08-24-2012, 10:54 AM
Huntress, I feel like I read through your original post too hurriedly, and my last response sounds rather trite. I share similar views, that the cycle as a whole- the knowledge that even the darkest of travesties have their place in the path of soul evolution- is beautiful. There are many aspects of shadow energy I highly appreciate. However, I feel that, though it does indeed supply much useful catalyst, the true purpose of the horror of murder is to inspire us to see the senselessness of bloodshed and rise beyond such behavior. It emphasises the need for love and respect between selves.
I know there are those of the negative path that view murder as nothing less than an artform- a most delightful mode of teaching that is excusable due to its contribution to the "greater good". I am no longer capable of sustaining those thought patterns in a personal sense, however.
I applaud you for having the courage to speak on a possibly taboo subject. It is indeed wonderful to have a place where freedom of expression is welcome.
I know there are those of the negative path that view murder as nothing less than an artform- a most delightful mode of teaching that is excusable due to its contribution to the "greater good". I am no longer capable of sustaining those thought patterns in a personal sense, however.
I applaud you for having the courage to speak on a possibly taboo subject. It is indeed wonderful to have a place where freedom of expression is welcome.