11-28-2012, 06:05 PM
Okay so I realize to integrate myself fully requires feeling the feelings I have, or have had in the past.
Now I think I've met the impass, I have been observing the feelings pass but I still try to "deny" "negative" feelings, which seems to cause my reintegration to cease.
So I've deduced that the nature of the feeling isn't important at all, just that I experience it. Like feelings are things flowing in a river and denying, or becoming attached to something causes me to "latch onto it" and it gets stuck there causing a blocking of sorts.
Like fear, if you are scared and focus on it it will stay. But if you let it pass by you generally are fine.
I keep trying to reintegrate and I meet feelings of frustration and anger. And I think/thought of them as obstacles, but maybe they themselves are the feelings that need being felt... so instead of being an obstacle they are the goal.
But in feeling them I can't become attached to them either or they will get stuck. But if I try to not be attached to them that causes them to become attached anyways.
So I suppose a better word to focus my intent on would be to be "accepting" of feeling in and of them selves.
Which ties into an old thought of mine dictating to apply emotion to thought, not thought to emotion.
End of ramble. This is to help myself think. Any opinions are welcome. If I don't like what you think I'll reply and ignore it probably.
Which ties into another thought. We all are attracting things in agreement with ourselves usually. So what would happen if I sought non-agreeing thoughts/actions/opinions? Which would probably be a inefficient intent unless the intent was to just see what would happen. If the original desire was just to see an interesting differing viewpoint it would probably be more efficient to intend to see interesting/thought provoking thoughts.
I'm done. I'm goinna post this before I think again.
Now I think I've met the impass, I have been observing the feelings pass but I still try to "deny" "negative" feelings, which seems to cause my reintegration to cease.
So I've deduced that the nature of the feeling isn't important at all, just that I experience it. Like feelings are things flowing in a river and denying, or becoming attached to something causes me to "latch onto it" and it gets stuck there causing a blocking of sorts.
Like fear, if you are scared and focus on it it will stay. But if you let it pass by you generally are fine.
I keep trying to reintegrate and I meet feelings of frustration and anger. And I think/thought of them as obstacles, but maybe they themselves are the feelings that need being felt... so instead of being an obstacle they are the goal.
But in feeling them I can't become attached to them either or they will get stuck. But if I try to not be attached to them that causes them to become attached anyways.
So I suppose a better word to focus my intent on would be to be "accepting" of feeling in and of them selves.
Which ties into an old thought of mine dictating to apply emotion to thought, not thought to emotion.
End of ramble. This is to help myself think. Any opinions are welcome. If I don't like what you think I'll reply and ignore it probably.
Which ties into another thought. We all are attracting things in agreement with ourselves usually. So what would happen if I sought non-agreeing thoughts/actions/opinions? Which would probably be a inefficient intent unless the intent was to just see what would happen. If the original desire was just to see an interesting differing viewpoint it would probably be more efficient to intend to see interesting/thought provoking thoughts.
I'm done. I'm goinna post this before I think again.