(02-22-2014, 12:28 PM)Icaro Wrote: You'd assume there would be some sort of confusion thrown into place for the smaller group so that the rest could move forward with their desires. It's possibly related to the collective's long history of destruction with such technology.Yes, I'm thinking Ra's communication was distorted according to what focus Don's worldview was able to provide.
Ra might also just be having to answer through Don's own distortion of heavy conspiracy..that is an early session.
(02-22-2014, 12:46 PM)Steppenwolf Wrote: Could you explain how you conclude past polarisation efforts would be nullified? I see it more as a stalemate, the use of new devices for STS seems to be not enough to overcome STO, so a small harvest would perhaps be from the extremes of each service?violet-ray is the sum total balance afforded by all polarization efforts, and what affords harvest. If the harvest is caused to be small due to a group of people's (recent) intended use of technological devices, then they of course nullified those past efforts or depolarized people in the current incarnations.