, unconscious mind etc) directing your life, and even though you may take issue with some of the aspects 'they' may have placed on your life path, the point to note is that you make it safe and sound, and that you should place trust, or as A1 stated, have Faith. Alternatively (and this is why dream interpretation is a headache), if you're questioning the directions, it could mean that you need to take control of the Boat/Your life, if you do not wish to experience those chaotic conditions. In essence don't simply 'go along for the ride', but take charge and steer away from those conditions consciously. Just bouncing a few ideas out there. Hope it helps!
06-06-2014, 03:04 PM
Hello everyone! I had some strange lucid dreams last night and I thought I'd share one of them with you. I have no clue if it has any scientific basis but I thought it was interesting so here it is:
Quote:A young black boy aboard a spaceship close to earth turns to his instructors after they present him with a 3D map of all the radio energy residues which purportedly travels at various speeds throughout the galaxy. He has been told we cannot differentiate their provenance. He proposes the following: in accordance to the speed and (possible) detected color spectrum of this energy (which is currently only perceived as white noise) it would be possible to deduce the type of energy, how it travels and from where. Some energy traveling at higher speeds would seem to us more heratic in behavior and directionless, but in lower traveling speeds it would be possible to observe clusters of alike waves which come from various neighboorhing galaxies and are just passing through ours currently. All can be deduced if one knows how to look and what to look for. And nope, I did not watch Star Trek before going to bed or at all recently before you ask, haha ![]() |