09-23-2012, 10:57 PM
Wow Parsons, that's alot of chemtrails. Ok people, here is what has been working very well for me, and hopefully for you too. Actually it's astounding how well it's worked the last few months so I highly recommend it. It will clear the chem-clouds within a couple of hours, leaving beautiful blue sky.
Pray (and mean it!) to God and they Sylphs daily. I add a few other entities to my prayer including, but not limited to, The Archangels and Nature Spirits. Word your prayer as if your request has already been granted. And do it daily whether the sky is chemtraily or clear.
So here is my example:
God, Archangels, Sylphs, Nature Spirits, etc etc, Thank you for removing all Chemtrails, Chem-clouds and pollution from our sky, air, earth, water and food now. Amen
Then relax and it shall be done. If it's very cloudy I'll do the prayer constantly until it clears.
Try it and let me know if it works for you.
I've noticed of late a very thick haze in the air...daily....
Pray (and mean it!) to God and they Sylphs daily. I add a few other entities to my prayer including, but not limited to, The Archangels and Nature Spirits. Word your prayer as if your request has already been granted. And do it daily whether the sky is chemtraily or clear.
So here is my example:
God, Archangels, Sylphs, Nature Spirits, etc etc, Thank you for removing all Chemtrails, Chem-clouds and pollution from our sky, air, earth, water and food now. Amen
Then relax and it shall be done. If it's very cloudy I'll do the prayer constantly until it clears.
Try it and let me know if it works for you.
I've noticed of late a very thick haze in the air...daily....