12-30-2012, 10:59 AM
Hey everyone 
Just a warning, the very real details of this story can be a little shocking due to their relation to sexuality and drug use. However, this is my genuine life experience, and the catalyst I've encountered is as it is and much be spoken about truthfully and honestly as it is.
Also a request... Of course I give permission to any of you to view/feel what my energy field is like, but PLEASE do not perform any sort of action (even healing) without my permission. Thank you for this respect.
This is a catalyst that has been with me since February of this year, and continues to persist with me despite many life changes and personal transformations since then. Every technique and attempt to work with the catalyst has failed to bring resolution to the situation, and I'm totally at the end of my rope here. I'm asking for help from you all now... Attempting to tap into the massive storehouse of wisdom and love that Bring4th is home to. Details below...
In February, I became involved in a channeling group which attempted to channel a known negative entity. I would never ever do such a thing now, but at the time I sincerely believed I was offering my light and love in the best way to be of service. The point of the contact was to ask questions about spiritual evolution and have them answered. There was no power seeking or anything inherently negative about our motivations with creating this contact. But upon looking back on it, I can see that it was a working of mixed orientation - it wasn't entirely service to others because of the conditions and limitations we placed on it.
Anyway, two of us in the group were greeted in different ways during the channeling, of course. There was one particular session in which our negative contact and the beings who were doing the greeting discovered one particularly effective way to begin to manipulate me. They became aware of distortions regarding my sexuality and have played on those ever since.
I say "they" because it was the negative contact which ordered one of the beings underneath him to begin to manipulate me in that way. I don't remember the specifics of what happened right at the beginning, but I'll attempt to share as much as I remember. The channeling group ceased activity shortly after, not because of the greetings but because the questioning and answering had reached its resolution.
After the group ceased the contact, the greetings became particularly worse for me. Now at this point, I wasn't personally aware of anything that was going on - I wasn't even aware that I was being greeted by something outside of me due to the subtlety of the manipulation, so there was no way I could draw a correlation between it and the channeling group. I figured all that out much later. And even later after that I discovered the nature of my "companion".
At that time, I was smoking a lot of marijuana, usually on a daily basis. I am already very energetically sensitive so when I smoke, it opens me up greatly. What began to occur in regards to the specifics of the greeting is that while being high, I became aware of what I suppose I could call a dark other-self in/on/around me. This intelligence would interact with me in a sexual fashion while I was engaged in.... uhhhh... shall we say, normal automatic self-sexual behavior.
I have always been heavily biased towards sexuality of the mind, as opposed to body or spirit. The mind is where my heart, or at least my current interest, of my sexuality lies. The manipulation began during periods while I was high and exploring my own sexuality. This intelligence interacted with my thoughts by stimulating my energy body and physical body in a sexual manner wherever I wished it to be. I could feel sexual sensations in my throat, hands, or anywhere and everywhere and however specific way I requested of this subtle intelligence. It didn't feel like a separate being.
This was actually a great service to me because through this, and through the unasked-for manipulation of my energy body later on, I was able to gain intimate and detailed awareness of my energy body that I would have probably never otherwise gained. i.e. I know where almost all of my energy channels/lines terminate, and know which energy channels/lines affect which portions of at least the lower energy centers.
So on it went for a short time like that. Eventually this intelligence began slightly changing the game it was playing. It began to move into sexuality of the mind, playing on my distortions there. It slowly but surely unequivocally set up its dominance over my sexual function. At the time, my distortions were in such a way as to allow this due to curiosity combined with the feeling of helplessness - that I couldn't do anything to change it. When what seemed like some kind of intelligence that had split off from myself in the first place began to play power and dominance games with my sexuality, I was a little disturbed and confused, but also sickly curious as to how fun playing on the playground of the sexuality of the mind could become.
It attempted to show its dominance over me by activating/stimulating me sexually at inappropriate times, and by otherwise forcing sexuality onto me or dictating the whens and hows my sexual function. This only continued on because of my own distortions in that area, which mentally allowed this to happen. I didn't know how to respond to this, being unsure if it was even psychic greeting. My reactions ranged from sending love to seeing it as self to seeing it as other than self/from outside of my soul stream to seeing it as higher self... My responses ran the gamut from frustration and anger to sending love and complete acceptance to forgiveness to asking for all kinds of aid from all positive sources. Nothing worked because I needed to learn the lesson.
It wasn't until probably around two months ago that the lightning struck the tower, archetypically speaking. I suddenly realized that I didn't deserve this kind of treatment! It was that pre-conceived notion that was keeping me illusioned and prone to the manipulation and domination. I was asking for it on some level. I finally strengthened my orange ray and said "Enough. I am the Creator and I deserve love." When I learned this powerful lesson of self love and self respect, the catalyst didn't go away... it just changed a little.
There was no reason for this entity to keep up its charade as my sexual master once I healed my orange ray. It has dropped all sexual games. (Although it still gives me unwanted activation when I attempt to remove the energy link between it and me. It does this when re-establishing the connection to show dominance.) And it moved on to giving me fearful dreams and drawing energy from me like a vampire.
It was through these dreams that I was able to ascertain the nature of this being, or so I believe. I have come to the conclusion that it is a 4th density negative "Grey" being, affiliated with the Orion empire.
The way that it has been affecting my energy body from the very beginning has been largely unchanged, except the sexual stuff. I feel it place non-physical "devices" or other uncomfortable energy structures in or around my lower rays, especially orange. It also sometimes places them around my head/shoulders, and fingers and toes. It largely affects the left side of my energy body. It likes to make both my kidneys, but especially my left one, very tight and painful and uncomfortable - like placing much dense energy into them.
These devices and connections always serve to do one of two things. Either they block and disrupt the free flow of energy through my energy body, or they siphon my energy away and give it to him. Sometimes I can feel him around the left side of my head and shoulders. I think this is where he is within my field. I feel uncomfortable static-like sensations/sparkles that wash in waves over the left side of my face and head when he makes his presence known. These waves disrupt thought processes, but they're the least uncomfortable energetic sensation out of everything.
Pretty much since the beginning, but especially so lately, he has an energy cord connected to my orange ray that sucks from me and gives to him. It feels like my orange ray is ruptured down the middle and there is an uncomfortable sucking feeling. The closest that any of these sensations come to the physical is sharp muscle pain. When they are in the energetic realm, they are extremely uncomfortable and painful in their own way.
These sensations are all near-constant, increasing and decreasing in intensity as days go by. I don't remember what it feels like to have a clean and clear energy body. This entity has been attached to me and manipulating me for so long. And I have tried everything from love to unity to anger to calling upon every metaphysical source for help. Nothing works to sever the link between me and this entity. Every time I remove the energy cord, he puts it back. Every time I remove the devices, they eventually get put back. Each instance of attempting to accept this entity, to clear my energy body, to love it as the Creator, turns into a power struggle, a tug of war. It is the most persistent and stubborn being I have ever encountered, and it really doesn't want to let go of me. I can accept the situation in love, but I "cannot, on equal footing, allow itself to be manipulated in order to remain purely positive". I don't know what to do.
Of course I have used all advice from the Ra material regarding psychic greeting. Nothing provides a solution.
I want to share this experience here for two reasons. One, just speaking about it to a group of people brings the awareness of this issue out of the orange ray and into the yellow ray. Two, I'm at my wit's end in dealing with this catalyst and I'm calling out for help. This catalyst has been like an impassable brick wall for me.
Thanks for reading such a long post...
I love you all!

Just a warning, the very real details of this story can be a little shocking due to their relation to sexuality and drug use. However, this is my genuine life experience, and the catalyst I've encountered is as it is and much be spoken about truthfully and honestly as it is.
Also a request... Of course I give permission to any of you to view/feel what my energy field is like, but PLEASE do not perform any sort of action (even healing) without my permission. Thank you for this respect.

This is a catalyst that has been with me since February of this year, and continues to persist with me despite many life changes and personal transformations since then. Every technique and attempt to work with the catalyst has failed to bring resolution to the situation, and I'm totally at the end of my rope here. I'm asking for help from you all now... Attempting to tap into the massive storehouse of wisdom and love that Bring4th is home to. Details below...
In February, I became involved in a channeling group which attempted to channel a known negative entity. I would never ever do such a thing now, but at the time I sincerely believed I was offering my light and love in the best way to be of service. The point of the contact was to ask questions about spiritual evolution and have them answered. There was no power seeking or anything inherently negative about our motivations with creating this contact. But upon looking back on it, I can see that it was a working of mixed orientation - it wasn't entirely service to others because of the conditions and limitations we placed on it.
Anyway, two of us in the group were greeted in different ways during the channeling, of course. There was one particular session in which our negative contact and the beings who were doing the greeting discovered one particularly effective way to begin to manipulate me. They became aware of distortions regarding my sexuality and have played on those ever since.
I say "they" because it was the negative contact which ordered one of the beings underneath him to begin to manipulate me in that way. I don't remember the specifics of what happened right at the beginning, but I'll attempt to share as much as I remember. The channeling group ceased activity shortly after, not because of the greetings but because the questioning and answering had reached its resolution.
After the group ceased the contact, the greetings became particularly worse for me. Now at this point, I wasn't personally aware of anything that was going on - I wasn't even aware that I was being greeted by something outside of me due to the subtlety of the manipulation, so there was no way I could draw a correlation between it and the channeling group. I figured all that out much later. And even later after that I discovered the nature of my "companion".
At that time, I was smoking a lot of marijuana, usually on a daily basis. I am already very energetically sensitive so when I smoke, it opens me up greatly. What began to occur in regards to the specifics of the greeting is that while being high, I became aware of what I suppose I could call a dark other-self in/on/around me. This intelligence would interact with me in a sexual fashion while I was engaged in.... uhhhh... shall we say, normal automatic self-sexual behavior.

I have always been heavily biased towards sexuality of the mind, as opposed to body or spirit. The mind is where my heart, or at least my current interest, of my sexuality lies. The manipulation began during periods while I was high and exploring my own sexuality. This intelligence interacted with my thoughts by stimulating my energy body and physical body in a sexual manner wherever I wished it to be. I could feel sexual sensations in my throat, hands, or anywhere and everywhere and however specific way I requested of this subtle intelligence. It didn't feel like a separate being.
This was actually a great service to me because through this, and through the unasked-for manipulation of my energy body later on, I was able to gain intimate and detailed awareness of my energy body that I would have probably never otherwise gained. i.e. I know where almost all of my energy channels/lines terminate, and know which energy channels/lines affect which portions of at least the lower energy centers.
So on it went for a short time like that. Eventually this intelligence began slightly changing the game it was playing. It began to move into sexuality of the mind, playing on my distortions there. It slowly but surely unequivocally set up its dominance over my sexual function. At the time, my distortions were in such a way as to allow this due to curiosity combined with the feeling of helplessness - that I couldn't do anything to change it. When what seemed like some kind of intelligence that had split off from myself in the first place began to play power and dominance games with my sexuality, I was a little disturbed and confused, but also sickly curious as to how fun playing on the playground of the sexuality of the mind could become.
It attempted to show its dominance over me by activating/stimulating me sexually at inappropriate times, and by otherwise forcing sexuality onto me or dictating the whens and hows my sexual function. This only continued on because of my own distortions in that area, which mentally allowed this to happen. I didn't know how to respond to this, being unsure if it was even psychic greeting. My reactions ranged from sending love to seeing it as self to seeing it as other than self/from outside of my soul stream to seeing it as higher self... My responses ran the gamut from frustration and anger to sending love and complete acceptance to forgiveness to asking for all kinds of aid from all positive sources. Nothing worked because I needed to learn the lesson.
It wasn't until probably around two months ago that the lightning struck the tower, archetypically speaking. I suddenly realized that I didn't deserve this kind of treatment! It was that pre-conceived notion that was keeping me illusioned and prone to the manipulation and domination. I was asking for it on some level. I finally strengthened my orange ray and said "Enough. I am the Creator and I deserve love." When I learned this powerful lesson of self love and self respect, the catalyst didn't go away... it just changed a little.
There was no reason for this entity to keep up its charade as my sexual master once I healed my orange ray. It has dropped all sexual games. (Although it still gives me unwanted activation when I attempt to remove the energy link between it and me. It does this when re-establishing the connection to show dominance.) And it moved on to giving me fearful dreams and drawing energy from me like a vampire.
It was through these dreams that I was able to ascertain the nature of this being, or so I believe. I have come to the conclusion that it is a 4th density negative "Grey" being, affiliated with the Orion empire.
The way that it has been affecting my energy body from the very beginning has been largely unchanged, except the sexual stuff. I feel it place non-physical "devices" or other uncomfortable energy structures in or around my lower rays, especially orange. It also sometimes places them around my head/shoulders, and fingers and toes. It largely affects the left side of my energy body. It likes to make both my kidneys, but especially my left one, very tight and painful and uncomfortable - like placing much dense energy into them.
These devices and connections always serve to do one of two things. Either they block and disrupt the free flow of energy through my energy body, or they siphon my energy away and give it to him. Sometimes I can feel him around the left side of my head and shoulders. I think this is where he is within my field. I feel uncomfortable static-like sensations/sparkles that wash in waves over the left side of my face and head when he makes his presence known. These waves disrupt thought processes, but they're the least uncomfortable energetic sensation out of everything.
Pretty much since the beginning, but especially so lately, he has an energy cord connected to my orange ray that sucks from me and gives to him. It feels like my orange ray is ruptured down the middle and there is an uncomfortable sucking feeling. The closest that any of these sensations come to the physical is sharp muscle pain. When they are in the energetic realm, they are extremely uncomfortable and painful in their own way.
These sensations are all near-constant, increasing and decreasing in intensity as days go by. I don't remember what it feels like to have a clean and clear energy body. This entity has been attached to me and manipulating me for so long. And I have tried everything from love to unity to anger to calling upon every metaphysical source for help. Nothing works to sever the link between me and this entity. Every time I remove the energy cord, he puts it back. Every time I remove the devices, they eventually get put back. Each instance of attempting to accept this entity, to clear my energy body, to love it as the Creator, turns into a power struggle, a tug of war. It is the most persistent and stubborn being I have ever encountered, and it really doesn't want to let go of me. I can accept the situation in love, but I "cannot, on equal footing, allow itself to be manipulated in order to remain purely positive". I don't know what to do.
Of course I have used all advice from the Ra material regarding psychic greeting. Nothing provides a solution.
I want to share this experience here for two reasons. One, just speaking about it to a group of people brings the awareness of this issue out of the orange ray and into the yellow ray. Two, I'm at my wit's end in dealing with this catalyst and I'm calling out for help. This catalyst has been like an impassable brick wall for me.
Thanks for reading such a long post...