I suppose I see a great yearning from the planetary whole to ask the questions you speak of (referring to ourselves and what these things truly mean to us) in what many consider 'negativity'. I think as much as we 3D folk can be stubborn in breaking out of our 3D cycles, so can 4D individuals be stubborn with putting up with much more 3D catalyst as we approach the tipping point. A perfect example to myself are some of the reality shows centered around 'fixing' something, whether it be their weight or a house or whatever. What we often see in these shows are broken people who have never been given the information or the support they needed to institute the teachings and habits into their life, and therefore, they hadn't. When given the tools and shown unwavering trust and support, they most often succeed. I think the vast majority of this planet is in the same boat; they are ready and willing to change and feel good about their lives, but they are under too much fire and are too ignorant to actually put together a game plan and stick to it. I feel a large aspect of this is a play by the STS elite; they cannot reach their own levels of ascension without a large part of us playing along, so to think they are not actively engaging with us is foolish. Imagine that! The most powerful entities on the planet may want to maintain their power through coercion and underhanded means... Is that really that hard to swallow, zen? Do you really think they're spending their afternoons wondering what's for dinner?
I agree with you that truly polarized STS individuals are far and few between, but I don't think that changes much. In order to hit that 95% STS mark, I remember reading that you have to be influences masses of people; not just be mean to the counter girl at safeway. You have to have layers and layers of power over huge multitudes of people. Look at the STS harvestables mentioned by Ra: Genghis Khan, Rasputin, etc. We're talking world leaders and conquerers. Now, if we're to extrapolate to today, and then we factor in that we're at end of cycle (ie: maximum development time) and i'd argue you really only need a few to make a difference. That plays very well into my point; The blankets thrown over us by the dark are heavy and thick. Could the lifting of these 'blankets' alone make a massive difference in our world?? (btw, an example of what I would consider a 'blanket' would be using Media to confuse and spread disinformation, or a program that is set up to 'protect' us but really ends up hurting us (military?))
Again tho, I see this all unfolding in 'real world' terms through information, technology, and awareness. I think we will trump the elite through knowledge; the only cavalry coming is one of information. We are all much smarter than the world likes us to think. When shown the realities of what is happening on the planet (which is already available for those who are willing to search), I think we'll have no problem working this all out. We are all one.
I suppose I see a great yearning from the planetary whole to ask the questions you speak of (referring to ourselves and what these things truly mean to us) in what many consider 'negativity'. I think as much as we 3D folk can be stubborn in breaking out of our 3D cycles, so can 4D individuals be stubborn with putting up with much more 3D catalyst as we approach the tipping point. A perfect example to myself are some of the reality shows centered around 'fixing' something, whether it be their weight or a house or whatever. What we often see in these shows are broken people who have never been given the information or the support they needed to institute the teachings and habits into their life, and therefore, they hadn't. When given the tools and shown unwavering trust and support, they most often succeed. I think the vast majority of this planet is in the same boat; they are ready and willing to change and feel good about their lives, but they are under too much fire and are too ignorant to actually put together a game plan and stick to it. I feel a large aspect of this is a play by the STS elite; they cannot reach their own levels of ascension without a large part of us playing along, so to think they are not actively engaging with us is foolish. Imagine that! The most powerful entities on the planet may want to maintain their power through coercion and underhanded means... Is that really that hard to swallow, zen? Do you really think they're spending their afternoons wondering what's for dinner?
I agree with you that truly polarized STS individuals are far and few between, but I don't think that changes much. In order to hit that 95% STS mark, I remember reading that you have to be influences masses of people; not just be mean to the counter girl at safeway. You have to have layers and layers of power over huge multitudes of people. Look at the STS harvestables mentioned by Ra: Genghis Khan, Rasputin, etc. We're talking world leaders and conquerers. Now, if we're to extrapolate to today, and then we factor in that we're at end of cycle (ie: maximum development time) and i'd argue you really only need a few to make a difference. That plays very well into my point; The blankets thrown over us by the dark are heavy and thick. Could the lifting of these 'blankets' alone make a massive difference in our world?? (btw, an example of what I would consider a 'blanket' would be using Media to confuse and spread disinformation, or a program that is set up to 'protect' us but really ends up hurting us (military?))
Again tho, I see this all unfolding in 'real world' terms through information, technology, and awareness. I think we will trump the elite through knowledge; the only cavalry coming is one of information. We are all much smarter than the world likes us to think. When shown the realities of what is happening on the planet (which is already available for those who are willing to search), I think we'll have no problem working this all out. We are all one.