08-27-2012, 08:53 PM
I wish it would be abrupt while believing it is gradual. 
Don't you think that a large number of people all dropping dead at the same time would not force the hand of those holding on to 3D and force them to believe in the paranormal having received proof?

(08-27-2012, 05:47 PM)Parsons Wrote: ...
is it not possible that for those are completely ready to graduate will graduate on or around the solstice while the ones who are vehemently holding on to 3D until their natural physical deaths will get their wish as well?
So why can we not 'have our cake and eat it too' knowing what we know about the nature of the cosmos?
Don't you think that a large number of people all dropping dead at the same time would not force the hand of those holding on to 3D and force them to believe in the paranormal having received proof?