03-11-2013, 07:47 AM
Opening the heart center is my personal, most important lesson. Well, yeah, there are of course three lower energy centers which give hard time, but right now I want to discuss the green ray energy center, which has been bugging me a lot.
I stumbled upon this quote:
This was actually of a surprise to me. I understand that many things need to be analyzed and eventually balanced, but that compassion has to be analyzed too...?
I do attempt to seek love in each moment, but it's not always so easy. When I "succeed", I feel peace. Like everything is finally falling into its right place, and the whole creation suddenly makes sense. I want to be in this state forever. But the fear is that this state won't last "forever". And so, I go about my day, singing songs in my head, and suddenly - BAM! The heart closes.
In the state of closed heart I feel anxiety. And I try so hard to not to be a dick. Like in that funny picture that has been circulating on Facebook:
![[Image: AuAeRcdCIAEpk13.jpg:large]](http://p.twimg.com/AuAeRcdCIAEpk13.jpg:large)
But in that state, when my heart is closed, all I want to be is that "dick". I want to tell people to buzz off, and to leave me the heck alone. This would be fine, if only our society wouldn't be so crazy in regards to activities and social interactions. So when it happens that my heart is closed, but I need to interact with people, I am in the state of anxiety. I can't flee those moment, I can't step aside telling everyone: "Sorry dudes, I don't want to be mean when I'm with you, but that's how I feel right now. So please, give me a moment for myself, and I promise you that I will be back as soon as possible, when I have analyzed this or that, and opened up my heart again."
In 85.16 Ra continues saying:
They also suggest that:
So, my personal understanding of what Ra is saying is that the compassion is the first step, before finding true universal love. That the most stringent honesty must be applied, and the perception of compassion to be analyzed. And that one shall make many, many essays into compassion, in attempts to open and crystallize this "all-important springboard energy center".
Then they are saying that there are many *components* which may be balanced and accepted as part of the self and as transitional material, as the enetity's seat of learn/teaching moves into the true universal love which is the product of all this hard work... What are these components? Does anyone here have any personal experiences or suggestions of what these components might be?
*phew*... This is not easy for me. I mean wisdom... Even if I might not have a clue of what wisdom actually is, it still doesn't sound as difficult to me as this green ray... And indigo ray, violet ray... I'm not trying to be arrogant here. Far from it. Because I logically understand that probably it is equally difficult for the entities who are green ray activated but need to work with higher energy centers, to do their learning. For instance, I remember when Ra was describing how negative entities greeted Carla. They overactivated/overenergized her green ray energy center, but dimmed the indigo ray, which left her in a confused state. And I remember specifically one time when one of these greetings happened to me. I was walking together with two beloved entities by my side, and feeling happy about being with them, but then suddenly I received a negative signal in my left ear, and BAM! I had one of these "sky opening experiences" again. It is felt like the whole creation opens up. It is fantastic on one hand! I feel one with the stars, with the air, with the whole Universe, but! On the other hand, if my heart is not opened in that moment, I become very, very confused. In that particular moment for instance, when I received that left ear signal and the whole creation opened up to me, I was still walking on Earth, with people who I love, but I didn't feel any love. All that I felt was irritation and anger towards the Earth and people around me. That was very, very confusing to me. I put absolutely no importance if it was or was not a greeting, but it did show me where the work needs to be done.
Here is what Ra said more, in the same 85.16:
Did Ra mean, by saying the last sentence, that sometimes there is indeed a need to balance a movement *from* wisdom *to* compassion/love? That if wisdom is already manifested, or perceived as manifested, and if perceived that it is not balanced by love, there has to be work done here? That is why they said that the next balancing, after it is perceived that universal love has been achieved, may or may *not* be of wisdom? Well, actually it doesn't matter. They may also have meant that some entities perhaps don't ever move into wisdom, but stay in the green ray for the rest of their incarnation. And it is well. I was just amusing myself by pondering all this...
I was earlier thinking that the green ray can't be worked with... Because either you feel this love, or you don't. And when you don't, just try not to be a "dick". But it can indeed be worked with!
I have also been feeling hopeless sometimes as to how to *work* with this ever important energy center, because love for me has this far been a thing that you are either born with or you are not. How do you *learn* to love?
Now, it seems like there is a way... It's just took me a little while to "discover" this important Ra quote...
I'm not sure that I'm ready to move farther than this for a moment, as I need to process all this for a while. I'm busy as heck too, all the time, and as Ra said here:
We indeed have many acitivities here, our plane is also intense in catalyst, and therefore, we need constant moments of meditation to balance it all. I'm doing my best. But I guess that, due to these activities, intense catalysts, and buzyness, I will need some time to process what I already have here.
But I'm sure that there are other quotes of Ra, where more suggestions are made as to how to work with this important energy center. If you guys have seen any or know of any, please post them in this thread.
I would also love to hear of any experiences and understandings that has to do with this learning, or work. What do you personally think about this learning/work? About what I wrote?
I want to end this post by another suggestion from Ra from the same 85.16:
I stumbled upon this quote:
Ra, 85.16 Wrote:As compassion is perceived it is suggested that, in balancing, this perception be analyzed.
This was actually of a surprise to me. I understand that many things need to be analyzed and eventually balanced, but that compassion has to be analyzed too...?

I do attempt to seek love in each moment, but it's not always so easy. When I "succeed", I feel peace. Like everything is finally falling into its right place, and the whole creation suddenly makes sense. I want to be in this state forever. But the fear is that this state won't last "forever". And so, I go about my day, singing songs in my head, and suddenly - BAM! The heart closes.
In the state of closed heart I feel anxiety. And I try so hard to not to be a dick. Like in that funny picture that has been circulating on Facebook:
![[Image: AuAeRcdCIAEpk13.jpg:large]](http://p.twimg.com/AuAeRcdCIAEpk13.jpg:large)
But in that state, when my heart is closed, all I want to be is that "dick". I want to tell people to buzz off, and to leave me the heck alone. This would be fine, if only our society wouldn't be so crazy in regards to activities and social interactions. So when it happens that my heart is closed, but I need to interact with people, I am in the state of anxiety. I can't flee those moment, I can't step aside telling everyone: "Sorry dudes, I don't want to be mean when I'm with you, but that's how I feel right now. So please, give me a moment for myself, and I promise you that I will be back as soon as possible, when I have analyzed this or that, and opened up my heart again."
In 85.16 Ra continues saying:
Ra Wrote:It may take many, many essays into compassion before true universal love is the product of the attempted opening and crystallization of this all-important springboard energy center. Thus the student may discover many other components to what may seem to be all-embracing love. Each of these components may be balanced and accepted as part of the self and as transitional material as the entity’s seat of learn/teaching moves ever more fairly into the green ray.
They also suggest that:
Ra, 85.16 Wrote:To the student of the balancing process we may suggest that the most stringent honesty be applied.
So, my personal understanding of what Ra is saying is that the compassion is the first step, before finding true universal love. That the most stringent honesty must be applied, and the perception of compassion to be analyzed. And that one shall make many, many essays into compassion, in attempts to open and crystallize this "all-important springboard energy center".
Then they are saying that there are many *components* which may be balanced and accepted as part of the self and as transitional material, as the enetity's seat of learn/teaching moves into the true universal love which is the product of all this hard work... What are these components? Does anyone here have any personal experiences or suggestions of what these components might be?
*phew*... This is not easy for me. I mean wisdom... Even if I might not have a clue of what wisdom actually is, it still doesn't sound as difficult to me as this green ray... And indigo ray, violet ray... I'm not trying to be arrogant here. Far from it. Because I logically understand that probably it is equally difficult for the entities who are green ray activated but need to work with higher energy centers, to do their learning. For instance, I remember when Ra was describing how negative entities greeted Carla. They overactivated/overenergized her green ray energy center, but dimmed the indigo ray, which left her in a confused state. And I remember specifically one time when one of these greetings happened to me. I was walking together with two beloved entities by my side, and feeling happy about being with them, but then suddenly I received a negative signal in my left ear, and BAM! I had one of these "sky opening experiences" again. It is felt like the whole creation opens up. It is fantastic on one hand! I feel one with the stars, with the air, with the whole Universe, but! On the other hand, if my heart is not opened in that moment, I become very, very confused. In that particular moment for instance, when I received that left ear signal and the whole creation opened up to me, I was still walking on Earth, with people who I love, but I didn't feel any love. All that I felt was irritation and anger towards the Earth and people around me. That was very, very confusing to me. I put absolutely no importance if it was or was not a greeting, but it did show me where the work needs to be done.
Here is what Ra said more, in the same 85.16:
Ra Wrote:When it is perceived that universal love has been achieved the next balancing may or may not be wisdom. If the adept is balancing manifestations it is indeed appropriate to balance universal love and wisdom. If the balancing is of mind or spirit there are many subtleties to which the adept may give careful consideration. Love and wisdom, like love and light, are not black and white, shall we say, but faces of the same coin, if you will. Therefore, it is not, in all cases, that balancing consists of a movement from compassion to wisdom.
Did Ra mean, by saying the last sentence, that sometimes there is indeed a need to balance a movement *from* wisdom *to* compassion/love? That if wisdom is already manifested, or perceived as manifested, and if perceived that it is not balanced by love, there has to be work done here? That is why they said that the next balancing, after it is perceived that universal love has been achieved, may or may *not* be of wisdom? Well, actually it doesn't matter. They may also have meant that some entities perhaps don't ever move into wisdom, but stay in the green ray for the rest of their incarnation. And it is well. I was just amusing myself by pondering all this...
I was earlier thinking that the green ray can't be worked with... Because either you feel this love, or you don't. And when you don't, just try not to be a "dick". But it can indeed be worked with!
I have also been feeling hopeless sometimes as to how to *work* with this ever important energy center, because love for me has this far been a thing that you are either born with or you are not. How do you *learn* to love?
Now, it seems like there is a way... It's just took me a little while to "discover" this important Ra quote...
I'm not sure that I'm ready to move farther than this for a moment, as I need to process all this for a while. I'm busy as heck too, all the time, and as Ra said here:
Ra, 38.10 Wrote:...your entities need constant moments of meditation to balance your activities.
We indeed have many acitivities here, our plane is also intense in catalyst, and therefore, we need constant moments of meditation to balance it all. I'm doing my best. But I guess that, due to these activities, intense catalysts, and buzyness, I will need some time to process what I already have here.
But I'm sure that there are other quotes of Ra, where more suggestions are made as to how to work with this important energy center. If you guys have seen any or know of any, please post them in this thread.
I would also love to hear of any experiences and understandings that has to do with this learning, or work. What do you personally think about this learning/work? About what I wrote?
I want to end this post by another suggestion from Ra from the same 85.16:
Ra Wrote:We may suggest at all times the constant remembrance of the density from which each adept desires to move. This density learns the lessons of love.