12-13-2013, 09:04 AM
As of Friday, August 5th, 2022, the Bring4th forums on this page have been converted to a permanent read-only archive. If you would like to continue your journey with Bring4th, the new forums are now at https://discourse.bring4th.org.
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12-13-2013, 04:09 PM
(12-13-2013, 09:04 AM)primordial abyss Wrote: @spacekimono Beautiful! I wrote that right around the time of a heart centered activation in which I felt the spiraling nature of energy. I had spent some time ingesting the LOO as well as quantum physics so it was all swirling around - dancing thoughts. ![]()
12-15-2013, 02:52 PM
![]() cutting overgrown toe nails getting boogers out one's nose washing piles of dirty dishes shoveling a path when it snows all of this is equally sacred it is all worthy of one's respect the slightest thought of praise has a life enhancing affect the body is a glorious temple treat it with honor for all it does the mind is a wonderful canvas to envision and store what was the spirit is a stupendous shuttle reaching upwards unto forever love is what opens the gateway but one must choose to pull the lever
12-16-2013, 08:26 PM
all is well/one/illusion/light/you
the illusion you are is an infinite star. there is only light here which explains why we fear. we are in a nightmare and we don't even care. it's a horror movie that we can never flee. it is a show designed solely by the one mind. the main character's you wanting something to do. you became bored with peace and wanted to decease. immortal life is pain; fear of death keeps you sane. all things deserve to end, as all things should begin!
12-19-2013, 06:44 PM
![]() we've all been bestowed gifts that can be turned into a life calling the more you put them into practice the less chance of your dreams stalling creativity is the name of this game that's the reason we're all so unique the Creator looks upon each of us with a vision of beauty and mystique
12-19-2013, 10:47 PM
![]() each word saturated with intention each sentence like a flap of the wings to fly high takes much concentration one's only guide is when one's heart rings when we're soaring life seems easy but it takes effort to get off the ground be still when all around you is breezy be silent to hear the buzzing sound
12-20-2013, 12:29 AM
![]() didn't you get the transmission? that you are here on a mission yes...you volunteered by volition to help ease the vibratory transition don't you recall Gaia grieving? it was the reason for your leaving yes...you left a far away world of delight but what is distance to a being of light? the cry from earth is what mattered your tender heart was shattered how could she be so battered? and so we wanderers scattered all across the globe we've awoken but mother's heart is still broken she pleads that we come back to her that she'll warm us with love not fur
12-21-2013, 05:34 PM
![]() our nightly excursions into the realm of dreams from lucid euphoric flying to waking up in a scream our culture diminishes them as if they have no value but if you keep a journal you'll find this is not true where we go in our dreams is to a broader point of view there it becomes quite obvious all dream characters are you dreams give premonitions our higher self giving a clue in dreams there are no rules there reality is much more fluid ancient cultures knew this from the egyptians to the druids
12-22-2013, 06:34 PM
![]() the space in which all is perceived the place where universes are conceived the journey towards authenticity is walked in utter simplicity the gateless gate of nirvana...the pearl of all pearls "who am i?" is the question around which all swirls in the deepest depths of self-inquiry all that remains is the mystery
12-23-2013, 01:54 AM
![]() see the good in the people that make up your life look past the difficulties leave behind the strife be generous with your smile don't use it so sparingly live from the heart center and all will be done caringly
12-24-2013, 03:53 PM
![]() the relationships that challenge you are the reason they were chosen this is especially true in families where patterns seem to get frozen but please don't give up hope even a grinch's heart can melt stuck energies will transform when genuine love is fully felt
12-28-2013, 03:15 AM
there is no disharmony
there is a chance that just maybe every thing can only happen as it's meant to. ![]() ![]()
12-28-2013, 05:13 AM
12-29-2013, 04:50 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-29-2013, 04:53 PM by alchemikey.)
![]() there is only one thing my friend of which you have complete control that is your responses to life may they come from your soul to control others with your will is an act that's grounded in futility for to deny another their freedom is far from your responsibility ![]() there are two paths one can choose to follow one puffs you full of pride the other humbles you hollow seeing beauty in a few is the path of segregation seeing beauty in all is the path of integration ![]() surround yourself with those who are on a similar wavelength this provides ample opportunity for mutual love to gather strength the journey of the lone wolf eventually reaches a dead end the way forward from there is with a pack of dear friends ![]() fill me from my head to my toes with refined light energy release all the heavy hucha back to mother earth fill me with the wonder of how children view the universe release all i think i know so the new can give birth
12-29-2013, 10:56 PM
![]() i hope you always find a reason to smile for smiles are one thing that never go out of style i hope you always have someone to hug for hugs are the cure for a 'bah, humbug'
12-30-2013, 04:22 PM
unity; simply the basis for absolutely everything
duality the initial split enabling intimate tendencies and emotive energies erupting simultaneously segmented within the seventh as this expression of compression an exquisitely individuated invention the central emanation is capable of multi-faceted activation i be speaking first secondarily working back wards embracing reciprocals coincidently alleviating the suffering of retreat from casted shadows harrowing tense-less presence the breathe's essence text which edges on an entrance to deathless existence can we bridge this?
12-30-2013, 06:16 PM
![]() follow the path that makes you super excited follow the course where your heart stays ignited follow the bliss as joseph campbell did say follow the love and you cannot go astray follow the passion of your wildest dreams follow the example of the flowing streams follow the breadcrumbs that lead back to home follow the road that doesn't bring you to rome
12-31-2013, 01:40 PM
![]() everything is open for interpretation what's true for me may not be for you that is the beauty of a co-creation the diversity of each point of view we are all figments of imagination from a common core we all grew the ALL looks upon us with fascination forever surprised by what we do
12-31-2013, 05:06 PM
![]() leave behind the doubt of failure bury the whole blame shame game enter this new year with fresh eyes like how into this world you came regain your confidence and focus make moves with faith and trust transform...be open to transition leave space for plans to adjust
01-01-2014, 10:55 PM
![]() it feels so good just to be outside the stars above in an expanse so wide breathing in deeply the fresh crisp air as i listen to the river sing it's gentle prayer yes it feels so good just to be outside nature has a way of opening hearts wide just look at the beauty of the glittering snow this silent language i have come to know
01-02-2014, 08:26 PM
![]() love is not something you can fall in and out of if that is what you know of it then that is not true love love is what underlies all creation it is a constant that always sustains it doesn't wither nor does it fade it doesn't know of losses nor of gains love is a force of orgasmic energy from which all that is emanates it's nature is transcendent and pure it's giving heart forever radiates love forgives the darkest of deeds knowing they spring from confusion love makes a home for all creatures it is the warm feeling of inclusion
01-03-2014, 12:41 PM
![]() in my heart of hearts i see through duality's game in my heart of hearts i know as love we are the same in my heart of hearts there is a child always giggling in my heart of hearts is where the dancer starts wiggling in my heart of hearts there is a bottomless well of poetry in my heart of hearts is a secure connection to the mystery in my heart of hearts abides the eternal flame of spirit in my heart of hearts silence calls forth and i hear it
01-08-2014, 12:15 PM
![]() a fearless heart initiates unlived dreams love just like water seeps through any seams a gentle clearing of our collective racial mind synchronistically occurring as parallel lives align a question's main purpose is to remain unresolved where would go the mystery if everything was solved? with knowledge comes the burden of a great weight to choose loving responses while in the midst of hate
01-08-2014, 02:11 PM
I want an alchemikey-to-go so I can hear you all day brother!
Yes communication remains a powerful and vivid method of uplifting the heart.
01-09-2014, 04:01 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-09-2014, 04:03 PM by alchemikey.)
i wish i could say my thoughts stayed like this throughout the day...
but these generally arise from after tuning in ![]() ![]() if you feel your progressing slowly and you wish to accelerate the pace then go right up to your mother and tell her, 'i love you' face to face now do the same to your father your niece, nephew, sister and brother your aunts, uncles, and cousins do this to every being you call other this practice will speed things up this medicine will lift your spirit for an overflowing heart is magnetic people are naturally drawn near it this will bring you much warmth this will increase each cells vibration for when you match love's frequency you become a bridge for unification
01-10-2014, 01:52 PM
![]() surrender any sense of control only all that is can proclaim that it's whole for we are as atoms that make up a larger being you may call it god but just know that it's freeing all of the seeing is done by the one seer untainted by opinion it's perception is clear it is that inside us all which is simply noticing the center of the vortex...focus on who's focusing
01-10-2014, 06:29 PM
Ja bless!
We could sess from point x till the next test , I get rest only upon relentless acceptance Chaotic instantaneous metamorphic contortion in the distortions of forces in this illusion reporting confusion in infusing within separation inhalation instigation of mesmerizing exaltation emanation radiant Laden with the pain made by alienated nations, integrating eternal patience breaking bonds that burn backs baked yearning for a taste of illumination interpretation makes each mistake a rare craft of creation My intention is assured to be directed effectively and more correct than expected by my finite state of comprehension Respect, peace, love, and blessings from East to West, we ingress within the deep places within this matrix of enslavement free like masons seems these pages may debase us but we risk it all in faith and praise the nameless ageless faceless that is all this That we are, define it any way, never/ever-changing in many ways it's obscene to be dreaming within a dream or so it seems.. and so it seems...
01-11-2014, 01:19 AM
i love the way your poetry flows...would be nice to hear it spoken
01-11-2014, 10:49 PM
![]() the way to my heart is through kindness and devotion you don't have to do that much you sure don't need a love potion the way to my heart is through stillness and inquiry dissolve our egos together until all that's left is mystery the way to my heart is through dancing and being free may i please take your hand as we twirl around for eternity the way to my heart is through laughter and innocence any of these will get you there for they all lead to my essence
01-12-2014, 07:59 PM
souls exist, for only one true reason: obtaining passion in every season. unity is us constantly mating; life is what it is we are creating. magnanimous, pure, hearts dwell in us all; all we do is fill the creator's call. transcendental desires plague our mind... exorbitant love is meant to be blind. ![]() |