09-12-2012, 03:27 AM
http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._1229.aspx Q'uo Wrote:It may have seemed to you that it has been harder than usual lately, or than it used to be, for you to do this. And we would spend a moment talking about why that is. As third density upon planet Earth draws to a close, which it shall do within the next few years, there is a natural separation of those souls who have chosen to polarize towards service to others and those which have chosen to polarize towards service to self. It is as though oil and vinegar had been miscible for 75,000 of your years but as the time arrives for entities to choose between polarities and to move onto either service-to-self worlds or service-to-others worlds, there is more and more of a tendency for those two to separate, just as oil and water will if not artificially mixed together.