09-03-2012, 04:28 PM
I don't subscribe to many of your premises as such. Real change to me starts in 'this' moment - 'that' moment simply does not exist (even if we like the fabricated ideas associated with it a lot). Websites 'like this', are also full of 'lies' - whether it be in the form of tenuous innuendo, consequentialist agendas, false comparisons, false prognostications, false framing, or conspiracy mongering. Circumstantial, ideological attachments are impotent. Mostly I see them projected from those hiding behind some cause, continuing a cycle of fantasy. That cycle is mostly distraction. It's a 'hitchhiker approach' because there is very little actual ownership involved - like being part of a machine that one feels identification with and that best represents one's apprehensions while anchoring something numinous. So to that extent, all the hand-waving about change 'we can believe in' just adds to our confusion of course. Problem is one really can't surrogate one's own learning.
Yes, we are all truly completely responsible for what is happening right now. Of course we our influenced to the extent we refuse to use our free will, and I am grateful for those opportunities. Until we bother to go forth with an honest approach, we will learn and teach actually very little.
Yes, we are all truly completely responsible for what is happening right now. Of course we our influenced to the extent we refuse to use our free will, and I am grateful for those opportunities. Until we bother to go forth with an honest approach, we will learn and teach actually very little.