05-14-2014, 06:01 PM
Wow, and I thought that I didn't like working.
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05-14-2014, 06:01 PM
Wow, and I thought that I didn't like working.
(05-14-2014, 12:46 PM)Ankh Wrote:I can edit tags too Wrote:78.21 Questioner: You stated previously that The Choice that is made in this density, third density, is the axis upon which the creation turns. Could you expand on your reason for making that statement? I thank you reverently for your insight, that I may grow in the divine beauty of service. This touches my soul and fills me with peace, and I am a little closer to the singularity of oneness because of it. Namaste. (05-14-2014, 03:25 PM)Ankh Wrote: Good thing though, this catalyst has even more brought me closer to this planet and Her people, our people. I will go on now, and work my nightshift, blendig my energies with my brothers and sisters. Exactly!!! We chose this veiling, in these bodies, on this planet, fscked-up as some may see it. It's our mission to remember why. There are no mistakes. <3 (05-14-2014, 03:25 PM)Ankh Wrote: Good luck with whatever you seeking, A1. He is young. I was once like him, full of pain, bitterness and rage. We all were, at some point, though we may not remember it. Give him time to see the beauty, majesty, the grace. Understanding will come, in time.
05-14-2014, 06:58 PM
Thank you, Icipher, for your message! Namaste.
05-14-2014, 08:17 PM
I have no anger towards anything. Please show me evidence that I am angry at this world.
05-14-2014, 09:18 PM
It's not really fair to dismiss Adonai One like that. That's ad hominem, and I also didn't see any anger or bitterness in his posts.
The only frontier that has ever existed is the self.
05-15-2014, 12:10 AM
After reading the recent discussion, I would like to address some points and share some ideas.
We are all children of planet Earth, part of her ecology. Do we owe something to the planet for our existence? Does Earth expect payment or tribute from its children? Or does it freely give them life and a habitat to thrive in? We all have parents and we were all conceived from our mother's womb. Do we owe something to our mother for our existence? Do mothers expect payment or tribute from her children? Or do they freely give them life and provide them with a place to live in until they are ready to walk the earth by themselves? What would you think of a case where a mother would request tribute from her children, a payment for carrying them, feeding them and raising them? Could this be called conditional love? During our lives we all make friends, friends whose help we may sometimes require and ask for. Do we owe something to our good friends for receiving their help? Do good friends expect payment from their friends after doing them a favour which is freely given? In the case of requested payment, would this be called an act of friendship or a conditional exchange? We all live in a form of society and we meet many strangers on the road. These strangers may provide us with various services, give us food and shelter at times. Whereas planet Earth, our family and our friends most often do not request payment or tribute for their help, the relationships we have with strangers are often based on a conditional exchange; many will request payment or tribute, with reason one could say, as they themselves have to pay for services, food and shelter. I would like to offer an idea; we do not owe anything to anyone. We are truly free and the idea of earning a living, paying tribute and paying off debts is a conditional construct which allows individuals to live separately yet interact in numerous (but paradoxically limited) ways. Allow me to propose that if we were closer to each other and actually took time to know each other, free of fear and expectation, our society would most likely be very different; paying dues as a practice would become less common and perhaps be reserved to trading certain rarer commodities as individuals of a society would often share freely with each other in an unconditional manner, like family and friends naturally would. Allow me to propose that we work the way we do because we believe in a hierarchical system which reinforces the idea that we must constantly justify our existence and pay dues in order to be worthy of living in society. It is a self-sustaining system whose parts must pay to be part of it and whose work keep it alive. The more one works within this system, the more they are valued in society. While this idea/system is valid, I believe it is not efficient in building loving relationships but rather effective at encouraging individuals to compete with each other and judging one another. I have seen much of this in this thread in the past two days... I believe unconditional love is both giving as well as receiving without expectation. And in a system where we unfortunately have to work to survive, payment would be a preference rather than an absolute. Perhaps rethinking the way we work and the beliefs we impose on others could be beneficial. Additionally, I believe unconditional love towards the self is just as important as love towards others; giving from a place of sacrifice and pain is denying the self which, ultimately, is no different than denying other selves. Are we not all one? One must look within and cultivate their own happiness if they wish to be able to radiate it outwards, or else risk externalizing their bitterness to others. Speaking from personal experience, looking within and pleasing oneself can serve as great balancing; there is no risk of falling to the "dark side" unless one convicts themselves to disregarding and hurting others in the process. In my experience, this phenomenon is quite rare and most of the hurt we experience in this world is due to confusion rather than true hatred. That is all for now ![]()
05-15-2014, 12:22 AM
(05-15-2014, 12:10 AM)vervex Wrote: After reading the recent discussion, I would like to address some points and share some ideas. Gathering my thoughts, Vervex. Will respond to your thoughts when ready -Regulus (05-15-2014, 12:10 AM)vervex Wrote: After reading the recent discussion, I would like to address some points and share some ideas. Vervex, you are correct that the Earth experience is that of learning to understand universal love, and that universal love is unconditional love. This is why some of us do not understand Adonai's position, because no tribute is being asked of him in the first place. However, the point must be made that 4D+ graduation is 51% and greater service to others, which necessitates sacrifice - the love of yourself AS part of oneness, over the love of yourself as separate from oneness. This is crucial. Sacrifice must never be coerced. Giving to others while sacrificing yourself against your will, because you feel resentment toward existence for asking you to make such a sacrifice...that is absolutely to be avoided, I agree. Better yet, avoid thinking in such a fear-based manner, as you are thus focusing on division, which is disunity and a waste of time for your earthly endeavor! ![]() Sacrifice to others out of love, now...that is the highest form of love, and that is why evolution to the point of feeling that naturally is the graduation to 4D+; mastering universal love 51%^ over love of the self. Love of the self, by definition, is separation. Universal love includes the self, it does not exclude the self in any way. There is no competition! The Choice: There is only Love, 4D Universal Love, which is Unity (STO), and Fear, That Which Is Not (STS).
05-15-2014, 01:56 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-15-2014, 01:56 AM by Adonai One.)
Where is the self when all of its desires and beliefs are sacrificed for a "greater good"? Where is the "greater good" when all of its desires and beliefs are sacrificed for another "greater good"? When does the sacrifice end? Shall we all just surrender to the void of the eternal? Shall we just embrace an eternal sleep?
Icipher, I cannot speak for everyone but my experience and understanding of service to others does not require sacrifice. When I love another, I am not losing anything and it does not cause me pain. Similarly, when I am helping another it is only an expression of this love I feel, an expression of who I am, truly. In my understanding, service can only be experienced as a sacrifice when one disregards a part of themselves or of another, when they experience an inner conflict with the service performed.
Perhaps we are having an arguments about semantics... Although sacrifice as a concept is highly acclaimed in some societies, its meaning is not positive and mostly self-destructive: Dictionary.com Wrote:sacrifice The love of yourself AS part of oneness, as you term it, is loving all, including the individual self. It is not choosing to love others vs the self; it is loving both (and therefore realizing they are one). There is therefore no sacrifice but only all encompassing love and acceptance. And loving the self alone is indeed, as you have written, living in a paradigm of separation, an experience where only the individual self or an individual part of the self is loved. It is in this illusion of separation that perhaps an individual will experience sacrifice. You finish your post very well with "universal love includes the self, it does not exclude the self in any way". I could not agree more and that is why I see no sacrifice in it whatsoever ![]()
05-15-2014, 02:26 AM
(05-15-2014, 01:56 AM)Adonai One Wrote: Where is the self when all of its desires and beliefs are sacrificed for a "greater good"? Where is the "greater good" when all of its desires and beliefs are sacrificed for another "greater good"? When does the sacrifice end? Shall we all just surrender to the void of the eternal? Shall we just embrace an eternal sleep? Where is your self when all of your desires and beliefs are sacrificed for a "greater good"? From whence cometh this "greater good"? Where in your perception do you sense disharmony? Consider that your us vs. them, them vs. me mentality is fear-based and therefore obsolete. Consider swapping your outmoded viewpoint for a love-based one. Consider that Creator (and remember, you are the Creator) does not desire that your desires be sacrificed for a "greater good". Other-selves in societal distortion upon this Earth plane may desire this, but they are other-selves - mirrors to yourself. In them, see the Creator. Analyze what must be your catalyst in perceiving such a confrontational pressure from other-selves, know it, feel it, and heal it. You are loved, and your desires are supported. This Love is what You, the Creator, chose to experience.
05-15-2014, 02:31 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-15-2014, 02:35 AM by Adonai One.)
All there is, Tina, is an endless sacrifice. With every choice to deny ourselves in the face of the other, we find that we do not truly exist and that eventually by denying ourselves completely we will become all things. It is by endless self-denial we will see the key to resolving suffering is not believing in who we are anymore. All there is in the end is a love that we are not worthy of until we've destroyed every remnant of our ego. Then we have truly served.
(05-15-2014, 02:19 AM)vervex Wrote: The love of yourself AS part of oneness, as you term it, is loving all, including the individual self. It is not choosing to love others vs the self; it is loving both (and therefore realizing they are one). There is therefore no sacrifice but only all encompassing love and acceptance. And loving the self alone is indeed, as you have written, living in a paradigm of separation, an experience where only the individual self or an individual part of the self is loved. It is in this illusion of separation that perhaps an individual will experience sacrifice. EXACTLY! Sacrifice is a concept of division, and is only a method of breaking the mind/body/spirit complex of the false notion of separation, rooted in red-ray insecurity.
05-15-2014, 02:33 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-15-2014, 02:38 AM by Adonai One.)
(05-15-2014, 02:26 AM)Icipher Wrote:Have you ever paid taxes before?(05-15-2014, 01:56 AM)Adonai One Wrote: Where is the self when all of its desires and beliefs are sacrificed for a "greater good"? Where is the "greater good" when all of its desires and beliefs are sacrificed for another "greater good"? When does the sacrifice end? Shall we all just surrender to the void of the eternal? Shall we just embrace an eternal sleep? (05-15-2014, 02:26 AM)Icipher Wrote:(05-15-2014, 01:56 AM)Adonai One Wrote: Where is the self when all of its desires and beliefs are sacrificed for a "greater good"? Where is the "greater good" when all of its desires and beliefs are sacrificed for another "greater good"? When does the sacrifice end? Shall we all just surrender to the void of the eternal? Shall we just embrace an eternal sleep? My friend's grandfather was drafted into the Vietnam War for the greater good. He's missing a leg. It was for the greater good. I'm proud of our American troops who are willing to sacrifice their limbs so that we may be free from... Vietnamese people. (05-15-2014, 02:31 AM)Adonai One Wrote: All there is, Tina, is an endless sacrifice. With every choice to deny ourselves in the face of the other, we find that we do not truly exist and that eventually by denying ourselves completely, we will become all things. It is by endless self-denial we will see the key to resolving suffering is not believing in who we are anymore. All there is in the end is a love that we are not worthy of until we've destroyed every remnant of our ego. Then we have truly served. Your depressing outlook belies an identification with the ego. You are not the ego. You are the soul. The ego is a construct of separation, which only exists within the veiling. The death of the ego liberates you, it ends the very concept of sacrifice! You are worthy of being soul, without ego-chains to bind you! (05-15-2014, 02:33 AM)Adonai One Wrote: Have you ever paid taxes before? Yes. This is a societal construct, not a spiritual requirement (obviously). (05-15-2014, 02:33 AM)Adonai One Wrote: My friend's grandfather was drafted into the Vietnam War for the greater good. He's missing a leg. It was for the greater good. I'm proud of our American troops who are willing to sacrifice their limbs so that we may be free from... Vietnamese people. Again, another societal construct (war:fear). Are you understanding anything I'm saying?
05-15-2014, 02:43 AM
(05-15-2014, 02:39 AM)Icipher Wrote:(05-15-2014, 02:31 AM)Adonai One Wrote: All there is, Tina, is an endless sacrifice. With every choice to deny ourselves in the face of the other, we find that we do not truly exist and that eventually by denying ourselves completely, we will become all things. It is by endless self-denial we will see the key to resolving suffering is not believing in who we are anymore. All there is in the end is a love that we are not worthy of until we've destroyed every remnant of our ego. Then we have truly served. I do. I tend to agree with the core message. However, I lost you at the concept of ego. What is an ego?
Ah, the sacrifice...
"We may indicate that the crux ansata is a part of the concept complexes of the archetypical mind, the circle indicating the magic of the spirit, the cross [... the cross which is of perfect sacrifice...] indicating that nature of manifestation which may only be valued by the losing. Thus the crux ansata is intended to be seen as an image of the eternal in and through manifestation and beyond manifestation through the sacrifice and transformation of that which is manifest." Icipher, it is a dang good point you making by saying that there is division instead of unity when viewing the society and co-workers at say Wal Mart in a fear-based manner. (05-15-2014, 02:43 AM)Adonai One Wrote: However, I lost you at the concept of ego. What is an ego? "The third blockage resembles most closely that which you have called ego. It is the yellow-ray or solar plexus center. Blockages in this center will often manifest as distortions towards power manipulation and other social behaviors concerning those close and those associated with the mind/body/spirit complex. Those with blockages in these first three energy centers, or nexi, will have continuing difficulties in ability to further their seeking of the Law of One."
05-15-2014, 03:09 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-15-2014, 03:10 AM by Adonai One.)
So the suppressing of desires of others so they can be in coherence with the suppression of desires within the self, that is what the ego is, eh?
05-15-2014, 03:33 AM
(05-15-2014, 03:09 AM)Adonai One Wrote: So the suppressing of desires of others so they can be in coherence with the suppression of desires within the self, that is what the ego is, eh? What do you not understand? You asked about ego, and this is what Ra described to be closely associated with what we call ego: "The third blockage resembles most closely that which you have called ego. It is the yellow-ray or solar plexus center. Blockages in this center will often manifest as distortions towards power manipulation and other social behaviors concerning those close and those associated with the mind/body/spirit complex. Those with blockages in these first three energy centers, or nexi, will have continuing difficulties in ability to further their seeking of the Law of One."
05-15-2014, 05:25 AM
To the Legions here: February 1976 – Hatonn Wrote:There are many, many times, my friends, when in your fear you attempt to use your armies, those little armies of soldiers which you call words, and you send your words and your mean actions and your petty emotions out like little soldiers to combat those little enemies, those people about you who seem to be sending their soldiers against you, saying and doing things that make you unhappy. You feel that you are vulnerable to them and so you fight back, shall we say, with your little army of words — Vervex, I’m still arranging my little armies, aiming at your post—not to conquer, but to share. This may take a while longer, still -Regulus
05-15-2014, 05:47 AM
(05-15-2014, 02:31 AM)Adonai One Wrote: All there is, Tina, is an endless sacrifice. With every choice to deny ourselves in the face of the other, we find that we do not truly exist and that eventually by denying ourselves completely we will become all things. It is by endless self-denial we will see the key to resolving suffering is not believing in who we are anymore. All there is in the end is a love that we are not worthy of until we've destroyed every remnant of our ego. Then we have truly served. To confuse this further I read your use of 'sacrifice' as 'compromise'. I usually use the definition vervex linked when it comes to sacrifice. This might just be a semantic difference, though.
05-15-2014, 06:59 AM
Ultimately all things are dependent on everything else. We are dependent on the sun to give us light and warmth, the trees to give us oxygen, even the gravity of the Earth to keep us from floating off into space! When we die our bodies go back to the Earth and the cycle repeats. We are dependent on markets to stock food, the farmer to grow the food and the Government to keep some sense of law and order to society.
We give back to the creator in experience. If we choose to work and serve others in the sense of a 9 till 5 job, then all is well. If we choose not have a job and serve the creator in a different way, isn't this also giving the creator just a useful experience? So in this sense all is well.
05-15-2014, 11:59 AM
Vervex just informed me via PM that Adonai One is intentionally misunderstanding LOO concepts and baiting us for his own "shits and giggles", which amounts to trolling.
Quote:4) Philosophies and information which exhibit elements of deception, manipulative thinking, generate fear, reject or discourage universal love, and encourage or promote control of self or others – are considered to be not in alignment with the principles of spiritual evolution espoused by Confederation sources and are thus subject to moderation and/or removal. This forum is a place for serious Law of One study, and it is disappointing that Adonai is subverting a serious discussion with serious and well-intentioned advice from myself and others for his own childish humor. (05-15-2014, 11:59 AM)Icipher Wrote: Vervex just informed me via PM that Adonai One is intentionally misunderstanding LOO concepts and baiting us for his own "shits and giggles", which amounts to trolling. What? Why did she do this, i.e. go behind his back? This doesn't make sense to me. Either way, if this is true then it is his choice. It's sad though, that he has nothing better to do with his time, than troll the Law of One forum.
05-15-2014, 12:49 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-15-2014, 12:49 PM by Adonai One.)
Uh, no. She didn't say anything of that nature. Vervex, halp.
05-15-2014, 01:00 PM
(05-15-2014, 11:59 AM)Icipher Wrote: Vervex just informed me via PM that Adonai One is intentionally misunderstanding LOO concepts and baiting us for his own "shits and giggles", which amounts to trolling. Alright it seems there is a significant miscommunication here... When I wrote to you last night Icipher, what I meant, and I will repeat for the second time, is that Adonai One tends to play around and exaggerate sometimes in his posts. I PMed you because you seemed to take his posts very literally when they were simply meant to be taken in jest. He doesn't truly believe there is only a void. I was hoping to dissipate some confusion and ended up creating more, ha... He is not trolling, simply talking in extremes to be humorous and cause reflection, thinking. He was well aware I wrote you. I will also have to disagree with your statement about this place being exclusively for the serious study of the Law of One; I see many people having fun and creating bonds and this sharing is what I personally value most in a community. Perhaps your perspective is different but I believe there is a place for "childish humour" here so long it is respectful and well-intented. ![]()
Yes, your PM was honest and appreciated and I read it in love. I understand Adonai was intending humor. My personal distortion is that it amounts to trolling.
We took him at his word and tried to share our LOO perspective on his concepts, in love. It is disheartening that this was for naught.
05-15-2014, 01:13 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-15-2014, 01:13 PM by Adonai One.)
Let's agree to disagree. I do it with the intent of further productive discussion.
05-15-2014, 01:17 PM
I don't see you bringing up further productive discussion.
Perhaps you believe you are acting as catalyst. This is STS.
05-15-2014, 02:01 PM
Isn't labeling someone as STS because you don't accept their point of view a separative action? Any chance you could explain your reasoning?
Also, who are you to judge Adonai's intent? Quote:93.3 "[...]One might consider the polarities with the literal nature enjoyed by the physical polarity of the magnet. The negative and positive, with their electrical characteristics, may be seen to be just as in the physical sense. It is to be noted in this context that it is quite impossible to judge the polarity of an act or an entity, just as it is impossible to judge the relative goodness of the negative and positive poles of the magnet." I find the whole trope of supposedly positively oriented entity labeling everything they don't agree with as negative extremely tiring. |