05-28-2014, 02:33 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-28-2014, 02:33 AM by Adonai One.)
It's hard to correct the attitude that everything is acceptable. I believe everything serves me. Why is this wrong to you?
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05-28-2014, 02:33 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-28-2014, 02:33 AM by Adonai One.)
It's hard to correct the attitude that everything is acceptable. I believe everything serves me. Why is this wrong to you?
05-28-2014, 02:39 AM
I didn't say that notion of everything serving you was wrong by my standard.
If you think everything serves you do you assume that everything you do is a personal service to the universe? An equal service to those that pay for your shelter and food?
05-28-2014, 02:51 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-28-2014, 02:54 AM by Adonai One.)
If those who pay for my shelter and food do not like what I do, then they can go ahead and make it that such things are not given to me. If the taxpayer does not wish me to use public utilities and roads, may they bar me from such. I will not revolt and demand it be returned. I will simply change countries.
To your first question, yes.
05-28-2014, 02:51 AM
Re: dream interpretation - dreams are essentially all about the self. There might be correlation between a real life person and dream person but the dream person is symbolic of the dreamer's aspect of self... Like dream grocery lady is not literally Ankh but an aspect of Adonai.
05-28-2014, 03:00 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-28-2014, 03:02 AM by Adonai One.)
I am pretty consistent in regards to my view on "legal rights." I do not believe in them in regards to me in-benefit or in me fueling a right-to-others directly. I consistently support people doing what they desire, in all cases.
It just so happens my desires are in-line with society's so far as to not cause conflict, as that is what I desire. The laws are just paper and men in uniforms to me.
05-28-2014, 03:31 AM
A1, it's just when I go about my day and struggle with things like severe dizziness, where my ground is constantly rocking, and my head is always spinning, and I find it so god damn difficult just to walk, talk and function, I sometimes look at people around and what they do. And what they do, as I go about my day being absorbed by my own problems, is to serve me coffee, or froyo to my daughter, or serve us in grocery shops, etc., and as I notice that, and see that they smile and try to be nice, these people impress the bejesus out of me. Day in and day out, they go to work, and serve others. You may call it whatever you want, such as slavery, and that this is wrong, and whatnot, but each of these people serve in the same way as Mother Teresa served with her "do it anyway". God knows what struggles they go through themselves, and what fights they are fighting inside themselves, but they still serve you with a smile. So when you call them "slaves" and that you would fall low if you had their jobs and whatnot, I find it so damn disrespectful! And there are maybe ways to change this society into something better, where people would have more leisure time and whatnot, but sitting home and writing on internet forums, while having an existence based upon hard work of these people which you call "slaves", wow... Dude, it was a long time ago I've seen this...
And as to your "under the Law of One there is no right or wrong, and there is no polarity" -we've had these discussions over and over again in this forum. Everything is eventually acceptable for each entity, and everything will be reconciled, and there is no right or wrong, yes. Like killing other people, or torture them, or raping them, or just being a parasite - there is nothing wrong with that, ultimately. But there are some actions, thoughts and desires which are more consonant with the Law of One, and there are some which are not. And like it or not, but upon *this* stage there is a choice to be made. I agree with you on one point though, and that is - one should avoid sacrifice, but only when it is *possible*, but when it's *not* possible, there is still a choice to be made, every single moment for as long as we are in this density. I am glad that Don, Carla and Jim didn't have your "philosophy", as we probably wouldn't have Ra material in that case, and especially when that fifth density "friend" came to be with them. And I am glad that most people don't have your philosophy either, but that this planet is still polarizing, and trying its darnest hard.
05-28-2014, 04:26 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-28-2014, 04:37 AM by Adonai One.)
This planet is not polarizing. It is confused. 95% of the population will continue its cycle elsewhere because people are convinced denial of the self is the way to nirvana. This culture is laughed at and admired by most of the galaxy because people here seek to give each other pleasure but cannot even provide it for themselves. Oh they try their hardest but in such a confused dazed manner with ethics based on children sacrificing themselves to their parents, while still loving them while they were beaten.
That is how this culture was formed: From children starving in front of their parents as the parents claimed dominion over the land and children. This gave rise to feudalistic cultures and then to our current governments. It's a purely master-child relationship, found on giving birth to children for the sake of slaving over the farms, claiming the child owes his or her to life to its parents. It's so lovely because in spite of all this, the child still loves its master and tries its best through sacrifice. I support service that leads to a practical sustainable end. When everybody is suffering for centuries to a goal of peace and wealth that is never realized, when civilizations fall in the name of the same ethics, I say it is time for a change. I hate to break it: But there is no polarization in a world without pleasure in the self. There is only confusion. I wish the world luck sacrificing themselves towards the creator for I know only one polarity that does this and they only serve a negating void. TLDR: This whole world is the result of bad parenting with the child still loving the abusive parent and believing the parent raised them right.
05-28-2014, 04:40 AM
(05-28-2014, 04:26 AM)Adonai One Wrote: This planet is not polarizing. It is confused. 95% of the population will continue its cycle elsewhere because people are convinced denial of the self is the way to nirvana. This culture is laughed at and admired by most of the galaxy because people here seek to give each other pleasure but cannot even provide it for themselves. Oh they try their hardest but in such a confused dazed manner with ethics based on children sacrificing themselves to their parents while still loving them while they were beaten. I am not saying that it isn't difficult here in regards to polarization. It is. I am also not saying that there are no problems here. Cause there are. And I am definitely not saying that everything is A OK here. It's not. But sitting home, doing nothing but to thrive upon hard work of others, whom you call "slaves" aren't going to solve Her problems either, but on contrary, put more weight on Hers and Her people's already troubled shoulders. One question for you, A1, do you regard your wife as one of those "slaves", cause you know, she *works*?
05-28-2014, 04:42 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-28-2014, 04:42 AM by Adonai One.)
My wife works when she wants to on her own schedule. A while ago she made a commitment to only work jobs she likes.
She has no hours, no set income. She does what she wants when she likes. She doesn't truly work. She lives her life as she pleases as she naturally does.
05-28-2014, 04:43 AM
(05-28-2014, 04:42 AM)Adonai One Wrote: My wife works when she wants to on her own schedule. A while ago she made a commitment to only work jobs she likes. But she works, doesn't she? So, do you or do you not regard her as one of those "slaves"?
05-28-2014, 04:46 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-28-2014, 04:48 AM by Adonai One.)
I'll define slave for you: Somebody who sacrifices their desires for work they would not otherwise do.
I could be completely wrong but if there were not forces of survival and economic consolidation, most people would not work the jobs they have. I would never call somebody a slave directly but I would apply it to myself if I were working a job I did not prefer. My wife is doing what she desires. Thus I do not consider her a slave nor truly a laborer. Just a person enjoying herself in a wealth of time and leisure.
05-28-2014, 04:53 AM
I see. Your view of this planet and Her people is one of darkest I've encountered, Adonai One.
I'm leaving this discussion for now, because there is nothing more I can say that haven't already been said. I disagree with you on so many levels and ways, but at the same time, I've already mentioned that in points, my questions, explaining what I've meant etc. So there is really nothing more to say for me, except keep repeating myself and going round in circles with you. Good luck to you and to your wife, Adonai One. I wish you both the best! And I will also be praying for Gaia and Her people, that we will make through this, despite all the negativity.
05-28-2014, 04:56 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-28-2014, 05:05 AM by Adonai One.)
I like to hear people speak. I do not wish to waste your time but simply understand your perspective. I find myself unable to be convinced of thought that is not backed by a relevance to this question: How will this form of ethics help humanity?
I will be more direct into the future. As of now, I find humanity in a sickly position of doing things it does not like consistently since nearly the dawn of its time. I believe this illness needs to find a cure. I call it an illness because, on faith, I reckon most of this planet would see this current state as an illness once it sees the potential of living through desire rather than the denial of it.
05-28-2014, 05:09 AM
Quote:TLDR: This whole world is the result of bad parenting with the child still loving the abusive parent and believing the parent raised them right.Lol yeah alright Dr. I don't like books Your issues with authority really do seem to be some projection of parental issues, given what was just related. Very common in young ppl, anarchism being a young person thing is no coincidence lol This cosmic struggle of sacrifice, slavery and everyone but the narrator being confused should be made into a book, I haven't read good fiction in ages. Quote:I will simply change countries.With what money? Is money "inherent"? Quote:I support service that leads to a practical sustainable end.Really? Is a cure not inherent? Actually now that I see these replies (I was off writing mine and playing games) I understand I'm not really adding anything here, i don't think anyone here is really learning much... So I think I like Ankh better bow out, good luck A1 and Vervex with your lives I wish you the best
05-28-2014, 05:14 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-28-2014, 05:25 AM by Adonai One.)
Oh yes, the cure is so inherent people will realize this current planet cannot sustain its human life once its vibration becomes intolerable to 95% of the people who cannot accept so much vital energy. It will make their souls tired and they will desire a planet that allows them to receive less vital energy in the amount of self-love they can tolerate. Either that or they can reside in the lower outer-planes of this planet where they will be adequately deprived of self-love.
Everything is well but a cycle of self-denial is a state of profuse spiritual anorexia. This planet is literally spiritually anorexic. It serves, it is well, I will not claim it needs to be banned from the macrocosm but I have compassion for the desires of people that are currently suppressed. "With what money? Is money "inherent"?" The universe will provide somehow. Value unknown.
05-28-2014, 05:21 AM
Yeah, alright, I'll come and speak for myself to prevent Immanuel from distorting me haha He hasn't reached this point yet but it's right about to hit that mark
Here's my experience: I worked for 7 years in retail while studying full-time. When I graduated from university, I gave my resignation letter to my boss (Apple Store) and decided to focus entirely on being a freelancer in design and art. Working gave me the opportunity to learn many skills and meet a lot of people. It gave me the opportunity to help countless people too and I can never regret that. It's shaped me to be who I am and I have no regrets. That being said, I left because I was not fully happy; it pleased me to help people but I felt there were other ways I could help them which would also make me happy. I did not feel fulfilled and I felt my time could be better invested elsewhere. At the time I quit, there was a job offer on the table for a full-time position paid $21/h with full benefits. I was strongly encouraged to apply for it officially and become part of the team. I pondered it as it was a tempting offer, however it did not take me long to confirm that, once again, it was not my calling. Needless to say I took my bosses by surprise by handing my resignation letter! It now makes 3 years since I quit my job and live of my own means. It's not easy; there are ups and downs when you adopt the life of a freelancer, especially at the beginning. I don't have set hours but try to get work done in the afternoon and evening. I do my best to fulfill my clients' requests and make them happy too. I do my best to complete the work on a timely manner too. And I enjoy myself in (almost) all contracts I get. Some are better than others, of course [Parenthesis: As any other North American I have the honor to pay rent, bills, food and other expenses. And although many people have pointed at the possibility that I might be sacrificing something for Immanuel, were I alone I would still have to pay for rent, bills, food and other expenses. All which really changes is a reasonable increase in food and other expenses (coffee, bus passes, dry cleaning and other common purchases); everything else is unchanged. Also, he's been quick to point out he recently helped significantly with the bills during a period of low contracts for me. It's team work folks, a couple is everyone participating in the best way they can ] Finally, I do not want to speak for Immanuel but I believe that what he means by slave is not so much about the person being a slave but the system in which we live which supports and encourages the idea that people must pay their dues in order to survive. It is conditional in the sense that if one does not work, they may end up on the streets. The mentally of "you work or you die", although significantly reduced in intensity since the old days, is still in practice today to an extent and akin to slavery in that sense. That being said, I personally would never consider a worker in the first world at the very least to be a slave; calling people slaves is calling them victims and I do not believe in victimizing people. We all have choices to make in our lives and these choices give us the power to choose the direction we desire to take. While I do not envy the woman working at the grocery store daily, I do not feel any pity or anger towards her and her job position either; I see beauty in those jobs because people chose them. She experiences something which is valuable to her. And perhaps even my life as a freelancer, unstable at times, would make her shake her head and stay at her post. Conclusion: to each their own
05-28-2014, 05:35 AM
Hold on, doesn't viewing people as slaves, being ill or generally misunderstand themselves on a "more than 9/10" scale actually reinforce these problems by giving credit, focus and will towards the construct of people not knowing their own good, etc?
In my mind, this view would mostly damage intention of getting somewhere happy for people; effectively telling them on an energetic level that their life is of little or no worth compared to someone who does not work.
05-28-2014, 05:39 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-28-2014, 05:43 AM by Adonai One.)
I am not saying anybody is of a low worth. I am simply saying that if I did what most people did, I would feel like a slave because I would have to suppress my desires and my time. And, again, I will make the bet most people do not want to be at their jobs.
I believe people tell themselves their inner dreams and desires are of little worth when they procrastinate for many years against fulfilling them to do their supposed obligations. In fact, I am simply saying people may prefer to give their inner-desires more value. For right now, it seems the suppression of desire for what currently exists seems to be saying that people's inner-most self is of little worth.
05-28-2014, 05:52 AM
Is 'my' free will infringed by the current state of 'control'?
05-28-2014, 06:06 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-28-2014, 06:08 AM by Adonai One.)
Yes and no. Depends on how you interpret all of society's desires: What is within your desires and what acts against them?
If you absolutely submit to society, no. If you have some differences in desires yet are asked to be a certain way with a threat of reprisal, yes, in one way or another.
05-28-2014, 09:36 AM
The United States has gotten particularly bad with respect to decent jobs for young people. A good percentage of decent paying jobs have been shipped overseas to China, India, Vietnam, etc., and there's much more competition for the existing jobs with Mexicans who are willing to accept much less than the typical American worker, so much of what's left really is more-or-less slave labor. In fact, I would say the system of slavery has been improved upon from our pre-civil war era. The slaves back then had to be fed, housed and taken care of by the slave owner. Now the slaves have to pay for their food, and if they can't make their payments for over inflated housing, their dwelling may be taken away from them.
So there may be a divide here between posters who may not be experiencing what's going on in the United States (and I assume Canada as well). I'm just offering that for folks to consider.. Also, if someone is going to live an extraordinary life, they probably will also be living an unusual path to get there. Of course, it's fairly certain Adonai won't be following the mundane path, so the fruits he ultimately creates won't be normal - whether that is a crash and burn according to societal standards, total success by societal standards or somewhere in between is up in the air.. Sounds like Vervex is strapped in for the ride.. Just let me know when I can preorder the first book..
05-28-2014, 09:48 AM
(05-28-2014, 02:25 AM)Fang Wrote: Stop stretching things to cosmic, dramatic, exaggerated proportions. Used to be my thoughts exactly, up until a few months ago. But you know what's funny here fang, I also know people with visions, innovative ideas who, as they say; 'followed their passion', and currently find themselves thriving their asses off, not without any obstacles but they're thriving nonetheless. I keep meeting/bumping into more and more people who, imo, are living examples that it works; if you can be patient with yourself and take the time, put in the effort, go within and listen; find out what you love to do -and actually do it, this I find to be the scariest part- it's not really a job and you will inevitably thrive. (05-28-2014, 02:51 AM)reeay Wrote: Re: dream interpretation - dreams are essentially all about the self. There might be correlation between a real life person and dream person but the dream person is symbolic of the dreamer's aspect of self... Like dream grocery lady is not literally Ankh but an aspect of Adonai. I don't agree with this at all. The way it was explained to me in a dream was that people are reflections of you in a dream because they are in real life. I believe when we see someone in a dream it is them, albeit not their conscious self we see most of the time. And I get quite a fight back from my 'inner self' when I come away from this belief. I've had experiences with a close friend that very much show how interconnected it all is. I didn't see the original dream this was referring to so I say this to inform you of being 'apolitical', in whatever argument is being waged here. I just saw this post; and this is just my view, but it has as much proof as the one offered here.
05-28-2014, 12:19 PM
(05-28-2014, 11:50 AM)Phoenix Wrote:(05-28-2014, 02:51 AM)reeay Wrote: Re: dream interpretation - dreams are essentially all about the self. There might be correlation between a real life person and dream person but the dream person is symbolic of the dreamer's aspect of self... Like dream grocery lady is not literally Ankh but an aspect of Adonai. Sure other people in your dream is a reflection of you - we're saying the same thing, different way. The response that I made was just to say that 'grocery lady' IS Lana (see dream thread for context) is kind of a stretch bc grocery lady is a reflection of adonai.
05-28-2014, 12:48 PM
(05-28-2014, 06:06 AM)Adonai One Wrote: Yes and no. Depends on how you interpret all of society's desires: What is within your desires and what acts against them? Yes brother, balance may be the key to the universe, just ask xise lolol
05-28-2014, 01:50 PM
(05-28-2014, 04:56 AM)Adonai One Wrote: I find myself unable to be convinced of thought that is not backed by a relevance to this question: How will this form of ethics help humanity? Ok, I can answer this question, but before I continue this dance with you, can you answer one simple question, asked by me so many times, and also asked by this entity in this post, do you acknowledge that your current existence is based upon hard work of others, directly and indirectly? Those of Hatonn Wrote:Fourthly, we ask you, as always, to maintain that level of detachment which ensures that you are as able to laugh at the comedy of life as it applies to yourself, as you are able to laugh at the comedy of life as it applies to others. This detachment is a divine sense of humor which will lead you to a knowledge of the oneness of the universe. As you make your errors, so may you laugh and say, “There also am I.” And here also am I with acceptance for many here, I’d share some light humor. Your advice is sound, it’s just my attempt to bring some light into the matter didn’t go as hoped. It’s all so serious — To reeay: reeay Wrote:Re: dream interpretation - dreams are essentially all about the self. There might be correlation between a real life person and dream person but the dream person is symbolic of the dreamer's aspect of self... Like dream grocery lady is not literally Ankh but an aspect of Adonai. The Law of One, Book IV, Session 86 Ra: I am Ra. In all cases the mind/body/spirit complex makes what use it can of the faculty of the dreaming. It, itself, is responsible for this activity We are in agreement, reeay — To Ankh: Ankh Wrote:But what I react at is that instead of acknowledging this, i.e. that his current existence is possible due to hard work of others, he (and he is not the only one) thinks that he is entitled to this, and instead of saying "thank you so much, I see your hard work and I acknowledge it", he calls these people *slaves*! Responding to your clarification Though seeing how things are, it may be best to lay it to rest and let go as you have let it go -Regulus
05-28-2014, 02:31 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-28-2014, 02:31 PM by Adonai One.)
(05-28-2014, 01:50 PM)Ankh Wrote:(05-28-2014, 04:56 AM)Adonai One Wrote: I find myself unable to be convinced of thought that is not backed by a relevance to this question: How will this form of ethics help humanity? My current existence is due to my own free will and the free will of others in complete unison, yes.
05-28-2014, 03:19 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-28-2014, 03:20 PM by AnthroHeart.)
05-28-2014, 03:27 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-28-2014, 03:29 PM by Adonai One.)
You are inherently. Unity is something that is seen not dictated. Many claim it has to be earned but does unity find its way in the mind who sees disunity in every difference in thought?