08-20-2012, 02:27 PM
I read perpetually incipient as "constantly starting over" - is that what you meant, zenmaster?
I'm just saying that life is constantly starting over - or at least constantly turning over, constantly churning and changing. Nothing ever stays the same for long. For example, our physical bodies change and churn minute by minute, cells die and are replaced, body chemistry changes in response to what we eat and drink and breathe etc.
Perhaps we stop feeling stressed when we relax and accept perpetual incipience as the norm.
As for unconditional love - I don't think that giving unconditional love means approving of everyone's actions. I was taught to "hate the sin but love the sinner." I think I've actually moved beyond the "hate the sin" part, even though it still pains me when the actions of one cause harm to another.
And as for your last questions, zenmaster, "If we don't feel we are ready or have our vibrations raised, will we continue to look for and find signs of "what is to come" indefinitely to satisfy our hopes and longing for something we perceive we lack?" I wonder are you talking strictly about spiritual matters? Or are you mixing the longing for spiritual growth with the longing for material things in this incarnation? If pressed to give you an answer right now, I would have to say that the "longing for something we perceive we lack" is the engine that propels us through the spiral of life.
I'm just saying that life is constantly starting over - or at least constantly turning over, constantly churning and changing. Nothing ever stays the same for long. For example, our physical bodies change and churn minute by minute, cells die and are replaced, body chemistry changes in response to what we eat and drink and breathe etc.
Perhaps we stop feeling stressed when we relax and accept perpetual incipience as the norm.
As for unconditional love - I don't think that giving unconditional love means approving of everyone's actions. I was taught to "hate the sin but love the sinner." I think I've actually moved beyond the "hate the sin" part, even though it still pains me when the actions of one cause harm to another.
And as for your last questions, zenmaster, "If we don't feel we are ready or have our vibrations raised, will we continue to look for and find signs of "what is to come" indefinitely to satisfy our hopes and longing for something we perceive we lack?" I wonder are you talking strictly about spiritual matters? Or are you mixing the longing for spiritual growth with the longing for material things in this incarnation? If pressed to give you an answer right now, I would have to say that the "longing for something we perceive we lack" is the engine that propels us through the spiral of life.