08-10-2012, 12:00 PM
(08-10-2012, 10:23 AM)ShinAr Wrote: I believe this statement has cleared up the glitch between our thought processes. What you are saying is that where you /god exists, that very existence/focus/love simultaneously creates light, where otherwise there would be darkness, or absence of light. You are saying that because you are there, there is light. If you were not there then there would be an absence of light.
What I am saying is that the FOCUSING/THOUGHT (LOVE) of the INTELLIGENCE of INFINITY is what creates LIGHT. Prior to INTELLIGENCE being FOCUSED (THOUGHT), INTELLIGENT INFINITY was in a phase of infinite potential "awaiting" its potentiation, if you will. The Thought, or intelligent ENERGY, was not yet.
Now, you may wonder, "how can there there be intelligence without thought?" Intelligence precedes thought. Thought, or Love, or Creative Principle, or intelligent energy, is the FOCUSING of Intelligent Infinity into a particular "direction" for the purpose of generating a system of experience via the medium we know as the Creation (which is constructed of light).
If you will, you may liken the potential of Intelligent Infinity as "latent" or "dormant" energy (where the potential energy is not yet active).
The first attested meaning of the word "ENERGY" meant "force of expression." It derives from L.L. energia, from Gk. energeia, which in turn comes from energon: "en" + "ergon," which literally means "at work, in action." This is what LOVE is, the actuator, the enabler, the kinetic, the energy, the force of expression. Thus, the Creative Principle (intelligent energy) behind Creation is the Thought/Focus/Love of Intelligent Infinity.
This energy is INTELLIGENT because Infinity is INTELLIGENT. And Love, in turn, taps/draws from its own infinite reservoir of infinite potential to create a Creation.
Quote:Does this not imply then that you are light, that your very presence is light. Would it be wrong for me to say that you/god are light.
No, it wouldn't be wrong. Would it be wrong to say you are the clothing you are wearing or the car you are driving?
This is like when the spiritual neophyte has an "eureka!" moment and says: "I am not my body!"
Oh, but you are your body (for as illusory as it may be). Now, are you ONLY the body? Certainly not!
By the same token, the One Infinite Creator is light, yet light is not all that It is.
Quote:So the question remains to define the state of existence so we can determine the point of origin of light.
The origination/termination point of all light is Love.
Love is the source of light.
Intelligent Infinity is the source of Love.
And the Mystery "prior" to intelligence being "awakened," is THE SOURCE, if you like.
Quote:And that seems to lie within this aspect of ‘awareness versus unawareness’ and exactly when intelligence begins.
Intelligence "begun" when Infinity became aware of itself, thus becoming Intelligent Infinity.
Quote:Here you seem to define The One, and Infinity, as ‘nothingness’. Hence, our differences, and the reason for what I believe to be our confusion.
I understand Intelligent Infinity as Oneness, Nothingness, void and plenum; the One Infinite Creator. This must be understood, however, as the triad of Infinite Potential, Love and light.
I seem to understand THE Mystery as "preceding" INTELLIGENT Infinity. But again, I have difficulty in separating intelligence from non-intelligence (as non-intelligence or non-awareness, non-consciousness cannot be comprehended WITH an intelligence/consciousness/awareness!).
Quote:So I have to assume that you are speaking of this ‘background’ when you say void, and that only leads me to further ask, what is this background made of ‘if it is capable of containing matter/light’.
To that Siren will answer ‘potential’.
Indeed. It is infinite POTENTIAL.
Quote:Also I note that you both describe this nothingness as ever expanding. How does nothing expand? How does nothing do anything at all if it’s virtually nothing at all.
Nothingness, in its infinite potential, potentially contains the infinitude for every-thing. Personally, I wouldn't describe it as "expanding" (if so, I would also have to say it is "contracting" at the same time); rather, I can simply surmise Nothingness has no edges, boundaries, limits and no form, therefore it is Infinite.
This is the awareness of Infinity (potential) before focusing (Love) into a creative experience (light)
Quote:And so once again we have to ask at what point does unawareness become intelligence/love/will from which flows the Light?
When INFINITY becomes aware/conscious/intelligence of its own infinitude, hence its potential. I don't know "when" that is, nor can I plumb into this Mystery.
Quote:The paradox remains in that in both estimations we fall victim to how there can be anything, whether Source or void, where nothing was yet created.
This void/plenum is not a creation, but Intelligent Infinity. The Creation (light) occurs when Intelligent Infinity focuses itself (Love).
Quote:The void would be that which existed prior to awareness, the stillness and emptiness of any presence or intelligence. That would be the true plenum.
The confusion seems to arise from your interpretation of void/plenum as being non-aware. From this, I suppose you place the "origin" of awareness upon that principle which we call Love/Thought/Logos, instead of Intelligent Infinity.