08-09-2012, 08:33 PM
(08-09-2012, 06:14 PM)godwide_void Wrote: Shin'Ar, as extraordinarily precise and perceptive all of your and Siren's combined insights are, I must say that Peregrinus' description of perceiving the Creator as being a gargantuan mass of black energy, tiny galaxies embedded as shimmering jewels of light in it, utterly alone in darkness and solitude, is extremely resonant with me/my experience and I urge you to consider it. With this I am addressing your's and Siren's supposed belief that the Creator is Itself comprised of pure light, although please correct me if I am wrong in pinpointing that as your view. Light may emanate from the Creator, and it may be the base material which forges all of Its manifestations, but the very essence of its form is pure darkness. Before a room is equipped with the capability of electricity and lightbulbs are installed, what is there?
Without the blackness of the void, light would have nothing to illuminate. Both are complimentary, yet what naturally exists in such a way that it appears as being the precedent factor, is darkness. If there were no galaxies and any type of creation were taken out of the equation, the Creator would be a perpetually expanding ocean of utter blackness (I saw a distinct face with eyes, yet I do not recall if those eyes were also galaxies or distinct eyes of their own). The only light that forms the Creator are the lights of Its creations within and protruding from its transparent, formless abysmal being. It is the very darkness which it is "alone" in, yet surrounded inwardly by its many offspring.
The One Consciousness, the One Infinite Creator/Creation, and the infinite canvas in which it can act out its process of being through every individual portion of aware consciousness it spawns within Itself as the core attribute that defines its very being, are both interchangeable and distinct. The infinite void-like canvas, the blackboard which Siren described, is intelligent infinity or more accurately the template or coding that empowers the Creator. The void, blackness or sentient component that fills up that blackboard is the One Infinite Creator, who also functions as the painter of the canvas, painting new life with its formless brush, the paint it uses being that of light. It itself is not light, however, at least not upon the surface or in any visible sense. The unpotentiated source it draws upon to channel the light it uses, its blood, the intelligent energy, is not manifest unless the void directs and projects it as a manifestation on the fabric of intelligent infinity which is what sustains the All. By the way, Shin'Ar, when you refer to the Source, are you referring to the One Infinite Creator or the mystery that It sprung from? While the One Infinite Creator is the Source we directly sprang from, what gave birth to It is the mysterious factor which codes it and devised the blueprint for it, the Infinite which we all (the supreme Creator included) seeks to grasp.
Edit: I had also forgot to address the mention of Ra's claiming of true simultaneity by Patrick and Siren and clarify my stating of perceiving brief but true linearity from my experience. From this density's influence on the perspective of my awareness of that process I paradoxically observed a "progression" from one mode of infinite simultaneity (chaotic, undirected infinity) to another form of infinite simultaneity (ordered infinity as the eternally still yet constantly expansive Creator with a set being in motion through becoming). Within this form of the Creator, it experiences all events as happening in one tranquil and eternal moment, yet within, to lower awareness, somehow there is the perception of very, very long and endless stretch of linear time with a past, a present, a future, minutes, hours, days, years, yet all this "time" is contained within a moment of utter timelessness.
This vantage point of transcending time by being all-time as no-time, this offers insight on how synchronicities occur, how every instance in life, no matter how far apart, appear connected. The Creator is the most masterful improviser there is. How else can it cause such seemingly incoherent and disconnected actions by trillions upon trillions of entities within it doing their own thing to come together in one coherent movement? Simultaneity is such that linearity isn't a negated concept, and both may exist alongside and within one another, yet the former is the metaprocess. However, it can also be considered that there may have been metalinearity to lead the state of Infinity from passively unaware to actively intelligent, yet from the perspective of Infinity this division of events of its process occurs within the very same unending moment, and while the moment does not change, mass change can occur within that moment, just as an eternal being contains numerous beings experiencing change in many moments within the only moment of being which it knows.
It would be inaccurate to say that I think the void is ‘filled with light’.
I am not suggesting that the void is anything at all because there is no way for me to know what the void would be. It is incomprehensible.
But If I was to speculate on what it might be like I have equated it to the same thing we see behind our closed eyes. A blending of darkness and light. Colors of blues. greens, yellow, reds, and violets. At least that is what I see behind my closed eyelids.
What I am proposing is that creation is an extension of this void/source, and not some new aspect that had not existed before it.
As I told Peregrinus, I can neither deny or affirm his experience and speculation, whether he believes it or not.
I can only relate my understanding of the source Being.
You say that while in the void there was no light, just blackness, and then you say that the only light you could see seemed to be what could have been its two eyes, and then you go on to say that you are not sure if THOSE were galaxies or not.
That is not perpetual blackness, is it.
Next you speak of a canvas of blackness on which creation is painted. I realize that you are speaking metaphorically but Is a canvas to be painted on not a ‘thing’. Is that something left over from another creation? If nothing exists besides blackness, then what is this canvas? What is this void? And how can something prior to anything even being created be perpetually expanding?
My thinking takes this into consideration and asks that we be certain that we are going all the way back as we speculate about this. How do you know that you are in a place ‘prior to’ creation in your experience, and not in the creation in its earliest stages?
When you say this,
“The unpotentiated source it draws upon to channel the light it uses, its blood, the intelligent energy, is not manifest unless (the void directs and projects it) as a manifestation on the fabric of intelligent infinity which is what sustains the All.”
It almost sounds as though you are now saying that the void is creating.
Which leads to my answer to this question from you,
“By the way, Shin'Ar, when you refer to the Source, are you referring to the One Infinite Creator, or the mystery that It sprung from?”
What I am supposing is that The Source and the void are One and the same.
What spawns is the result of duality as ‘being proceeds from awareness’
In this way of thinking there is no separation of light, love, will or any other aspect of creation or void.
Everything is simply an extension and expansion of The One. What is being debated here is the issue of what light is, and whether or not the void is ‘void’ of anything that was connected to the Source.
I think not. I do not even like to refer to it as the void. I think of it as Infinite Light. I think All is One. And I suggest that in the beginning there was Light. Infinite Light.
Now that does not mean that it was brightness which would illuminate blackness. That means that within the blackness there was also light, which you yourself say that you saw as two eyes, and in my mind, I choose to call the plenum a blend of the two, light and darkness, rather than darkness alone, because Light is how the ancients refer to it in many religious cultures.
Think of this, why would light spawn from that which was absolutely void of light? What we are asking here is the same question as ‘where did matter come from when there was no matter at all?
My premise is that what we have now as creation is nothing more than the extension of what already existed infinitely, light. The only thing added to this is awareness/consciousness which resulted in duality which caused the energy for that light to move and alter.
With regard to simultaneity I can only repeat what I have always stated, that if there is simultaneity than Infinity is not infinite. Simultaneity automatically suggest that all is finished and finalized in such a way that the beginning and end are available in some manner of experiencing time as a finished concept of experience.
If there is a completed system of events that can be experienced simultaneously, than that automatically denies the nature of Infinity and also the teachings of the Ancients which clearly declare that we exist within an infinite Mystery still unfolding, and our choices are not already manifest in some already experienced future.
(08-09-2012, 08:31 PM)Siren Wrote: I would close my eyes and/or go into a dark room and this blackness would be filled with all sorts of images and forms of dancing light.
Again, as with Godwide, I point out that you say that this blackness is filled with dancing light. he saw two eyes or galaxies. you see images and dancing light.
And yet you both claim that it is utter blackness.
Can you elaborate?