(10-13-2010, 07:12 PM)Lavazza Wrote: Brilliant post, Monica, thank you! Very informative.

(10-13-2010, 07:12 PM)Lavazza Wrote: I definitely agree with your assessment that those involved in a negatively oriented organization may in fact be themselves quite positive. Afterall, we are just humble third density entities, and we all have such diverse life experiences and histories. We try, but always come up short of perfection. We can only follow that which we deem to be the highest truth, no? I'm sure they would take an equal view of us with out philosophy that has it's origins in Ufology.Bless them.
Oh wow, that's for sure! Or even for a belief so basic as reincarnation.
(10-14-2010, 01:56 PM)Lavazza Wrote: Monica, is this the cult you were talking about?
I'm not sure. Some of it sounds like it. But a lot of other details weren't mentioned...like they can't go into other people's homes or stay in hotels...they meet every day of the week (yeah, no kidding!) not just on Sundays...they don't vote or participate in 'worldly' events whatsoever...don't use computers or have tvs...can't have any pets...they have their own schools...and those in my friend's church do drink alcohol.
Maybe it's a sect of the same church, I assume.