(08-24-2012, 09:07 AM)ShinAr Wrote: There is nothing beautiful about murder.
There is nothing beautiful about a planet full of life being annihilated by an asteroid.
The difference between the two is choice/free will.
The beauty of which you speak from the perspective of The One is not in the individual choices and their consequences, but in the very fact that there is such choice, and that the essence of life continues despite those choices.
To suggest that murder is beautiful in context to All is denying the true beauty of those aspects of The all which result in love and growth of Spirit.
What you are proposing is that duality be worshiped as a beautiful thing when in reality duality is simply the consequence of Infinite awareness. It is not a thing to be worshiped, it is a matter of consequence. Action/reaction.
Beauty is not found in the aspects of duality that inhibit growth and development of love, it is found in the aspects that promote love.
Just because an aspect of existence has duality does not mean that it must therefore be beautiful.
When you see a loved one horribly mangled in a vicious assault, neither you or any aspect of the One is going to see beauty there.
i disagree :-)
beauty can be found in everything. :-) it may not be seen as beauty to the veiled ego of 3rd density. but when seen from a longer point of view
beauty is everywhere :-) i have not personally pondered on murder, however. death is not bad, death can be wonderful as it is the lifting up of the personality and the rushing in of the fuller self. i await my day of "death" with joy :-) not to say i would seek it out(that is just stupid.) but when it comes i will happily accept it:-) this fear or anger at death is unfounded in my view. society has slowly become more and more screwed up because ,in part, of its views on death and therefor what life should be. IMO :-)
Namaste and adonai vasu my friends :-)
i disagree with the presumption that beauty can not be found in everything* lol should have clarified. actually i am just providing a different view point for you. your opinion is yours and i find it fascinating how others think. presumption is kinda a strong word :-/ hmm i guess i will change it to opinion. that is more accurate and not as hostile. :-)