(12-03-2012, 10:41 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:(12-03-2012, 08:45 PM)Parsons Wrote: Look... both of you logic-hounds (TN and zm):
I wish I could get everybody together in a big room, and those who accuse me of being overly-logical on one side, and those who accuse me of being overly-intuitive on the other, and let them duke it out!
That paints a very amusing picture.

(12-03-2012, 10:41 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:Quote:I know you are trying to draw words out of me to "defeat" my point of view.
Is that your intellect, your intuition, or your heart giving you this "knowledge"? Because whichever one it is, it is wrong. Care to take another guess at my inner motives?
That was souly my logic coming up with that one. I too was(and still am) very logically driven, nearly to a fault. I made that assumption based on the logic of "I can smell my own".
(12-03-2012, 10:41 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:Quote:So we will just have to wait the vast time-span of two and a half weeks to find out what happens and agree to disagree for the moment.
Please- and I do mean this with all sincerity- do come back and join us here if the next 2.5 weeks go by without whatever you are expecting to occur (still not sure what that is) actually happening. I would still be interested in learning more about your perspective at that time.
I was bummed last year when unity100 checked out of the forum right before the 28 October 2011 "harvest" date. All that discussing leading up to it, and nothing to say for himself afterwards. Big missed teach/learning opportunity for all of us...
I will not be leaving the forums, just not replying to any debate on this specific topic.