My earliest memory is of (suspend your disbelief as this is true) being body-less and looking at a crying newborn baby (me) and feeling very nervous about joining the body. I felt great apprehension at merging with the body.
This memory puzzled me for years, and remains clear and sharp in my mind. Only once I read the Ra material did it make sense. I've gotten the message from my Higher Self that this was me just prior to incarnating in the body.
What puzzles me is all the talk of our spirits/souls being very eager to incarnate in 3rd dimension or the harvest period for teach/learning/remembering. My memory of this moment instead is a sense of unease, trepidation and unhappiness. It's very interesting to note these emotions in the spirit state.
This memory puzzled me for years, and remains clear and sharp in my mind. Only once I read the Ra material did it make sense. I've gotten the message from my Higher Self that this was me just prior to incarnating in the body.
What puzzles me is all the talk of our spirits/souls being very eager to incarnate in 3rd dimension or the harvest period for teach/learning/remembering. My memory of this moment instead is a sense of unease, trepidation and unhappiness. It's very interesting to note these emotions in the spirit state.