09-06-2013, 08:24 PM
Trust is faith actualized and realized as a continuous source. When you trust something, you are placing your faith and therefore your belief in to it. This channels the energy of your thoughts in to the vibrational probabilities inherent within the thing that you are choosing to trust.
Trust is about accepting the knowing of unknowingness. Therein lies the tie to faith and in that the tie to love because love is faithful to all, being unconditional in its universal form.
Trust can be both personal and universal. It is established on both levels for all things at all times. There exists a universal and personal capacity in the perception of all things as may be seen through a thinking entity. Thinking and the perception of thought go hand in hand. Thought creates.
Trust that the original thought is unity and belief is established in that thought and thus an energy circulation which is potential between the mover and the moved is made kinetic through mutual observance and presence. Unity unifies through love, which is of the heart and is additive.
Trust that the mind is empty and it is so. The mind reduces to zero and is thus subtractive. There is also multiplication, the exalted form of addition. Then there is division, the balanced form of subtraction. These four work together in infinite patterns and may be called the elements.
The final element which is the element of elements and the element which may be described as the co-existence which is causal to the other four patterns as the existence of those patterns. It is number, that which is the macrocosm to the functions of those numbers.
Mathematics is trusted because it is archetypical. It consists of conceptual absolutes which are experienced in the general consensus reality. The descriptions of these abstract forms are inclusive of an element which denotes solidity in terms of the description of our experience through our minds. Such as Descarte suggests in that objects are the way things appear to the mind. The actual reality has no objects, only things. A thing is much looser than an object, being natural and uncoloured by bias.
Numbers are both things and objects. I believe everything is both a thing and an object. Just as everything is one infinite self of the infinite infinite self and yet still to everything all things are other selves as well. Both masculine and feminine modes of existence exist simultaneously. Masculine being universal, and feminine being individual. The individual is seeded with the universal and thus new creations are born. The individual births universals. Thus are they interwined with neither before the other. Nor either after, but both existing as one, together and apart for eternity.
The penultimate lovers of the consciousness.
There is so much trust between lovers. Embrace this and you will know that to trust love is to believe in love and to believe in love is to enhance the thought of love, to actualize it. Have faith that no matter how dark things get, no matter how dark life, our thoughts or our experiences may get, the light and love is there waiting for us.
We always return to our lovers, and we must enjoy that time as much as we are possibly able. For the universe is of infinite possibility and we never know when we may be called by the One to our destiny for the love of all, and then we are returned again. It is a beautiful love story, all of this, it is divine because of that, it is sacred because of that.
Hold love in your hearts and cherish it so dear that it almost seems to causing you to burst and then release it, be it, live it, trust it, and it can be seen to be an actual thing in itself, it is an other self. Both love and light are other selves, all things are other selves.
Yet, we never cease to be the self that we are and, well, I just think that is beautiful. All my blessings to you, reader, with love and light I shine with you.
- Tanner Michael Hartmann
Trust is about accepting the knowing of unknowingness. Therein lies the tie to faith and in that the tie to love because love is faithful to all, being unconditional in its universal form.
Trust can be both personal and universal. It is established on both levels for all things at all times. There exists a universal and personal capacity in the perception of all things as may be seen through a thinking entity. Thinking and the perception of thought go hand in hand. Thought creates.
Trust that the original thought is unity and belief is established in that thought and thus an energy circulation which is potential between the mover and the moved is made kinetic through mutual observance and presence. Unity unifies through love, which is of the heart and is additive.
Trust that the mind is empty and it is so. The mind reduces to zero and is thus subtractive. There is also multiplication, the exalted form of addition. Then there is division, the balanced form of subtraction. These four work together in infinite patterns and may be called the elements.
The final element which is the element of elements and the element which may be described as the co-existence which is causal to the other four patterns as the existence of those patterns. It is number, that which is the macrocosm to the functions of those numbers.
Mathematics is trusted because it is archetypical. It consists of conceptual absolutes which are experienced in the general consensus reality. The descriptions of these abstract forms are inclusive of an element which denotes solidity in terms of the description of our experience through our minds. Such as Descarte suggests in that objects are the way things appear to the mind. The actual reality has no objects, only things. A thing is much looser than an object, being natural and uncoloured by bias.
Numbers are both things and objects. I believe everything is both a thing and an object. Just as everything is one infinite self of the infinite infinite self and yet still to everything all things are other selves as well. Both masculine and feminine modes of existence exist simultaneously. Masculine being universal, and feminine being individual. The individual is seeded with the universal and thus new creations are born. The individual births universals. Thus are they interwined with neither before the other. Nor either after, but both existing as one, together and apart for eternity.
The penultimate lovers of the consciousness.
There is so much trust between lovers. Embrace this and you will know that to trust love is to believe in love and to believe in love is to enhance the thought of love, to actualize it. Have faith that no matter how dark things get, no matter how dark life, our thoughts or our experiences may get, the light and love is there waiting for us.
We always return to our lovers, and we must enjoy that time as much as we are possibly able. For the universe is of infinite possibility and we never know when we may be called by the One to our destiny for the love of all, and then we are returned again. It is a beautiful love story, all of this, it is divine because of that, it is sacred because of that.
Hold love in your hearts and cherish it so dear that it almost seems to causing you to burst and then release it, be it, live it, trust it, and it can be seen to be an actual thing in itself, it is an other self. Both love and light are other selves, all things are other selves.
Yet, we never cease to be the self that we are and, well, I just think that is beautiful. All my blessings to you, reader, with love and light I shine with you.
- Tanner Michael Hartmann