It's a movie based on the layout of time/space as described by channel Chico Xavier. It's not a bad movie even if you aren't interested in spiritual matters (as per my nonspiritual father). It's definitely interesting, though I don't subscribe to necessarily everything it talks about.
It does have some cool Dante's Inferno like scenes of lost souls in need of healing in some abyssal-like dimension after death, with people drinking mud and all (very good looking scene, CGI-wise).
And you have your city of light, filled with healers.
It probably personally interests me more because of my interest in the cinematic fantasy genre than it does in the cinematic spiritual genre, but it does have some interesting spiritual ideas.
It's free if you have an amazon prime membership.
It does have some cool Dante's Inferno like scenes of lost souls in need of healing in some abyssal-like dimension after death, with people drinking mud and all (very good looking scene, CGI-wise).
And you have your city of light, filled with healers.
It probably personally interests me more because of my interest in the cinematic fantasy genre than it does in the cinematic spiritual genre, but it does have some interesting spiritual ideas.
It's free if you have an amazon prime membership.