08-19-2012, 10:00 PM
And this is WHY I have become more focused on this as of late:
http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._0101.aspx Q'uo Wrote:We would indeed encourage each to take hold of life as the gift that it is, realizing that death is part of life, an outworking and a final stitch in a good pattern that you began in your mother’s womb. We do not see this event as being one that needs to be feared at all. We see it as part of a benign and healthy pattern. We hope that any time that we speak of the changes that are occurring in answer to your question, you are able to receive the information simply as information. It is, in all of its complexity, not that which need cause any fear whatsoever. Certainly, when the time nears midnight, entities will become more focused on that moment when today becomes tomorrow and a new beginning proceeds. We encourage you to enjoy the dawning of this new day.