09-06-2012, 04:26 PM
Hi all,
If I were to pick a classical element with which I resonate most strongly it would be fire. I work with its energy in one way or another more or less constantly.
What I've learned is that transmuting inner anger is an excellent way for me to build up fire energy. I have a lot of repressed rage bottled up inside of me, and in order to cook off it has to percolate up through my repression mechanism and into my psyche in the form of hot, destructive energy that surges through my chakras and fills my mind with violent, warlike imagery.
That imagery, though violent and sometimes horrific, is actually very powerful for white magic. All I have to do is let my anger flow, allow it to fill my mind and body, and then vent it through the filter of positive intent, which transmutes it into the pure essence of fire.
That built-up rage energy is like lightning that wants to strike something and utterly annihilate it. By deciding that it will be used positively and remaining unafraid of its violence, it tends to automatically form a very powerful magical visualization without needing much conscious effort to form it.
If I wanted to heal someone with that raging energy, I would simply build it up and trust that it would discharge in the right way. A visualization would spontaneously form - say, a dense forest of twisted, blackened, leafless trees. As this arose my gut-level understanding would be "okay, this image is a psychic symbol of that person's problems." I would feel perfectly okay, then, allowing the rage to pour into that image and turn it into a world of total destruction.
Some appropriate way of initiating that pouring-out would occur to me - I might allow anger to twist my face as I clench a fist, imagining it to be a gesture that calls forth that power and blows every tree to splinters at the same time. Or it might occur to me to direct it through a subtle inner grunt or shout, scowling and snorting out through my nose like a raging bull as I trust that healing intention to carry all that accumulated violence to the karmic problems of the one in need.
I also tend to spontaneously generate images of warriors when I use this energy. If someone is sick off in some distant place, the visualization that spontaneously arises when I begin to discharge the anger positively might be them lying on a bed while African warriors dance in a circle around them, shouting mighty war cries and shaking their weapons menacingly while pouring their own energy into them in a powerful destructive wave that goes into the patient.
Or they might manifest as civil war-era soldiers appearing around them, raising their rifles with bayonets and murderously stabbing them into the patient over and over, the underlying knowledge being that this is a safe channeling of wrathful energy not at the patient, but at their health problems, and more importantly their karmic ties to them.
Another visualization that might occur would be a platoon of soldiers storming a building, which I would immediately understand to represent their body, kicking down doors and ruthlessly gunning down any living soul they find inside as I nod in approval - then reporting in to tell me the mission is accomplished. Again, I would feel totally safe directing this violent energy into the patient because its target, represented in the spontaneous visualization somehow, would be their health issues and bad karma.
Hand gestures that channel violent energy assist this greatly.
If one is skeptical of the possibility of this kind of discharge being good for people, bear in mind that Buddhist practitioners of tantra routinely use very violent imagery to do essentially peaceful magic. (Of course, a patient might really not need all that fire in a pure energy-balancing sense... one has to use discretion.)
This might not come as naturally to other forum users as it does to me, but I feel very safe using this energy to fuel my prayers and white magic. It is part of my own healing process, and through me, the Earth's.
The gist of this post is basically that if one has patterns of angry energetic holding blocking one's chakras, one can release that anger in a very constructive way by letting it empower an exceedingly wrathful visualization that needs very little deliberate guidance to form and channels destructive power against negativity in a way that is intuitive, safe, and easy to use. Just don't give too much fire to someone or it may imbalance them.
If I were to pick a classical element with which I resonate most strongly it would be fire. I work with its energy in one way or another more or less constantly.
What I've learned is that transmuting inner anger is an excellent way for me to build up fire energy. I have a lot of repressed rage bottled up inside of me, and in order to cook off it has to percolate up through my repression mechanism and into my psyche in the form of hot, destructive energy that surges through my chakras and fills my mind with violent, warlike imagery.
That imagery, though violent and sometimes horrific, is actually very powerful for white magic. All I have to do is let my anger flow, allow it to fill my mind and body, and then vent it through the filter of positive intent, which transmutes it into the pure essence of fire.
That built-up rage energy is like lightning that wants to strike something and utterly annihilate it. By deciding that it will be used positively and remaining unafraid of its violence, it tends to automatically form a very powerful magical visualization without needing much conscious effort to form it.
If I wanted to heal someone with that raging energy, I would simply build it up and trust that it would discharge in the right way. A visualization would spontaneously form - say, a dense forest of twisted, blackened, leafless trees. As this arose my gut-level understanding would be "okay, this image is a psychic symbol of that person's problems." I would feel perfectly okay, then, allowing the rage to pour into that image and turn it into a world of total destruction.
Some appropriate way of initiating that pouring-out would occur to me - I might allow anger to twist my face as I clench a fist, imagining it to be a gesture that calls forth that power and blows every tree to splinters at the same time. Or it might occur to me to direct it through a subtle inner grunt or shout, scowling and snorting out through my nose like a raging bull as I trust that healing intention to carry all that accumulated violence to the karmic problems of the one in need.
I also tend to spontaneously generate images of warriors when I use this energy. If someone is sick off in some distant place, the visualization that spontaneously arises when I begin to discharge the anger positively might be them lying on a bed while African warriors dance in a circle around them, shouting mighty war cries and shaking their weapons menacingly while pouring their own energy into them in a powerful destructive wave that goes into the patient.
Or they might manifest as civil war-era soldiers appearing around them, raising their rifles with bayonets and murderously stabbing them into the patient over and over, the underlying knowledge being that this is a safe channeling of wrathful energy not at the patient, but at their health problems, and more importantly their karmic ties to them.
Another visualization that might occur would be a platoon of soldiers storming a building, which I would immediately understand to represent their body, kicking down doors and ruthlessly gunning down any living soul they find inside as I nod in approval - then reporting in to tell me the mission is accomplished. Again, I would feel totally safe directing this violent energy into the patient because its target, represented in the spontaneous visualization somehow, would be their health issues and bad karma.
Hand gestures that channel violent energy assist this greatly.
If one is skeptical of the possibility of this kind of discharge being good for people, bear in mind that Buddhist practitioners of tantra routinely use very violent imagery to do essentially peaceful magic. (Of course, a patient might really not need all that fire in a pure energy-balancing sense... one has to use discretion.)
This might not come as naturally to other forum users as it does to me, but I feel very safe using this energy to fuel my prayers and white magic. It is part of my own healing process, and through me, the Earth's.
The gist of this post is basically that if one has patterns of angry energetic holding blocking one's chakras, one can release that anger in a very constructive way by letting it empower an exceedingly wrathful visualization that needs very little deliberate guidance to form and channels destructive power against negativity in a way that is intuitive, safe, and easy to use. Just don't give too much fire to someone or it may imbalance them.