12-12-2012, 01:45 PM
Though I know many are talking about today and its significance I would like to state my personal benefits december has brought to me!
November was a very traumatic month for me both personally and spiritually as I was brought into a new situation where things were providing far to much catalyst at such an increased rate, I had applied most of this catalyst to the gradual shift taking place, and considered increased catalyst as a learning opportunity and took it all in, I was easily overwhelmed by said catalyst and had a go of spiritual strength in the times when my physical seemed to lack all things positive.
December came around and I made the decision to distance myself from said situation and proceeded to return to the previous environment that I had been in where I noticed a very large amount of spiritual growth and development. I lost friends, I made friends and most of all I learned.
Last week I did something I never thought I would actually do and jumped 12,000 ft out of a plane. This not only opened my eyes to how truly beautiful the creation is but also how insanely loved I truly am by the creator, this helped me open my eyes not only physically but spiritually and is leading me into the perfect stages to preform optimally in communication with my guides and further the opening of my third eye.
Lately I have constantly felt the sensation of my third eye being open, that subtle tingling that is often described when meditation is being preformed is something that has been continuously gracing me as of the beginning of December, I can't help but relate this to my initiation into my spirituality where my crown continuously graced me with the tingling sensation, but now I do not fear this sensation, I enjoy it and allow myself to take it as a sign that I am on the correct path.
Needless to say it is only 12-12-12 and this month has been a very big one for me. I sit in hope that others are feeling equally enlightened in this great period of spiritual growth and acceleration and may this 21'st be a GREAT day for all. This is not something to fear, it is something to come together and rejoice about! Let us finally unify as one gigantic vibration of love and light, as a conduit for infinite creator.
I love and adore you all, my brothers and sisters.
Namaste and Adonai.
![[Image: 8kVYC.jpg?1]](http://i.imgur.com/8kVYC.jpg?1)