10-28-2013, 04:34 AM
(10-27-2013, 05:55 PM)greywolf Wrote: True negatives prefer fear and enslavement to destruction since that defines themselves to themselves. I believe there is a certain distortion in this system that deity expects STO, that creates contradiction and conflict for negatives (who also seek the creator, maybe more so). To some degree I believe Ra also labors under this distortion (since it originated in this same system). One might ask oneself, might there be a paradox in that an unconditionally loving deity creates conditions through which a planet would be destroyed.
It just a matter of providing entities with negative wisdom when they call for it. They will ensue to destroy themselves, each placing the 'blame' on another but failing to see the hidden hands behind the scenes. These wise Dark Lords use sentient machines to do their 'dirty work'. Remember there are only very few 6th density negatives.
Consider the possibility of ascended machine technology.
Of course these entities can be of the positive or negative polarity.
The moon is one such sentient being.
If you can create the ilussion of permanent loss this will maximize the fear level on the planet and drive the negative agenda of enslavement of others.
The conscious realization of reincarnation and the wheel of karma is the starting point of learning how to transcend the death/birth cycle, so by keeping this knowledge secret or hidden from the society it is possible to create and sustain the planetary spiral fueled by auto incarnating souls and those from elsewhere attracted by the gravity well.
It's also useful to implant a culture with the concept of an external 'god' - keep them searching for a deity who can be blamed for their circumstance but never found.
Why can you not speak the name of god? Because 'he' does not exist.
The stated goal of the most negative entity would be to cause planetary destruction using the free will principle.
An artificially created black hole or antimatter field would then harvest the souls caught in this gravity sinkhole into 4th density negative time/space.
Obviously there were plans to do this on earth that involved both the aptly named Dimona nuclear facility in the Negev desert of Israel and the CERN facility on the swiss/French border.
Can't happen now though because it is known.
p.s. don't try any of this at home.