Might I suggest to anyone who may be contemplating a leap of faith type of action in their lives, to not even call it that in your mind. In your clearest moments free from distraction, you can feel your own spirit guiding you to certain decisions...but then when you return to the presence of other humans and their own thoughts and beliefs come out and cloud your judgement, you don't feel safe anymore do you? Now that leap of faith sounds absurd, foolish, and fear has taken hold of the dream.
Stop calling it a leap of faith.
Instead, call it for what it actually is. A transition. A transformation. A choice.
That's all it actually is.
No "faith" required. Just the simple knowing that transitions can be rocky for several reasons, and the bigger they are the more rocky they may feel.
Go on and make the desired changes to your life as YOU see fit. Your higher mind is always available to you for counsel. Have fun with the process!
Stop calling it a leap of faith.
Instead, call it for what it actually is. A transition. A transformation. A choice.
That's all it actually is.
No "faith" required. Just the simple knowing that transitions can be rocky for several reasons, and the bigger they are the more rocky they may feel.
Go on and make the desired changes to your life as YOU see fit. Your higher mind is always available to you for counsel. Have fun with the process!