03-01-2010, 07:20 PM
I have a real desire to control and master myself, which appears to be labeled as STS, I like the feelings of power it can bring, I like the feeling of power that the dark side of spirituality has to offer. I feel like a lion in the midst of prey. I feel like something alien plundering an unknown world. Through the works of carlos castaneda was I able to have but brief glimpses of this world. Maybe I misinterpreted the information given, I now have a desire to go back and re-read it from my new perspectives. The issue I have is that, I genuinely love my fellow man, and wish to do no harm to him, I don't want to control anybody else, just myself, and only as an exercise, so that I may experience these feelings. On the other hand, I want to help my fellow man, and share love with them, let them know that they are ok, I don't want to see them in fear and confusion, even tho it may be what is best for them at this time, perhaps that is just another desire for control, maybe I do want to make them happy, but I want it to start from them, I want them to fix themselves, even tho it would give me great happiness to be involved in doing as such. I don't want to affect someones free will, to the point where I don't even really want to communicate with anybody because of how easy it is for me to lead folks astray, not that anybody really listens to any of the weird a** s*** I may have to offer. I feel split between paths, I want to create another path!
one where I may learn about the control of myself, and experience the treasures behind it, and one where I may also learn to accept myself, and everything within me, to help people with their own path to the best of my ability, and share lots of love along the way. I feel like my free will is being taken away by being presented with only the choice to be sto or sts, I want out of this bloody third density, but I want out of it without being forced into a positive or negative only path. I want to experience both! I want to be free to learn about the mastery of the self, and the acceptance of all. the powerful feelings I associate with that predator mind, where truth is known, where I am untouchable in my might (so it seems) hold a great pull on me. But I refuse to allow myself to hurt anyone to the best of my ability, When people do my wrong, I don't want to give them consequences, although, I do want to hurt and weaken non human evil for some reason. And I suppose if someone were to hurt someone other than me that I don't even know, especially if they are male and the person in question is female, The rage inside me would want there death to come about. I am concerned such a time will arise, I hope I can hold myself back should such an occasion should occur.
I guess I will stop this now, I'm tempted to copy and paste this into my other thread, but this particular subject is interesting to me.
Should a third possibility exist? where one can be both sts and sto yet not bound to the third density? Can it even exist in your opinions?
Do you think there is any way in which it could exist even?
Any thoughts on what I Said? any words come to mind you want to share?
Feel free to express yourselves freely! Much love to you all
one where I may learn about the control of myself, and experience the treasures behind it, and one where I may also learn to accept myself, and everything within me, to help people with their own path to the best of my ability, and share lots of love along the way. I feel like my free will is being taken away by being presented with only the choice to be sto or sts, I want out of this bloody third density, but I want out of it without being forced into a positive or negative only path. I want to experience both! I want to be free to learn about the mastery of the self, and the acceptance of all. the powerful feelings I associate with that predator mind, where truth is known, where I am untouchable in my might (so it seems) hold a great pull on me. But I refuse to allow myself to hurt anyone to the best of my ability, When people do my wrong, I don't want to give them consequences, although, I do want to hurt and weaken non human evil for some reason. And I suppose if someone were to hurt someone other than me that I don't even know, especially if they are male and the person in question is female, The rage inside me would want there death to come about. I am concerned such a time will arise, I hope I can hold myself back should such an occasion should occur.
I guess I will stop this now, I'm tempted to copy and paste this into my other thread, but this particular subject is interesting to me.
Should a third possibility exist? where one can be both sts and sto yet not bound to the third density? Can it even exist in your opinions?
Do you think there is any way in which it could exist even?
Any thoughts on what I Said? any words come to mind you want to share?
Feel free to express yourselves freely! Much love to you all