Gemini Wolf said:
A running theme in this thread has been integrating the macrocosmic and microcosmic worldviews into a lived synthesis.
To offer a counterpoint to what I think is a macrocosmically-tinged view of people's awakening in their own time as not sad, consider someone who needs to live out a cycle of raping and being raped in 100 incarnations before they "get it" and polarize.
"Their own time" is pretty far in the future, and sure, every angel eventually gets its wings, but such a cycle of karma is pretty sad to me.
If you believe in freedom of choice, you have to admit that it's pretty sad and stupid to serve oneself such a nasty karmic painstorm.
And if you don't believe in freedom of choice, it's sad that a being was destined to be put through the wringer like that, even if it is eventually dwarfed by the magnitude of their redemption.
I don't entirely believe my own counterpoint to you here, but I felt like expressing that view here.
As for non-seekers being ruled by hate and fear, just consider what the ego is made out of. Those emotions are what glue it together.
Part of realizing the Law of One, inasmuch as is possible for 3D life forms, is realizing the ego is a transient identity which, at root, is a coping mechanism gone haywire to the point of sabotaging its own desire for peace.
I don't think it's possible to "seek the heart of self" and not eventually discover this.
But even well-polarized positive people with decent tendencies toward spiritual seeking have hateful, fearful egos that are addicted to power and control, to a greater or lesser degree.
Basically, the degree to which one has not sloughed off their egoic tendencies is the degree to which they live in chronic hate and fear.
So yes, Gemini Wolf, I think those who don't make (positive) graduation miss it because they haven't given self-investigation a shot, thereby not identifying their ego to be transient, and therefore not taking steps to come out of that egoic shell of chronic hate and fear to a harvestable degree.
I think people who endure a lot of trauma and develop fear and hate may develop it on a shallower level than the deep tendencies of love and acceptance in their minds allow for.
It may be true that trauma could hinder one's polarization attempts on the level of the physical body/mind complex, but that the spirit portion remains pretty much unaffected and continues a subconscious seeking for greater polarity.
If that's true, the physical bodymind-level trauma symptoms may not carry an overwhelming amount of weight in terms of dictating the being's true degree of polarization - at least for some.
(This last section gets fairly speculative, just to warn y'all.)
As for people not necessarily needing to know anything about the Law of One to awaken, Ra said differently: they must know that they don't know.
Frankly I think the Law of One is understandable in 3D - that all is one is, I think, entirely obvious if you cast aside your doubts and just look for a minute.
But because of the veil, the implications of that Oneness are hidden from the one who realizes it - one cannot know for sure how much richness and texture is present in that One. That is what one must know they don't know.
I think that's why service to self or service to others is The Choice in veiled 3D life. I believe one who seeks to know reality must eventually realize it to be all-one - that their own consciousness is the only thing that could possibly exist, period.
Knowing that, they are forced to make The Choice: whether to live life as a complete solipsist with no regard for the fake and useless dream-figments around them, except as to how they may be used to enrich one's dreaming (negative), or to treat the dream-people as being very real aspects of one's own overarching God-mind whose complete containment of those "others" is only temporarily obscured due to the veil (positive).
In other words, I think STS beings may interpret Oneness to mean "it's all a dream so others must all be fake appearances; after all, my intuition is that complete isolation is ultimate reality," whereas STO beings may interpret Oneness to mean "it's all a dream so all of our minds must be real and intermixed; after all, my intuition is that interconnected love is the reality."
I don't know for sure how the negative choice works, but for me, the positive choice was reached in this way (probably with plenty of past positive-seeking karma to back up my intuition).
One still does have to bear in mind that in 4D negative, the veil drops and social memory complexes form.
But even with one's personal mind being situated in an interpersonal social memory complex, one may still have a strong enough intuition of empty-world solipsism to hold to the idea that the newfound richness and texture given by the presence of other-minds is still obviously just a simulation, so why care except to learn to revel in it in order to further one's own essentially solipsistic quest for self-perfection?
Even the delight negative beings may take in the suffering of others could be construed as delight taken in what they take to be free play within an empty dream world - they feel, deep down, that they are morally free to craft as dark an identity for themselves as they want, and since they love to do it, that's what they do.
Part of the thrill of indulging in dark behavior is, after all, the sense of total abandonment of consequence.
I could see such moral abandonment being attractive to negative people because it would serve as a mark of their full dedication to eternal aloneness and the principle of total freedom to do as one pleases.
The suffering they inflict on others may be something they view as literally unreal, of no consequence to anyone except as it pleases them to simulate its infliction. The high would be just as real.
But I have no real idea how negative 3D characters really view themselves or the world. They could arrive at their polarity in other ways.
I think total, empty-world solipsism is probably a good explanation for the mind state of at least some of them, though.
Quote:So DMC, one must awaken to be part of that 51%?
I personally don't get the view that it's sad. Everyone will awaken in their own time.
I like what you said about "spending over half their time hating and fearing." So this is your view of those who don't make graduation. It's because they live in fear?
I think some of that has to do with environment as well. If I had a lot of abuse in my life, I'd have fear and hatred, and according to your definition, wouldn't be harvestable. But I live in a relatively peaceful environment, which allows me to awaken. So I believe that people can reach 51% without knowing anything about the Law of One.
A running theme in this thread has been integrating the macrocosmic and microcosmic worldviews into a lived synthesis.
To offer a counterpoint to what I think is a macrocosmically-tinged view of people's awakening in their own time as not sad, consider someone who needs to live out a cycle of raping and being raped in 100 incarnations before they "get it" and polarize.
"Their own time" is pretty far in the future, and sure, every angel eventually gets its wings, but such a cycle of karma is pretty sad to me.
If you believe in freedom of choice, you have to admit that it's pretty sad and stupid to serve oneself such a nasty karmic painstorm.
And if you don't believe in freedom of choice, it's sad that a being was destined to be put through the wringer like that, even if it is eventually dwarfed by the magnitude of their redemption.
I don't entirely believe my own counterpoint to you here, but I felt like expressing that view here.
As for non-seekers being ruled by hate and fear, just consider what the ego is made out of. Those emotions are what glue it together.
Part of realizing the Law of One, inasmuch as is possible for 3D life forms, is realizing the ego is a transient identity which, at root, is a coping mechanism gone haywire to the point of sabotaging its own desire for peace.
I don't think it's possible to "seek the heart of self" and not eventually discover this.
But even well-polarized positive people with decent tendencies toward spiritual seeking have hateful, fearful egos that are addicted to power and control, to a greater or lesser degree.
Basically, the degree to which one has not sloughed off their egoic tendencies is the degree to which they live in chronic hate and fear.
So yes, Gemini Wolf, I think those who don't make (positive) graduation miss it because they haven't given self-investigation a shot, thereby not identifying their ego to be transient, and therefore not taking steps to come out of that egoic shell of chronic hate and fear to a harvestable degree.
I think people who endure a lot of trauma and develop fear and hate may develop it on a shallower level than the deep tendencies of love and acceptance in their minds allow for.
It may be true that trauma could hinder one's polarization attempts on the level of the physical body/mind complex, but that the spirit portion remains pretty much unaffected and continues a subconscious seeking for greater polarity.
If that's true, the physical bodymind-level trauma symptoms may not carry an overwhelming amount of weight in terms of dictating the being's true degree of polarization - at least for some.
(This last section gets fairly speculative, just to warn y'all.)
As for people not necessarily needing to know anything about the Law of One to awaken, Ra said differently: they must know that they don't know.
Frankly I think the Law of One is understandable in 3D - that all is one is, I think, entirely obvious if you cast aside your doubts and just look for a minute.
But because of the veil, the implications of that Oneness are hidden from the one who realizes it - one cannot know for sure how much richness and texture is present in that One. That is what one must know they don't know.
I think that's why service to self or service to others is The Choice in veiled 3D life. I believe one who seeks to know reality must eventually realize it to be all-one - that their own consciousness is the only thing that could possibly exist, period.
Knowing that, they are forced to make The Choice: whether to live life as a complete solipsist with no regard for the fake and useless dream-figments around them, except as to how they may be used to enrich one's dreaming (negative), or to treat the dream-people as being very real aspects of one's own overarching God-mind whose complete containment of those "others" is only temporarily obscured due to the veil (positive).
In other words, I think STS beings may interpret Oneness to mean "it's all a dream so others must all be fake appearances; after all, my intuition is that complete isolation is ultimate reality," whereas STO beings may interpret Oneness to mean "it's all a dream so all of our minds must be real and intermixed; after all, my intuition is that interconnected love is the reality."
I don't know for sure how the negative choice works, but for me, the positive choice was reached in this way (probably with plenty of past positive-seeking karma to back up my intuition).
One still does have to bear in mind that in 4D negative, the veil drops and social memory complexes form.
But even with one's personal mind being situated in an interpersonal social memory complex, one may still have a strong enough intuition of empty-world solipsism to hold to the idea that the newfound richness and texture given by the presence of other-minds is still obviously just a simulation, so why care except to learn to revel in it in order to further one's own essentially solipsistic quest for self-perfection?
Even the delight negative beings may take in the suffering of others could be construed as delight taken in what they take to be free play within an empty dream world - they feel, deep down, that they are morally free to craft as dark an identity for themselves as they want, and since they love to do it, that's what they do.
Part of the thrill of indulging in dark behavior is, after all, the sense of total abandonment of consequence.
I could see such moral abandonment being attractive to negative people because it would serve as a mark of their full dedication to eternal aloneness and the principle of total freedom to do as one pleases.
The suffering they inflict on others may be something they view as literally unreal, of no consequence to anyone except as it pleases them to simulate its infliction. The high would be just as real.
But I have no real idea how negative 3D characters really view themselves or the world. They could arrive at their polarity in other ways.
I think total, empty-world solipsism is probably a good explanation for the mind state of at least some of them, though.