(06-23-2020, 11:43 PM)888 Wrote: I wanted to talk about gray area examples - say somebody isn't necessarily consciously looking to play dirty or polarize negatively, but they have a very hard time performing without very intensely visualizing themselves winning, and cultivating a very strong desire to win (which is synonymous with defeating the competition). Is having that strong of a desire depolarizing or even negative?
What if somebody is dependent on that desire for their career or other practical necessities because of the way manifestation works? There's a whole range of situations and emotions between loving everyone unconditionally and wanting to manipulate.
It's good that you qualified "win" as "(which is synonymous with defeating the competition)", because that is exactly the key point: polarity depends on your definition of "winning."
As you define it, it is negatively polarizing. Working to defeat the competition is clearly and unequivocally wishing a negative (to them) outcome on that person or group. There's no wiggle room there. "I want you to be defeated." Where is the goodwill in that? The sense that we are brothers, that we are one, the desire to accept and welcome them into the heart as they are? Instead, it's ill-will and control - "it's not that I'm trying to do my best - it's that I want to cause you to experience defeat, something you do not wish to happen to you."
It's quite obvious, really.