01-01-2013, 11:53 PM
Do any of you practice Reiki or have experience with it? I have been studying it recently and am considering taking a Reiki Level 1 class.
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01-01-2013, 11:53 PM
Do any of you practice Reiki or have experience with it? I have been studying it recently and am considering taking a Reiki Level 1 class.
01-02-2013, 04:02 AM
I've taken all three Reiki class levels, (1, 2 and master level). I would check it out if it resonates with you, it's a pretty awesome part of my life. I learned under an amazing teacher, which is important I think.
Let me know if you have any questions.
01-02-2013, 06:30 AM
I've practiced Reiki for 10+ years. IT works but I'm still unsure if the price for it to work is too high.
If you wish to practicel spiritual healing, be in the moment, open, and when possible, friendly. Taht will be as effective for the most part. Energy fields themselves are however something one should always be interested in studying. But not necceserily their manipulation along the "health/illness" duality
01-02-2013, 09:10 AM
I am also interested in reiki and the likes.. would appreciate if the discussion wasn't completely continued in private messaging, but kept in the thread.
Growing tired of working in a plastic factory, I am open for other lines of work. Problem is, nothing really interests me >.>
01-02-2013, 10:15 AM
there is some really good info on reiki here:
http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._1007.aspx Quo offers: Quote:The type of healing used in Reiki is especially effective for those whose illnesses are not transitory, but result instead from a chronic mind/body disconnection, blockage or overage of energy at one point or another. It is not specifically so that a Reiki student does not need a living, present teacher. It is, however, the only careful way to learn that which has personal power, or could have personal power distortions, for those who wish to heal must first heal themselves, and by this we do not mean healing of the physical vehicle, but rather a healing which may have the connotation of balance and poise. and also: Quote:Again, we suggest to you that it is our opinion that the healer does not heal. The healer loves, and in the crystallized purity of its love it creates the opportunity and the catalyst for the person to decide to release the illness, the condition, the blockage, the overstimulation, the stress, whatever it is that is the difficulty. The beauty of the Reiki technique is that it is effective across all cultures, across all languages, and in any sort of condition which has a psychosomatic element.
01-02-2013, 10:17 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-02-2013, 10:19 PM by kanonathena.)
I watched youtube videos and attuned myself. It works on myself and others, just don't know if it's as effective as practitioners who have teacher.
Anyone have experience with healing myopia?
01-03-2013, 12:25 AM
I have always been sensitive to the energy of others, and their particular blockages and hangups. As I grow more compassionate these blockages have become increasingly distracting to me, and I would like to be of service in helping people clear them if possible.
01-03-2013, 01:33 AM
In what way do you mean you find them distracting?
01-03-2013, 09:53 AM
The distraction comes as a pang of sadness when I see or talk to them.
01-03-2013, 05:14 PM
Well, I might say that such is only a "distraction" if you have a distate for this sensitivity to others. Otherwise, I quite understand aha
It would be a good practice to perhaps learn some shielding practices, so you can keep your own field clear, but still be sensitive to the fields of others. This is easily done by creating a sphere of light projected out from your solar plexus around you. Another technique is to see your form as made of pure light and thus unaffected by lower vibrations. What might also be good to note is where the sadness' that you feel from others are felt within yourself. The reason you feel distracted and feel it so sharply, is because it resonates with a sadness that is within yourself. I am very sensitive to the fields of others, and experience it in a very physical, real way. It took me a lot time to be able to distinguish between the clarity of my own field and all of the aches and tensions that I once thought were mine, but then realized were actually energies I had tuned to from other people. I now use this as a source of guidance and I see it as part of the mechanism of "calling", I will most typically feel those individuals most strongly who are calling out for some assistance. At first this was frustrating, but I've come to understand it as part of the unity and one-ness which I experience and thus I choose to embrace it and work with it harmoniously. (01-03-2013, 12:25 AM)Immortalis Vigil Wrote: I have always been sensitive to the energy of others, and their particular blockages and hangups. As I grow more compassionate these blockages have become increasingly distracting to me, and I would like to be of service in helping people clear them if possible. If you feel discomfort from the presences of others, try retracting your aura closer to the skin. You are doing enough service by simply having their best interest interest in mind.
01-03-2013, 06:46 PM
That's another good technique, although it helps less when some is actively projecting a vibration.
01-03-2013, 06:56 PM
I will try the shielding technique as well!
01-03-2013, 07:09 PM
Shielding is good especially if you are dealing with a lot of external energies in a busy environment and need to maintain your space and energetic boundaries.
The practice of envisioning oneself as Light, however, is one of the most useful "protections" I have ever used, because it effectively makes you "transparent" to low rate vibrations. Nothing for them to get caught up on!
01-03-2013, 11:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-03-2013, 11:40 PM by Immortalis Vigil.)
I think perhaps I expressed myself poorly. The sadness is more in the form of compassion, and a desire to be of service. I have been using shielding for quite a while, and it has been very helpful in keeping out negative/lower energies that tend to attach themselves to ones aura. I have often envisioned a pyramid of light around myself, but I will also try the other techniques suggested. Unfortunately I often find myself dealing with deeply dysfunctional people in my professional life, so shielding and self-cleansing rituals have been vital to my sanity. haha
01-03-2013, 11:44 PM
Well Reiki could certainly be good if you want to open up to more energies that are directly tuned to be of benefit and positive use to all!
Remember, there are properties of the radiant ambience of the Light which may be softly, gently radiated out, and without burning others up, we can ease them with this warm aura. Even the coldest, most lost individual will feel this on some level. With the Light is Love, and thus the more love you can shine that may be caught by their reflecting mirrors, the more you may give them an opportunity to reveal themselves to themselves.
I just got attuned last month and am at lvl 1. It's great for emotional healing at least it seems that way when I use it on myself. I also feel tons of energy flowing through the palms.
Also, it was semi-useful in getting my skeptical father to open his eyes a little more to subjective reality. When I did two reiki sessions on him, both times he felt something in his heart chakra. As well as heat flow. And this helped opened his eyes because the way I prefer to do reiki is to keep my hands not touching the person or area I'm sending energy to at the moment (just something I developed, as touch distracts me from being to feel the energy in my palms and amplify it). He totally was like "I don't know why I felt that" and was reluctant to talk about it haha. But no worries, he's 99.9% left brained I love him just the way he is ![]() I've also used it on 3 other real life friends who are open to spiritual stuff but otherwise don't do anything overtly spiritual and they all felt movement in their body, heat, cold flow. I know only four symbols: Osho (grounding), the universal lifeforce positive, the universal lifeforce balanced, and the divine mother. The energy for each one feels different out of my palms. The effects seem a bit different too. The universal lifeforce amps me up, the divine mother usually goes deep and brings emotional issues to the surface for example. All in all, it's great and reinforces in me the idea that reality is much more than we see. (01-01-2013, 11:53 PM)Immortalis Vigil Wrote: Do any of you practice Reiki or have experience with it? I have been studying it recently and am considering taking a Reiki Level 1 class. I've studied and been attunded to Reiki Level 2, Usui Tibetan branch. It's only a small part of my spiritual practice, but one that has been extremely helpful at certain times. The way I look at Reiki is simply that it is one of untold thousands of different systems that mankind has developed for working with what the Ra Material refers to as "intelligent energy". However, it's the only one I personally have experience with, and it does work. For me, working with Reiki took the concept of intelligent energy from theory to something concrete and tangible for me. Yet another confirmation and elucidation of the Ra Material! That said, Reiki comes attached with its own mythology, history, and symbolism. In studying its ALLEGED history and the various key figures in the movement, I came to the conclusion that some of it is simply made up nonsense, some is borrowed from other systems, and some of the history is not so pretty. And yet, what spiritual system ISN'T like that in some way? That stuff notwithstanding, the amazing thing is that actually works! You can *really* feel the energy, the effects are tangible, and it even intelligently guides itself - you don't have to direct it except in the most general sense. It's one of the few things I've experienced of a 'paranormal' nature that seems to truly be real, and I am grateful that some method of tapping Intelligent Energy for healing has come across my path that actually works. It's not a huge part of my spiritual practice, but there are times when myself or others need it and it is very, very helpful. I share it when appropriate and I feel moved. I'm sure there are many other energy systems just as valid and helpful for doing the same, but this one is straightforward, simple, and most of all AVAILABLE. As long as one doesn't get too caught up in the attached belief system/dogma or take the history too literally, it is an incredibly useful tool that can enrich your practice. I am grateful to have found it. Make no mistake, there is real power there. That's my take, anyway. Love to all (01-03-2013, 05:14 PM)TheEternal Wrote: Well, I might say that such is only a "distraction" if you have a distate for this sensitivity to others. Otherwise, I quite understand aha This has to be the most valuable advice I have taken since joining these forums. This FINALLY taught me how to turn off what I label 'teleempathic' abilities. I have the extremely pleasant sensation right now of learning to blink my eyes for the first time in 27 years. I had no clue just how sensitive I was to the metaphysical until I experienced the contrast of having my metaphysical eyes closed. I can finally pick and choose when to feel other's emotions rather than be unable to distinguish mine and other's. P.S. To clarify, I am using the method of picturing myself as white light (specifically my energy body) which simply doesn't interact with other's 3rd density fields.
01-09-2013, 01:21 AM
Aha Well I read somewhere once that that is how Jesus was able to walk on the water, was to just turn in to the vibration of Light. So I just took that as implying that the gross, physical vibrations are unaffected and unwavered by the vibration of Light. So, if you tell your body, "Hey, you're Light", it'll tune to that vibration and thus will stop reacting to lower vibrational patterns as it won't be picked up by the chosen "filter".
(01-09-2013, 01:21 AM)TheEternal Wrote: Aha Well I read somewhere once that that is how Jesus was able to walk on the water, was to just turn in to the vibration of Light. So I just took that as implying that the gross, physical vibrations are unaffected and unwavered by the vibration of Light. So, if you tell your body, "Hey, you're Light", it'll tune to that vibration and thus will stop reacting to lower vibrational patterns as it won't be picked up by the chosen "filter". Maybe that's why his disciples thought he was a ghost... His becoming light. I've been working on visualizing myself as a little sun and "becoming the creator"/sub-sub-sub logos.
01-09-2013, 02:19 AM
Yeah I have been doing that one too, or sometimes I'll even view my whole system as a constellation of suns all radiating together.
01-09-2013, 12:44 PM
A medium I went to last year noted my intense natural healing capabilities and urged me to look in to reiki. I took one class but it wasn't a master level teacher afaik and I was only intending to observe but then was asked by another attendee to practice on her. Well, I wasn't grounded enough and got pretty ill where I had to run to the bathroom about ten minutes later then proceeded to continue running to the bathroom once I got home.
That took a little out of me lol but I have been recently contemplating finding a master to learn under.
01-09-2013, 04:46 PM
Studied Reiki, and various forms of healing /astral /buddhic/devachanic/social/biological healing for 15+ years.
People like to have perfect teachers with no faults so, don't in general hold a practice or teach like that. The whole being someone elses messiah thing never really held my interest that much. If someone wants to pay me for the information I hold about healing, fine, but I'll give it out for free just as much. If you want to pay me to put on my ritual garb, shift my perception to the buddhic levels and say "hi" to your brain by "initiation" then you may need to spend a repricoal amount of energy towards me to start the reaction. Easiest form is money, hardest form is nothing if you want to pay me nothing then its all faith. IF you pay me somethign then at least its faith and greed (watching over your money). But like I said, I generally got out of that business when the people I instructed ended up being more interested in finding someone to worship/swoon over or project worshipping/swooning over to than actually studying the details of how the field we are in works and how it may be melded/molded/manipulated to bring about conditions conductive to health.
01-09-2013, 05:09 PM
I must have pretty good luck, or maybe I just have myself tuned to attract the right kind of people, because I've encountered only a very few "messiah seekers", and any such that I have are quickly dispelled.
I prefer to do things for free when it comes to any sort of healing assistance, because the benefit I recieve is the opportunity to practice and develop my ability to interact with others more deeply. |