11-25-2012, 02:50 AM
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11-25-2012, 08:27 PM
(11-24-2012, 06:51 PM)unir 1 Wrote: The significance that above information has to me is the Second Density creature theory which I am thinking about. It is not organized yet, but briefly it is about role of consciousness in the creatures of this planet. The field of consciousness is always forefront in my studies, as is identity and the housing of consciousness. (11-24-2012, 04:58 PM)ShinAr Wrote: Is there anything in your proximity having to do with such things, even the symbol of the upside down triangle? And if so can you discuss it with me in greater detail in a PM? (11-24-2012, 06:51 PM)unir 1 Wrote: Around me, I am aware of a symbol of what appears to be an incomplete upside-down triangle, the base missing, circumscribed, and the triangle's right leg has a line adjacent & parallel to that side. This symbol is supposed to represent the law of Free-Will. This video may explain it starting from 2:20. I do not believe it is related to what you are asking; When you say the website explains its association with free will, can you summarize briefly. For some reason I am unable to hear the words being spoken, even though I can hear sound at the begiining of the video. (11-24-2012, 06:51 PM)unir 1 Wrote: I do not believe it is related to what you are asking; Oh it is very much related in some way. You obviously did not note the image on the Chieftain's chest. (11-24-2012, 04:58 PM)ShinAr Wrote: Tanner, I see that you are here. (11-24-2012, 06:51 PM)unir 1 Wrote: I do not know if you're referring to me in this quote. No Unir 1, I was speaking to Eternal, and he also had some pertinent offering key to this path which he shared as well. (11-25-2012, 02:50 AM)Meerie Wrote:(11-24-2012, 06:18 PM)Cyan Wrote:(11-24-2012, 05:09 PM)ShinAr Wrote: IN THREE DAYS THE WELL WILL OPEN AND A NEW ELEMENT WILL BE BORN INTO THIS EXISTENCE I apologize for the emphasis Meerie, I was caught up in the moment and trying to follow direction. I speak of the the Divine Feminine aspect of birth represented in ancient times by the well or cauldron, and acknowledged as the gateway or portal between fields of consciousness and the pathway or process to higher state of being.
11-25-2012, 08:43 PM
In session 1, RA speaks of the "original thought".
Perhaps the One Infinite Creator was a dormant sleeping holographic brain in potential and became alive (aware) once One had One's first defined/experienced thought... IDK
11-25-2012, 10:38 PM
Are we moving thru the 'birthing canal'?
11-26-2012, 08:13 AM
(11-25-2012, 10:38 PM)rie Wrote: Are we moving thru the 'birthing canal'? I am still trying to put this together and await a few other sources of information. Sometimes these things take much time to reveal their full context. But I can say from experience that the Spirit has always been recognized in Alchemy as one of the elements, usually the highest pinnacle of the star symbol, along with earth, air, fire and water, counterclockwise. And our natural evolution and cosmic/cyclical harvest, if such does come about, should be considered as the spiritual element being enhanced. What I am getting is more of something which has not existed before, at least not here on Earth, which will enter into Earth's environment. This moving through the birth canal, always represented by the cauldron/well/portals, is also always associated with birth into higher being, and so I ask if this new element is simply higher being, or actual new form. But as yet I cannot discern any answer to that.
11-26-2012, 10:28 AM
All this talk while a friend of mine called Lizardslayer is giving birth to a child called Tiamat.
ahh the symbolism. Carry on.
11-26-2012, 02:54 PM
Ah, Shin'Ar, what great Mystery is before us!
11-27-2012, 10:30 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-27-2012, 10:58 PM by kanonathena.)
(11-24-2012, 11:03 PM)anagogy Wrote: What we perceive as "existence" is simply a minute cross section of the creators omniscience... Lets step back from the abyss for a moment, and consider this carefully. The creator knows *everything*. But........what does it actually mean to know EVERYTHING? Knowing everything also includes the awareness of what it is like to NOT know everything. Thus, illusions of separation come into being. And they are infinitely vivid and real seeming. They don't actually come into being (they always existed), but I'm trying to word this in a way that will make the most sense to this illusory "you" reading these words. This post resonates with me deeply, and it speaks to the heart of the question which still puzzles me. Are you saying that we are the creator seeing things from a narrowed perspective. I guess being a mind/body/spirit complex, creator is the spirit, mind is the perspective, body simply tag along with that perspective? Isn't it a misnomer to say we are co-creators, since we are the creator itself, simply in different perspective? If we are the different perspectives of the creator who is experiencing itself simultaneously through all these perspectives, creator is actually multitasking? It's a bit difficult for me to imagine, I can only notice myself focusing on one thing at a time, no matter how short the focus is. I think this is a core of my confusion, how unity awareness generate infinite focus... Another thing, if all possibility are already known to the creator, what useful information do I bring back to "myself", since all knowledge are already known in the first place? You said separation is simply the opposite side of unity, both has existed forever long, I still find difficult to make sense of my seemingly linear progression from separation to unity. Am I simply on a loop, unity to separation, separation to unity, unity to separation... And I just happened to be on separation to unity track of a particular cycle? The veil of forgetting is making this really difficult, I constantly ask myself why everything is the way it is.
11-28-2012, 10:44 AM
Will our learning of archetypes be accelerated in higher densities? I can't really seem to grasp them here.
11-28-2012, 02:48 PM
(11-28-2012, 10:44 AM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Will our learning of archetypes be accelerated in higher densities? I can't really seem to grasp them here. The question is mislead. These 22 archetypes known as the "tarot" are a learning tool strictly of 3rd-density material: it's purpose being one that culminates in The Choice. This is the essence of 3rd-density. Studying the archetypes, or becoming an adept, as it were, does indeed accelerate the spiritual process of learning in 3rd-density. However, neither knowingness of the tarot, the kabbalah (tree of life), or astrology is prerequisite to graduate from this density to the next. In 4th-density lessons will take a different perspective, a different angle; this does not imply, however, that there is no work with "archetypes." They universe is built on archetypes. To contribute to the topic at hand, the very Beingness of the One Infinite Creator lies in Mystery: the infinite void of absolute unconsciousness wherein the potential for infinite awareness eternally resides and periodically arises from and coalesces back into. The Source is forever Mystery. This is the One Infinite Creator; the dreamless dreamer dreaming all dreams. This is the paradox: that the Creator's active, conscious, kinetic awareness, the Original Thought—potentiated/activated by the Creator's primal impulse, that original desire (will) to know Itself—, manifested all the Light wherein the Creator may explore Itself via intelligently designed illusory patterns of experience, and thus know Itself. Ultimately, the Creator (i.e. you, the reader) will know It's very Beingness is Mystery, and will then become that Mystery once Its desire of knowing Itself has been fulfilled. All except the Mystery that is the One Infinite Creator is, to greater or lesser degree, an illusion. Without illusion there wouldn't be any experience. The illusion is viewtiful, for in the illusion one can see and appreciate the creative majesty and wonder of the One Infinite Creator. You have done this before, and you shall do this again (and each experience is always unique and never repeated). EDIT. Found a couple passage from Q'uo transcripts: Quote:The balancing of energies is then an on-going concern, an on-going process, one which we would not expect to end but rather we would expect from our own experience that this process moves on infinitely until such time as the spirit chooses simply to release and relinquish these concerns. At that point the self is becoming the Creator and moving back into that great, unknowing, unconscious well of infinite intelligence which is the infinite Creator. Quote:[...]we ask you to move away from all concept, all beingness, all idea, all structure, all awareness, all consciousness, and move back into the unaware, infinite intelligence of the one infinite Creator, whose nature is absolute love. This is an impossible concept to ideate, and we ask that you switch off the brain that ratiocinates, and move into your artistic, feeling being, and feel the unawareness, the everlastingness, the infinity of the utterly passive, unconscious, intelligent infinity. It is only by moving to this state that you may grasp your uniqueness. Quote:Gaze at that pontificated reality, and realize that that reality, that mystery, is love, an energy indescribable. The infinite intelligence of the one Creator is love, unpotentiated, unpolarized, unaware. Quote:The seeker wishing to address the infinite One in most cases is addressing a logos or sub-logos, the love manifest, or some expression of love manifest, such as the higher self. Quote:To move to intelligent infinity is to enter reality, however, it is also to cease being aware of the self or anything whatsoever. Intelligent infinity is all that there is with no variation within the infinity. EDIT 2. Found some more quotes. Quote:The Logos is a distortion of the Law of One. The only thing that is not distorted in our understanding is a mystery. That mystery is the one infinite Creator. Beyond all potentiation, beyond all understanding, all that there is resides forever in that one original Creator, which is that from which all has sprung and to which all shall return. Quote:The first distortion of the one infinite Creator is free will. And the play of free will across the mystery of the Creator created the desire for the Creator to know Itself. Quote:And this desire was embodied, if you will, in the one great original Thought, which is the second distortion of the Law of One. And that unconditional love, which is the very nature of the infinite Creator, birthed the mechanism and the way of manifestation of all illusion. For, you see, all except the mystery is some kind of illusion. Quote:So all of that which seems real is the illusion and that which is the mystery is that which is real. You come, therefore, into the land of paradox and mystery. (11-27-2012, 10:30 PM)kanonathena Wrote:(11-24-2012, 11:03 PM)anagogy Wrote: What we perceive as "existence" is simply a minute cross section of the creators omniscience... Lets step back from the abyss for a moment, and consider this carefully. The creator knows *everything*. But........what does it actually mean to know EVERYTHING? Knowing everything also includes the awareness of what it is like to NOT know everything. Thus, illusions of separation come into being. And they are infinitely vivid and real seeming. They don't actually come into being (they always existed), but I'm trying to word this in a way that will make the most sense to this illusory "you" reading these words. From my perspective, mind is inner consciousness, body is outer consciousness, and "spirit" is the relationship or dialog between the microcosm and macrocosm. All is consciousness. (11-27-2012, 10:30 PM)kanonathena Wrote: Isn't it a misnomer to say we are co-creators, since we are the creator itself, simply in different perspective? It could be a misnomer depending on what level of consciousness you are looking at "that which is" from. From the broadest and most undistorted level, there is only One. From other levels of consciousness, "co-creators" could be an accurate description of the illusion. (11-27-2012, 10:30 PM)kanonathena Wrote: If we are the different perspectives of the creator who is experiencing itself simultaneously through all these perspectives, creator is actually multitasking? It's a bit difficult for me to imagine, I can only notice myself focusing on one thing at a time, no matter how short the focus is. I think this is a core of my confusion, how unity awareness generate infinite focus... It is multitasking in the same sense that a prism is multitasking when it separates white light into different colors. It's all reflexive. To continue the analogy, what we commonly refer to as our "selves" in this illusion is just one of those colors. You aren't aware of other streams of consciousness because you are still identified with your incarnate ego. You are still focused within the illusion. What you really are is the light before it entered the prism. There are no individual colors there, no individuals there. From the broadest level of consciousness, intelligent infinity, there are no objects, there is no illusory virtual reality, just clear light, or undistorted consciousness of consciousness. Everything is "there", but in true oneness it is not perceived as an "object", its just clear light. There isn't even any perception at that level, because perception involves a translation of data. You perceive (X) with (X) senses. But not there. Everything is just viscerally known, at that level. Its an amassing of all vibrations and their reciprocals. All distortions are balanced out. Just an awareness of infinite potential. (11-27-2012, 10:30 PM)kanonathena Wrote: Another thing, if all possibility are already known to the creator, what useful information do I bring back to "myself", since all knowledge are already known in the first place? See, that's just it. There is no useful information that you are "bringing back." Within the illusion, there is the image of a portion of the creator sparking off and going on this spiritual journey through the densities, learning lessons, and broadening its awareness until it rejoins the creator. The creator has no need of this knowledge its acquiring. The knowledge it acquires is solely for the sparks benefit. To enhance its journey. The one infinite creator, outside the illusion, isn't trying to "figure something out", though there are portions within the illusion that may appear to be doing just that. ![]() But once the journey is over, and even during, the creator is exactly the same as before it went on the journey. Change is only relegated to the relative realities. Not the absolute reality. (11-27-2012, 10:30 PM)kanonathena Wrote: You said separation is simply the opposite side of unity, both has existed forever long, I still find difficult to make sense of my seemingly linear progression from separation to unity. Am I simply on a loop, unity to separation, separation to unity, unity to separation... And I just happened to be on separation to unity track of a particular cycle? The veil of forgetting is making this really difficult, I constantly ask myself why everything is the way it is. Sort of. Separation is the resistance to unity. The resistance to "what is". It is the path, through illusion, to "what is not". It is the exploration, knowingness, or omniscience of the thought-form of nothingness or separation. Since nothingness isn't real, it can only be explored in illusion. In simulation. Or we could just think of the creator as a hyperdimensional star which is always radiating the light of consciousness. As the light proceeds away from the central mass of this "star" it spreads thinner, and densities are simply different portions of that attenuating radiation. Or we could think of it as a pond, with broader and broader ripples in it, which eventually calm down until the water is undistorted and clear. I'm not sure if the answer to your question will satisfy you, because you're looking for an intellectually satisfying answer to a non-linear question which can only result in a non-linear answer, which is usually not very satisfying to the human intellect which is, by design, linear in nature. Also, the words will never be adequate. Instead I will offer you an analogy: look at a rock. Looks like its not moving, right? Looks very still. But zoom in many many magnitudes and it is a blur of activity at the molecular and sub-molecular levels. So from this analogy, you can see how things look at different levels. Now, lets say this rock always existed. All that activity you see zoomed in is always occurring, always was. But you don't see it from the broadest perspective. Its just not happening there, from that perspective. But those lower levels always exist, always have. The only thing that ever changed was your identification with a perspective of it. When you cease identifying altogether, you're *all* of it. Its forgivable if your mind feels like a pretzel after considering this for a while. ![]() The source of all distortions, is the limit of the viewpoint. Everything below the broadest viewpoint, which is unlimited, is distortion. That's why free will is the first "distortion". The idea of an independent will is already separating or distorting in nature. Existence has been slightly resisted in that moment of exercising illusory choice. You have, in that moment, seemingly left the broadest existence and entered a reality where choices need to be made for things to happen. Within the illusion, choice is real. Outside of it, its not even necessary.
11-28-2012, 05:25 PM
So if we can sense distortions, is there a point to trying to still them? If we become more undistorted, does this mean we automatically float up in subdensity? Does subdensity have a bearing on harvestability? I think it does, but not sure. And does vibration equate to subdensity?
11-28-2012, 06:00 PM
(11-28-2012, 05:25 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: So if we can sense distortions, is there a point to trying to still them? If we become more undistorted, does this mean we automatically float up in subdensity? Does subdensity have a bearing on harvestability? I think it does, but not sure. And does vibration equate to subdensity? The less distorted you are, the more your consciousness raises and vice versa. Yes, subdensity has a bearing on harvestability. Being harvested is a matter of being undistorted enough to appreciate a higher intensity of the light of the creator. So if you are of a higher subdensity within a density, you are more able to appreciate this love/light emanating from the creator. Raising consciousness is akin to raising your vibrations. A vibration is just a reverberating pattern in consciousness anyway (your level of resonance with the original thought). So yes, if you raise your vibrations, your consciousness, you are also raising to a higher and less distorted experiential nexus, or subdensity. The more illusion you see through, the broader your awareness becomes. And as the illusion is seen through, your behavior also reflects this level of your ability to appreciate a higher intensity of love/light or light/love in the form of polarity.
11-28-2012, 06:04 PM
I've heard not to worry about whether we will make it to 4D or not. It's been said that if we wish to, we will.
11-28-2012, 06:38 PM
11-28-2012, 08:41 PM
I will say, similarly to our brother Siren, that infinity (which is the potential/plenum for all and any possibility) cannot be infinity if does not become aware for acquiring awareness is a possibility. If the possibility is not there then it is not truly infinity as it is limited to a possible circumstance.
The result is that infinity has always been aware as its mere existence results in that concept of acquiring awareness. Ra says "becoming aware" because Ra is trying to clearly state to a human who sees in a linear manner the process of Creation. We must understand that the process is not linear but a simultaneous and singular/whole event. This is difficult to understand until one feels that 'click' and that 'aha' moment to understanding the concept of infinity and true simultaneity.
11-28-2012, 10:18 PM
(11-28-2012, 06:00 PM)anagogy Wrote:(11-28-2012, 05:25 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: So if we can sense distortions, is there a point to trying to still them? If we become more undistorted, does this mean we automatically float up in subdensity? Does subdensity have a bearing on harvestability? I think it does, but not sure. And does vibration equate to subdensity? Is awareness synonymous with focus or distortion. By releasing concerns we expand our awareness until there is no concept, and accept we are only mystery. In this way, it could be said that creator is only satisfying his desire for knowing himself, even though it is still mystery, that particular wave of impulse is satisfied. Could you provide some more explanation/analogy on free will? I have difficulty understand how free will come into being. I understand that everything I perceive/not perceive is one with me, but why do they have will separate from mine?
11-29-2012, 05:25 AM
(11-28-2012, 10:18 PM)kanonathena Wrote: Is awareness synonymous with focus or distortion? Awareness is the substance that all realities are composed of. Awareness may focus in a particular way, and that focus is equivalent to distortion. A distortion is just an illusion, or dissociation from the absolute reality. (11-28-2012, 10:18 PM)kanonathena Wrote: By releasing concerns we expand our awareness until there is no concept, and accept we are only mystery. In this way, it could be said that creator is only satisfying his desire for knowing himself, even though it is still mystery, that particular wave of impulse is satisfied. Most desires stem from the belief in lack. The desire validates the reality that it is not yet satiated. The being that is complete and knows everything only has one desire, which does not extend from lack, but rather completion, and that is to experience the opposite of that reality. Infinity desires to experience finity. Infinity contains finity within itself. To experience finity, it has to forget it is infinite. This is the excursion into the illusion. Much like your dreams at night, when you wake up, you realize you are still in bed, safe and warm. You didn't go anywhere. We are not really here. We are dreaming a dream of limitation. (11-28-2012, 10:18 PM)kanonathena Wrote: Could you provide some more explanation/analogy on free will? I have difficulty understand how free will come into being. I understand that everything I perceive/not perceive is one with me, but why do they have will separate from mine? In absolute reality, there is no independent will. There is just absolute infinity which is all being. People often conceptualize an infinite creator as "growing", however "growing" is a concept that involves time. The creator is outside of time, and it is not growing, shrinking, changing, or whatever. It is simply infinity. Not just All That Is, but All That Could Be. There is no difference at this level between the probable and the actual. Everything is real here. There is no "unreal". There is no relativity, or comparisons being made. So you see, since the finite is contained within the infinite, *ALL* choices are already made in infinity. All is being explored or known for all eternity. To selectively sift, or choose a specific finite trajectory as a cross section through this infinity requires one to leave this broadest orbit of the god consciousness and enter a slightly less broad orbit. Expressing preference narrows the infinity, and automatically reduces your orbit in consciousness to a lower, less infinitely encompassing level of experiencing reality. Distortions come into being for you. So you start out as infinity. You are like the filled up chalk board. But for whatever reason, you decided you want to write stuff on the chalkboard, except there is nothing left to write, its already there. Its an infinite chalkboard and everything is already written on the chalkboard. So you are left with one solution, erase the chalk. Now, to continue the metaphor, you cannot actually erase the chalk, only pretend to. It can only be erased in illusion. So its like you got drunk, and just thought the chalk was gone, and you started writing stuff on the chalkboard. This is like what happens when the Logos comes into being. That is analogous to erasing the chalkboard. You can't have a creator if there is no creation going on. So you need a blank canvas to paint your creation on. The first distortion, free will, takes you out of pure infinity. It is the first narrowing of consciousness. Choosing only occurs within illusion. Thus, expressing bias reduces your viewpoint and slightly lowers your consciousness. The free will expressed finds focus in an even more narrow or focused manifestation we call "the logos". We now have a creator who creates. The previous creator does not create, but rather, exists as a plenum for all existence. So, in essence, we just appear to have independent wills because we think we are a bunch of separate individuals. That is the dream we are having. In reality, we are all one. Feel free to ask more questions if you still aren't clear on this.
11-29-2012, 09:48 AM
(11-28-2012, 02:48 PM)Siren Wrote:Quote:So all of that which seems real is the illusion and that which is the mystery is that which is real. You come, therefore, into the land of paradox and mystery. I think it a mistake to interpret this as though it means that creation is an illusion, and not real. What should be being stated is that, because the fragmented experience is so individually and uniquely subjective, then our environment becomes what we interpret it to be based upon our own individual capabilities, which may be illusion if we are not in factual accordance with the true aspect of that environment /creation. And in most cases in the process of being this is the case. That is not to say that there is not an actual reality of creation and Divine Design. There is and we live in it. And that is why this quote also points out that the Mystery is the reality. It is that which we cannot grasp or comprehend, beyond the illusion we establish in our effort to realize and interpret our initial environment, and unaffected by our ignorance of it, which therefore remains Mystery, which is the untouchable, unalterable, undeniable reality. The paradox is that it is the divinely ingrained curiosity of the consciousness which drives the process of being, which, because of its Infinite nature and Design, can never be captured, establishes a reality which can never be known as reality. This is why it said that reality is illusion.
11-29-2012, 07:55 PM
(11-29-2012, 07:55 PM)kanonathena Wrote:(11-29-2012, 05:25 AM)anagogy Wrote: Feel free to ask more questions if you still aren't clear on this. I guess I need more clarification on what you mean by "multiple free will" but, essentially, there is only one will. You have imagined that you are an infinity of separate individuals with their own individual wills. Thus, this is the dream that plays out. Take for example, your dreams at night. You often interact with many individuals in your dream state. These seemingly separate individuals are really just projections of your individual mind (excluding certain metaphysical scenarios). They seem to do whatever they want, but their "wills" all come from the same place: you. Its the same way in the so called "real" world. We are one. Our wills are one.
11-30-2012, 12:23 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-30-2012, 12:38 AM by kanonathena.)
"These seemingly separate individuals are really just projections of your individual mind (excluding certain metaphysical scenarios). They seem to do whatever they want, but their "wills" all come from the same place: you."
When I was a kid, I thought I was the only one who's real, others are just actors, the environment is a setup, I was put here by someone to see how I would react. Now based on this idea, I do see how everything is a projection of me. I still can't exactly see how the free will of others all come from me. This requires more meditation and balancing on my part. (11-30-2012, 12:23 AM)kanonathena Wrote: "These seemingly separate individuals are really just projections of your individual mind (excluding certain metaphysical scenarios). They seem to do whatever they want, but their "wills" all come from the same place: you." The "you" i'm referring to is not the personality called "kanonathena". That personality is a projection just like all the rest are. Just like "anagogy" is. All personalities are just lenses or perspectives consciousness is looking at itself through. You feel separate from others because you, the creator, are still imagining yourself as multiple individuals. Letting go of this illusion is usually a relatively long affair, spanning the stretch of the densities. Every density level you climb up to, the illusion becomes more transparent until finally, you wake up altogether. In 4th density, for example, you will have your self, and also a societal self, and as you climb up into higher densities this "societal self" will begin to seem more real than the individual self until finally, all is just one again.
12-06-2012, 04:37 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-06-2012, 04:38 AM by kanonathena.)
(11-30-2012, 02:57 AM)anagogy Wrote:(11-30-2012, 12:23 AM)kanonathena Wrote: "These seemingly separate individuals are really just projections of your individual mind (excluding certain metaphysical scenarios). They seem to do whatever they want, but their "wills" all come from the same place: you." So is mind/body/spirit complex a capsule for one of creator's perspective? Will an individual entity retain it's individuality after reaching octave? The first density is where creator put itself to very limited awareness/perspective to learn to interact itself, is this correct?
12-06-2012, 08:47 AM
(12-06-2012, 04:37 AM)kanonathena Wrote: So is mind/body/spirit complex a capsule for one of creator's perspective? Yes, a m/b/s complex is an "eye" for the Creator. We are cameras with feet. ![]() (12-06-2012, 04:37 AM)kanonathena Wrote: Will an individual entity retain it's individuality after reaching octave? That's difficult to answer adequately when you understand how consciousness functions outside of time. For the most part, I would say: no. But understand, there is no such thing as loss in the one creation. However, I'm fond of analogies, so as an analogy, take the cells in your body. Lets say individuals are like cells, and lets say when you reach octave, your perspective is no longer from the vantage point of the individual cells, but rather, it is the perspective of the body as a whole. The individual cells didn't go away however -- they are still there -- but you are seeing things from a different vantage point in time/space. (12-06-2012, 04:37 AM)kanonathena Wrote: The first density is where creator put itself to very limited awareness/perspective to learn to interact itself, is this correct? The first density is a threshold of consciousness where the creator is knowing what is like to be a random, non-unified, raw expression of vitality. It puts itself in a position to grow/learn not because of anything it needs to achieve from the grow/learning, but rather for the sake of the experience of grow/learning in and of itself.
12-06-2012, 10:14 AM
(12-06-2012, 08:47 AM)anagogy Wrote: The first density is a threshold of consciousness where the creator is knowing what is like to be a random, non-unified, raw expression of vitality. It puts itself in a position to grow/learn not because of anything it needs to achieve from the grow/learning, but rather for the sake of the experience of grow/learning in and of itself. Is this a speculation, and your thoughts of what MIGHT have been the thinking of The Source, or are you being factual?
12-06-2012, 11:32 PM
(12-06-2012, 10:14 AM)ShinAr Wrote: Is this a speculation, and your thoughts of what MIGHT have been the thinking of The Source, or are you being factual? It is my current understanding based on the available information I have acquired, which is an amalgamation of personal introspection, meditation, intuition, study of different channelings, and other metaphysical research. Of course I could be wrong, as anybody could be wrong about anything. It would be incredibly narcissistic for anyone to claim they had found absolutely infallible truth. We all do the best we can, but as Ra has so wisely told us, this is not a density of knowing.
12-12-2012, 10:10 PM
(11-24-2012, 11:03 PM)anagogy Wrote: It is causeless. People have a hard time wrapping their head around this sometimes, because we are taught to think in linear ways where things have a beginning and an end. That which is causeless has no beginning, and will have no end. It is eternal. It has always existed. This awareness that has existed forever long, why is this the case? If I understand correctly, "somethingness" is synonymous with awareness, but why "nothingness cannot be"?
12-13-2012, 06:57 AM
(12-12-2012, 10:10 PM)kanonathena Wrote: This awareness that has existed forever long, why is this the case? If I understand correctly, "somethingness" is synonymous with awareness, but why "nothingness cannot be"? If nothingness could "be", it would exist, and by definition, it would then be "somethingness", and certainly not nothingness. ;) It cannot transcend its own definition. "Nothingness" is a word for a concept which depicts a state of infinite lack. I'm not sure I can provide a more satisfying answer to your question. Everything exists, because nothingness cannot. It doesn't go any farther than that. Having a word or label like "nothingness" makes it seem like nothingness is a "thing", something that could exist, an object that may be referenced, but it is not a thing. It is not an object. It is a language reference to a hypothetical (and illusory) state of absolute lack. Try imagining it. If you came up with anything, it wasn't nothingness. You can't imagine nothingness. Existence can never get a foothold in nonexistence. It can only explore illusory depictions of it. You exist, and you always will. Not in the same form, but you will always exist. Consciousness cannot actually become un-conscious. It can only forget that it was conscious. The absence of memory evidence is not evidence of absence. ;) There is no infinite lack. Quote:6.7 Questioner: How were you able to make the transition from Venus? Did you have to change your dimension to walk upon the Earth? The default nature of the omniverse is a state of infinite abundance. Infinite well being. Infinite joy. Infinite love. Infinite peace. Infinite creativity. Infinite unity. A plenum, as opposed to a vacuum. All illusory experiences of lack are the resistance of this infinite plenum of everythingness. Infinity had no beginning, everythingness has always been. It is only the excursions into finity that have a beginning, and because they have beginnings, they will also have an end as well. This means that no matter how lost in illusion you become, you (and every other piece of consciousness in existence) will always, and inevitably, return to the remembrance of what you really are -- *intelligent infinity* (the One Infinite Creator).
12-13-2012, 10:49 AM
(12-13-2012, 06:57 AM)anagogy Wrote: "Nothingness" is a word for a concept which depicts a state of infinite lack. It's ultimately a matter of semantics, don't you think? I do not wish to stir argumentation (I am congruent withe everything you are saying, anagogy), but I'd like to toss in a few cents here. I always perceived "Nothingness" as the Source of "everythingness." The keyword here is "thing," and since I have never been able to define the Source/Intelligent Infinity/One Infinite Creator as a "thing" I call it No-Thing-ness—a VOID of Infinite Potential (unpotentiated, boundless, formless state of undistorted, undifferentiated, indivisible Infinity, or Oneness). This is to me the Ultimate Being(ness), absolute emptiness or nothingness equaling infinite fullness or plenum. Again, this is my perception. I'll share a very simple example: I do not like to accumulate hoards of "things" or piles of "junk" because it makes me (and my room/home) feel "obstructed" or "blocked." So I am very minimalistic and keep very few material possessions. The more EMPTY my room is, the FULLER I feel; the less things (no-things) I carry around, the more FULL-FILLED I am; which is why I have defined the Source of All That Is as "No-Thing-ness," and why I have often said I seek this very "No-Thing-ness." Yet I am aware Ra have said (as you quoted): "The dissolution into nothingness is the dissolution into unity, for there is no nothingness." And I also agree. "Nothingness" to me is simply a close approximation to a description for defining that which is an Infinite BEING rather than a "thing." There is no objective referent to Infinite Intelligence/Intelligent Infinity. Quote:Consciousness cannot actually become un-conscious. It can only forget that it was conscious. And yet Q'uo and co. have defined the One Infinite Creator as "unaware, infinite intelligence;" "unconscious, intelligent infinity;" and "that great, unknowing, unconscious well of infinite intelligence." I believe this is precisely the very Mystery of BEING—the dreamless dreamer dreaming all dreams. |