09-01-2012, 12:59 PM
Yes, you keep an 'open mind' (and who doesn't?), and you 'align yourself with STO' (and who doesn't). The incipient change idea is filled with meaningless platitudes. The idea of main-stream media as influential, unseen hands, saviors, also banal. You gotta laugh at the concept of "non-mayan" sources as well, as 'researchers' have hi-jacked and distorted the meaning of those dates, which hardly makes it their legacy or a matter of historical accuracy. It's rhetoric and identification with something perceived to be personally transcendent from the periphery of collective consciousness (as seen in the popular meme) - sort of a hands-free, auto-pilot, hitchhiker approach. Developmental change starts with the individual's application, not with distractions. If people don't see value in the teach/learn approach, but rather want to spread ambiguity and fantasy, then well, what good is being done.